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....not much of a thread I know, but I just have to get this off my chest. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE will Q get their presenters (and now some of their guests) to use a different blinkin word. I think Carmel was the one who first got on my nerves with her incessant use of the word "phenomenal". Now the disease/affliction/virus seems to have spread rapidly around Q towers and they are all starting to sound like drones. Has an alien life form taken over their bodies ans assimilated them all so they have lost the use of anything other than a very limited vocabulary? Come on Q, the presenters must be able to describe the products in a more varied way than they are doing at present. They sound like they are sticking to a very poorly written script and it makes me turn over everytime someone says the P word now.
This is one of those words that I can never pronounce. It's always been a great source of amusement to my sons! I think Pippa started the trend for this one once she stopped using "amaaaaazing!" to describe everything. Another one that irritates me is "oh my word!". I seem to hear that from all over the place right now and it annoys the heck out of me. Cathy Taylor is guilty of that. But the worst is JF's "wotcher mate!"

Wouldn't it be refreshing if a presenter came on air and said "F*** me this is good." :D
My pet hates are

Fashion 'guru' glen has everything 'on trend'. Even when we know he's talking utter rubbish. He also always tells us how the colour 'pops'. Just writing it is winding me up!

My other one is why is every handbag a....wait for it...'tardis'. Kipling are the worst, you know it's bad when you can guess the word before them

Just watched qvc for first time in ages and I know why I have really limited my exposure to it. Had the Huntley talking about the first easy pay of £6 something was just the spare change you'd find in a pocket. Then 'enjoyed, Jill franks & ojon- someone just take her away please!
My pet hates are

Fashion 'guru' glen has everything 'on trend'. Even when we know he's talking utter rubbish. He also always tells us how the colour 'pops'. Just writing it is winding me up!

My other one is why is every handbag a....wait for it...'tardis'. Kipling are the worst, you know it's bad when you can guess the word before them

Just watched qvc for first time in ages and I know why I have really limited my exposure to it. Had the Huntley talking about the first easy pay of £6 something was just the spare change you'd find in a pocket. Then 'enjoyed, Jill franks & ojon- someone just take her away please!

Oh God! That is so true. Don't forget those old chestnuts 'Price Point and Colourway', often moaned about on here. I cringe when I hear them. What the hell is wrong with colour and price? grrr!

Speaking of La Franks, I can't switch off at the mo as I love Nails Inc and am really interested in one of the kits and want to see it demonstrated, so I will have to suffer her informing us how amazzzzing everything is.
JF's on now with Nails Inc and she's said the word somethink about 6 times in the first 10 minutes...arrggggggh.
Watching the news in Oz this morning, they were giving away $10,000. When they phoned the winner and told her she said 'are you FCUKING serious?'!!! It was hilarious! :giggle:
PS I would suggest that QVC presenters type "phenomenal" into Word, click on it and press Shift+F7. It might inspire their imagination somewhat! (and JF can try it with amaaaaaaahhhhhhhzing if she reduces it to 2 a's and no aitches)
Pipa is always saying 'aammaazzinng' and her other one 'so on,and so forth'
Smarmy's use of 'organic' and 'freeform' in relation to almost everything in the jewellery shows is both irritating and inaccurate, someone please explain to the twot what these words really mean!! 'We have a queue situation' is another annoyance from Miss Piggy and Jilly Halliday in particular, just bliddy say we have queues on the phones fgs!!
PS I would suggest that QVC presenters type "phenomenal" into Word, click on it and press Shift+F7. It might inspire their imagination somewhat! (and JF can try it with amaaaaaaahhhhhhhzing if she reduces it to 2 a's and no aitches)

I didn't know that Lottie, much easier than Tools/language etc.
Absolutely superb, very,very busy indeed, well worth going for,

Now who says those phrases time and time again? Answers on a post card please.....
Just total disinterest and motivation imvho, repetition of stock phrases without any effort to warrant a grossly inflated paycheck, I should imagine!
I am totally p.......d off with guests AND presenters when at the start of a show they say ........

"I'm really EXCITED " we have xxxx coming up, and "I'm so looking forward to this EXCITING show so SHALL WE DIP IN AN HAVE A LIDDLE LOOK" aaaagh, er, really ? um WHY ? I think they use a different dictionary to me, cos, I'm EXCITED when I go on holiday, or EXCITED about a happy event, not a ****** household item thats on offer. These people may well have an orgasmic experience but I certainly dont !
This is one of those words that I can never pronounce. It's always been a great source of amusement to my sons! I think Pippa started the trend for this one once she stopped using "amaaaaazing!" to describe everything. Another one that irritates me is "oh my word!". I seem to hear that from all over the place right now and it annoys the heck out of me. Cathy Taylor is guilty of that. But the worst is JF's "wotcher mate!"

Wouldn't it be refreshing if a presenter came on air and said "F*** me this is good." :D

I have just mentioned about Kathy's "oh, my word" in another thread :nod:
Another word that JF started is "you are funny" which I heard Julia using a few times. How can someone be funny, when they were not??
"I love, love, love it" is another phrase that the Chateau d'Argent seller brought over, and JF has adopted it.
"I have it" "I love it" "I have got for you" "I can give you" by JF

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