He's disingenuous at best and thats a FACT, its infact disgusting that IW let him go on the way he does in the aim to get a fast buck from vulnerable viewers.
He is selling a hoover and is telling is the price comparisons, he screams TESCO £280, ARGOS £260 AO £250.....you get the pic folks.....then says today on IW we are doing this for £43.33 (not mentioning the 3 flexi payments)............Well NO NO NO IW ARE NOT SELLING IT FOR £43.33 ITS infact £129.98!!! He then says if it was £300 and that would be a great buy but at £43.33 its amazing value!!! Pathetic!!!
This lower than low sales tactic can only go on for so long and this particular sales person will end up meeting a sorry end, utterly disgusting but not one little bit surprising!!!!
Is it the 80s? IW have a lot to answer to, leting this horror show continue, I genuinely feel sorry for people who are not aware of these tactics.