Pilates machines from QVC


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Thankyou Jenni, I will definitely let you al know how I get on with the machine. I'm pleased it works for you. I have fibromyalgia as well as the M.E. so I'm looking forward to seeing how I am after using it. :)
I have had the pilates aero with the stand for about three years.I have arthritic ankles and can't walk far but I find the machine helps.The stand makes it easier for me to get on and off the machine.
Well, my Pilates machine arrived today - at 7.30 this morning! I was still asleep in bed and woke with a fright to the sound of loud knocking on the door. I flew downstairs (ok, I ambled downstairs, but I ambled fast) and there stood the man with a massive package (don't be disgusting, I can hear you!)

Goodness knows what I looked like. I had flung on my dressing gown and had nothing on underneath, so if it had come adrift I would have given the poor man a heart attack.

I asked him if he could help me take it upstairs, which he kindly did, with me hanging on to the end of it. It was sooo heavy.

Anyway, I have spent the last half hour trying to put the various knobs etc. on the machine and was doing alright until I then read that the machine has to be pulled fully out to around 6ft before you finish assembling it. So I can't go any further until I sort out some stuff in the spare room!

I'm looking forward to trying it out, probably in a couple of days, so will let you all know what I think. :)
Oh I hope you like it, I do get a little annoyed when Marjoelin and the presenters make out it arrives and you can use it straight away.

Sometimes I wounder how older people get it all fixed up as it is heavy to handle. It took my brother to help me to just get it laid flat the first time.
I've been considering the pilates machine but then i tried the wii fit and its so much fun I'm getting that instead.
Well, I've nearly finished putting it together and was about to pat myself on the back when I realised that the bit you sit on should have been attached before you screwed in the holding knobs, not afterwards! Doh! So I have to take half of it apart again so that I can slide that bit on.

At this rate I won't need Pilates to try and get myself fit! :rolleyes:
At least when you have done it the hard parts over!!!!

Hope you enjoy it. If you have any energy left after putting it together to try it!
Finished it! And my stand came yesterday, so I have to put that together now.

(And I think I should leave a couple of days before trying the machine, as I've pulled my back a bit trying to lift it to put it together)!

And they say it can be put away when you're not using it. Not really, you could do yourself an injury dragging it out every day. Luckily we've got a spare room, so it's in there.
Finished it! And my stand came yesterday, so I have to put that together now.

(And I think I should leave a couple of days before trying the machine, as I've pulled my back a bit trying to lift it to put it together)!

And they say it can be put away when you're not using it. Not really, you could do yourself an injury dragging it out every day. Luckily we've got a spare room, so it's in there.

Marjloean does advise if you can't leave it up then don't get the stand.
I manage to get mine from the hall to the living room to use every time and I have no problem with it. I find it alot lighter and eaiser than the Total gym 2000 that collapsed on me when in use once, nnedles to say it was chucked out after that.
Don't you find the machine heavy to lift Grovesy?

I've put the stand together, it was dead simple, you just had to attach 8 locking pins and that was it.

Now I'll have to ask my daughter if she will help me lift the machine onto the stand, as I can't do it by myself!

I've adjusted the rope pulleys and I'm just about there!

Now I just have to try the exercises............
No I find it easy to pull into the living room and open it up and then when finished pull it together again. I have been using this for nearly 5years, and I am only 5ft 2in.
Some weeks I have used it 5 times a week.
I've had two Pilates machine. The JP which I used lots, but fell apart after a couple of years and the Pilates Aero which I bought about 3 years ago and is still going strong. They are the only pieces of fitness equipment that I have bought and have consistently used. I usually leave mine out in the spare bedroom and fold up once a week for vacuuming. I didn't bother with the stand, but do put some carpet offcuts under the 'feet' as otherwise it leaves pressure marks on my carpet.
I used to put mine away all the time and then got fed up and just left it out, despite space being at a premium (so it is a while since I have stored it upright). I think I remember that the key is to fold it onto itself, making sure you don't twist the straps. I am typing this and aware I am making a hash of describing it, but basically, it is okay once you have got the hang of it...the best thing to do is make sure there is plenty of space all around (which you will need for the exercises anyway) and then let the wheels and the hinge do as much of the work for you in folding and storing. Sorry, don't think this will help at all but it might!
I used to put mine away all the time and then got fed up and just left it out, despite space being at a premium (so it is a while since I have stored it upright). I think I remember that the key is to fold it onto itself, making sure you don't twist the straps. I am typing this and aware I am making a hash of describing it, but basically, it is okay once you have got the hang of it...the best thing to do is make sure there is plenty of space all around (which you will need for the exercises anyway) and then let the wheels and the hinge do as much of the work for you in folding and storing. Sorry, don't think this will help at all but it might!

Yes, there is a certainly a knack to getting it out and putting it away again. I can now do it in under 30 seconds. What you have to do is make sure the end that you pull up and draw towards the opposite end as you fold it in half is the end with the wheels on it.

It's hard to explain, but easy after practice. When getting it out I stand at the side with one hand on the middle bar, then separate it near the floor with the other hand. When putting it away I pull the bed as far up to the top end as possible, then straddle it in the middle, and just grab it it just below halfway down, and pull the footbar end (the end with the wheels) up to meet the top end.

It sounds really complicated, but it really isn't.

I don't have the stand, I just use it on the floor.
Hi everyone,

Well, I've been trying to use my Pilates machine but I have a couple of queries I'm hoping someone can help me with please:

When I first put the machine together, I stupidly thought the cords at the side (that attach to the stirrup thingys) needed to be taken out first. Then of course I had to remember where they went afterwards. I think I've put them back correctly, but I find that the stirrup things (for hands and feet) are still too long really. Can you thread them backwards and forwards through the metal loops as many times as you like?

Also, did any of you find it was easy when pushing yourself up and down, to hit the metal bit at the bottom quite hard if you weren't careful? I suppose you are meant to go up and down never actually hitting that bit, but do you find you have any problems?

I hope this post makes sense! :eek:

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