P&P down by 25% and phonecall charges down by 1/3


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Jan 3, 2010

Paul Becque said it was in discussion of them lowering P&P costs, so it seems they are trying it out. What I think is, they want to see if people are more inclined to use the channel if the P&P is less so, it doesnt cost them as much if they dont like it.

It is only for 1 week, but if it is sucessful, they might make it permanent! Sounds goodto me!! :D
it wont last, they did this for speed auction a few years back and the P&P was £3.99 for everything. It soon went back up to £7.99
It is through out August. The promotion should be on all 3 s*it-up (whoops finger slip) channels not just Price-Drop tv.
Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? I noticed yesterday on Bid, that a presenter selling a bed set at £19.00 mentioned that it was a cheap offer even adding on the postage. I've never heard this before, hope they mention the round up to £10 p&p more
A cut in postage would make me have a look at them again. I had stopped even looking coz it was so expensive with the call and the postage added on.
What would be great is a capped postage of some sort.
I had often been tempted by their matching bedding,throws and curtains but by the time you add on all the postage it was not worth it.
looks like it won't last long, it says for a limited time only now
After three years of watching these channels, I am yet to buy anything from them.

The high postage is a rip off. £5.99 is still to high. Put down to £3.50-3.99, then i might think about it.

I will never call any shopping channel that charges £1+.

The stuff they sell at the three channels are of little use to me, just cheap tat you could get at a 'pound shop'.

I like watching because sometimes the presenters/assistants are entertaining and face it, apart from the sport, there is very little other live-real time entertainment on the telly.

Peter Simon is my favourite. He knows how to 'lay it on thick' and is naturally funny. A couple of the camp ones are amusing too.
They keep pointing it out, like it's some major thing. FFS lots of site offer free P&P!
[sarcastic]Wow with the calls down to just a pound it is so cheap I might just call to say hello[/sarcastic]

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[sarcastic]Wow with the calls down to just a pound it is so cheap I might just call to say hello[/sarcastic]

I know people moan about the phone call, but the channels which cost 10/20p per minute are just as bad, as you can be on the line for over 5 minutes.
Oh look, phone call has gone back up to £1.50, just need to wait for the p+p now!
Haven't bought from them for a while so was pleasantly surprised at the reduced postage, I know it's still £6 but every little saving is welcomed and I always add the p&p to the cost of the item before I buy it, if I think it's a good price with the p&p added then I will buy it, wish they would do capped postage though, would be tempted to buy more from them.

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