Perfumes & Peter Sherlock


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Feb 25, 2011
I feel really sorry for the presenters lumbered with him - why does no one tell him that he is a guest and not a presenter anymore? The way he takes over and

He's creeping onto Price Drop and Speed Auction right now... they've just been selling 'Caron L'anarchiste Cologne EDT 100ml' for over 25 minutes with a mere quantity of 7!

Must be a healthy margin then at their price of just under £40.

Harrod's Price check on screen says £73.95 - when I check Harrod's it's only £68 and it can be found elsewhere for as low £31.

He does know his stuff, is laid back and is fun. Better out of a bad bunch.


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But the perception of perfumes being sold at a 'bargain' price on the Sit-Up network is an utter joke as you can find most of the same products on other websites much cheaper, without p&p and the premium rate phone call charges.

Just another dodgy "market stall" practice preying on the elderly and vulnerable people. It's disgusting, in my opinion. :taphead:
They include the P&P you would have to pay as well.

The last thread started was closed for a reason, and shouldn't be opened up again.

This thread is perfectly within reason as it's based on a misleading sales pitch earlier this evening, if you can't deal with constructive criticism, then maybe you should refrain from turning your computer on.

The crawler on screen said £73.95 + shipping - even if it said includes shipping, it's misleading for presenter and said guest to quote that price when they don't include their shopping charge in the prices they quote on air.

Some presenters in my opinion, look clearly out of place when Sherlock takes over with sales ramblings - quantity left, number of callers on the line, phone number etc.
i said £68 on air - i was surprised that the price had gone up. It was human error I guess. And i wouldn't be on here if I didn't mind criticism, I just feel I have the right to answer back if I think I can...
In terms of lower prices on other sites - how do you know they are all genuine? I've been stung on several occasions.....

Well, it'a a bit rich complaining about other websites being 'genuine' when your own shopping network isn't particularly transparent and error-free.

I have done my research and used other websites to make bargain purchases. I'm afraid Mr Sherlock, I won't ever be buying from your network/site because of the extortionate £7.99 p&p + £1.53 phone call for every product.
To be fair to Sit-Up :mysmilie_466:, I have noticed over the last couple of days that they managed to undercut cheapsmells on a couple of fragrances. It was only by a small amount, and once the P&P is included, the price was still slightly higher, but it's an improvement. :clapping:
I got my favourite perfume Beverly Hills Polo Club EDP for Women from Bid tv a few years back - great price and it came with a black makeup case. Any chance of getting this perfume back P?
In terms of lower prices on other sites - how do you know they are all genuine? I've been stung on several occasions.....
Peter-I have invariably found online retailers who significantly undercut Bid TV on any given fragrance.
They are all dedicated sites which most definitely don't sell fakes,which are normally the province of street traders and market stalls-I have difficulty a accepting your last point as a justification for the prices charged let alone presenting your prices as some kind of tremendously good deal.
Of course you can't compete with the prices charged by others online because these companies don't have anything like your overhead,but implying that others are selling fakes, as I have heard at least one presenter do on-air, is not a valid argument, and one which could impugn the reputation of perfectly respectable specialist traders.
From What I've seen ,by messing around on the website, the postage and packing is 7.99 per order ,and free if you spend over 50.00. Why don't they mention this on air? Surely it can't be a Web only thing..nevertheless it makes shopping with them a much more viable option!
When we lived overseas (three quarters of the way through the last century) I was lucky enough to have my perfume made for me. I used to wear Worth or Elizabeth Arden in the winter and Givenchy in the summer, but back then I changed to having bespoke.
The perfumery was down a dark ally, the like of which you see in U.S cop shows. You know the ones? Where the body is found under cardboard boxes? Any way, you went through a little door up and stairs and entered paradise! They tested my skin, asked about my way of life, what I liked, my hobbies etc. and came up, after a few trial and errors, with one I really liked and it suited me.
They also taught me how to choose perfume. You buy from a reputable firm and when choosing a new fragrance, if the sales person doesn’t advise you to try a tester first, don’t tough ‘em with a barge pole. Neither do you trust anyone who tries to sell you a perfume ‘you may like’ if you haven’t tested it first. This is cold selling. Perfume changes on your skin and often smells completely different to the initial ‘whiff’ you had in the bottle. Chanel No. 5 smells likes cats on me after a little while… for which my husband is eternally grateful because of the price)
Anyone who has bought from them, do you know if situps offer you a tester first? You can hardly send a bottle back after you’ve opened it can you? And if not, then you can only buy a perfume you know suits you.

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