Oto now !! Not the lowest price


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Jun 24, 2008
I don't know if I'm behind the times regarding One Time Only Prices or not.

Did anyone else hear a statement from Julia, I think it was just before she went on holiday, about three weeks ago ?
It was whilst presenting a OTO she clearly said she'd had many complaining letters from customers.
Then went on to say the OTO price was only promised to be the lowest price an item will be ON AIR.
I have since taken note that ONLY SOME presenters refer that the OTO price is lowest price an item will be, with the added comment - ON AIR.

Has anyone else taken notice of this change and when did this start ?

Have any of you taken note that an item has been sold cheaper than it's OTO price ?

I'd be interested to hear your views ?

i think, Bags, it is self-explanatory imo.
"lowest price ever" with regard to this particular seller (qvc).
I'm sure I've heard them say things like: "This will be the lowest price ever. Even if we have a sale, it will never be lower than this price."

Must have changed their policy, but I'll be listening carefully to what they say in the future.
It is "ON AIR"

I bought a Gatineau kit at an Anniversary price from the website, but it didn't go to air at that price. Later, it was at a OTO price which went to air that was a higher price than I had paid. I queried it with CS and was told that a OTO price is the lowest price for an item that you will see ON AIR. Website prices that don't go to air don't count it seems. I hope this helps.

I find the oto prices deceitful anyway-they compare it to the qvc price when the item may have been on an introductory price so that often a oto has a very small saving compared to the introductry price.
I long ago gave up expecting QVC to be completely transparent and truthful though! I just decide whether something is good value to me at the time and decide to buy on that basis. I used to get upset if I bought something anywhere and then see it cheaper elsewhere but decided to stop driving myself crazy!
My shopping at QVC has dramatically declined although I do have the occasional period of keeping the channel going single-handed...that said, I have always thought the OTO apeal was that the price would never drop lower...I have seen one product repeated as an OTO a few days later (I think it was an Ojon set) and was surprised at that and I have now noticed a lot of OTOs have a very small reduction...this all makes sense if QVC are allowing themselves to reduce the price online...thanks Bags for posting this as I would never have known this change to the policy and there have been times when I have bought OTOs thinking it was an unmissable bargain!
I heard the "on air" caveat a couple of weeks ago and wondered if that was new or if I just hadn't noticed it before.

On the bright side it means QVC will be able to discount items on the website lower than any OTO prices the item may have been at I guess.
Ive experienced the same several times

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I'm sure I've heard them say things like: "This will be the lowest price ever. Even if we have a sale, it will never be lower than this price."

Must have changed their policy, but I'll be listening carefully to what they say in the future.

Thats always the way I understood it too ILC

I think OTO's have lost their attraction now as they are normally no more saving than an IP and now that QVC are buying in so "little" stock of TSV's they are making a daily appearance
Thats always the way I understood it too ILC

I think OTO's have lost their attraction now as they are normally no more saving than an IP and now that QVC are buying in so "little" stock of TSV's they are making a daily appearance

I sooo agree with you, its obviously in their interests to "push" other items during the day as oto's, and I cant remember the last time a tsv lasted all day come to think of it. Oh yes, probably one by the little Gnome !:giggle:

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