Parcel on its way email


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I have just recieved my first your parcel is on its way emial, and i am quite impressed, as it is for something I orderes back in august on wait list. they email also tells me I ordered on easy pay.
I haven't had one of these yet, even though QVC have my email address. Do you think that this is being phased in gradually?
I've had 3 so far, but only after l complained that an item had been in process for over a week, it had apparently got stuck in the system, however have not had an email for last 2 items l ordered. Must say though that delivery is a lot slower than it used to be, l now have to regularly wait over 2 weeks to receive an item, even jewellery that used to be delivered in 3 days.:63:
Woken up this morning to receive 4 emails from QVC, telling me that some of my items are on the way, very strange, QVC have had my email address from as far back as I can remember but I have never received an email before.
I've only received one out of the many orders I placed since they introduced these emails - and it was for someone else with my name who lived the other end of the country, evenhad her address in the message and full details of her order - they weren't even apologetic when I called to tell them, just said 'we know all about the mistakes' - I'm guessing someone else has my full name and address details now - talk about violation of data protection!
I received 2 this morning also for the first.

1 for the Decleor 15 piece OTO and another for a trio of Philosophy Shower Creams(carrot cake, frosting and a third scent which escapes me at present)
I've just had one confirming an easy-pay using the birthday vouchers some of us got and the promise of another once the item is on its way! Like this, especially because it saves you checking your account for despatch dates etc!
I've only received one out of the many orders I placed since they introduced these emails - and it was for someone else with my name who lived the other end of the country, evenhad her address in the message and full details of her order - they weren't even apologetic when I called to tell them, just said 'we know all about the mistakes' - I'm guessing someone else has my full name and address details now - talk about violation of data protection!

A few days ago i logged into my online account and someone elses orders where there on view. i used the correct account number and pin but they disappeared when i clicked on one of the ordered items and then went back a page!!! Wierd.

Also got email but listing just one product of dozens i places on birthday easy pay!
Yes,I received one email this morning,my first one & I've also ordered lots of items on birthday ez pays,mostly Christmas prezzies.
I thought I had been snubbed again (I didn't get the easy pay code) but when I checked my account I hadn't given them my email addy. I've sorted it now and I've got a couple of orders on waitlist so with a bit of luck I will get an email when they are sent.
This was a first for me I was begining to think this order would get cancelled as I orered on the 4th of august.
I've not had one for some recent items off waitlist and autodelivery - wish I had!

Its interesting to read about people have information not for them etc. I've had problems with my debit card and I'm trying to work out which trader I use that isn't guarding my details with care as I only use large companies for internet purchases or paypal. If QVC can't send order details to the right person maybe they don't encrypt or protect card details from dishonest employees.

Anyone else had problems

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