Oscar worthy acting..........


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Apr 27, 2009
and the winner is....... Margarine. I tried twice to watch Kipling (despite buying elsewhere), but the overacting of faux amazement was too much to bear. On a link to the new tsv Al Young relayed a story about almost missing a plane, funny enough, but Marv went into overdrive with her "oh I'm stressed out at listening to Ali" and the eye rolling and tweety voice, gasp gasp. Then there's the "where's my passport, I can see me now sipping cocktails ........ with this colour bag".

The woman would fit in lovely in Eastenders.

PS Is Marie-Francoise with child ? looks fuller in the face, no killer heels AND sitting down. Or is this a well known fact and I'm late again with the info ?
She was seated on a stool during the earlier hour with Claire Sutton as well. The stools and the counter rather kill the show, whoever is presenting. Could be Marie-Francoise is carrying an injury, and can only do the shows sitting down... or it could be as you say - I've not watched any Kipling shows so far this year, so don't know if this way of presenting the Kipling shows has been done before today.
Is Marie-Francoise with child ? looks fuller in the face, no killer heels AND sitting down. Or is this a well known fact and I'm late again with the info ?

I was going to ask the same and for the same reasons.
and the winner is....... Margarine. I tried twice to watch Kipling (despite buying elsewhere), but the overacting of faux amazement was too much to bear. On a link to the new tsv Al Young relayed a story about almost missing a plane, funny enough, but Marv went into overdrive with her "oh I'm stressed out at listening to Ali" and the eye rolling and tweety voice, gasp gasp. Then there's the "where's my passport, I can see me now sipping cocktails ........ with this colour bag".

The woman would fit in lovely in Eastenders.

PS Is Marie-Francoise with child ? looks fuller in the face, no killer heels AND sitting down. Or is this a well known fact and I'm late again with the info ?

Oh Brissles, I so agree with you, I just wish this Marv was no longer a presenter, I can't stand her voice and her over emphasis on being so happy, and the fake selling. So much of this is too much so I have to turn over, I just can't watch, which is a pity as often she is touting something I really like, but I'd rather wait to a later show with another presenter. I wonder if Q realize they may lose customers when this pain in the neck is on.

As for Ali K, I do wish she would stop shouting at me, and talking so fast that I can barely understand a word she is saying, it's just too over excited for me I'm afraid.

Has anyone noticed that in the past couple of months the Brands are being touted by reps or ambassadors rather than the owner or former owner I'm thinking about Marla Wynne and also Laura Geller, amongst others - I think something is amiss.

Anyone have any ideas?
Yes, its been going on for months now. Even Jenny, the CEO of Together makes rare appearances, Lulu G is a rarity, Liz Earle almost gone for good, Laura Geller and Marla W clearly have other fish to fry, - then we have the one who would never miss the opening of an envelope....... Lulu, and Michelle Hope (disguised as a 50s C & W singer) who always turns up. Shame they cant lose Richard Jackson down a floorboard crevice at Q Towers.
I happened to catch Marv on the Kipling show. She was awful. For the life of me I don't know how she still has a job. The AY chat was particularly cringe worthy.
I can`t watch Marv, not even for 5 minutes. She is the most irritating presenter they have and lord knows how that woman keeps her job.
Whoever employed Marv needs a good slap! More annoying for me is she reminds me of my old boss, she could be her sister. My old boss was and still is useless.
Marie-Francoise was ill last week and someone else had to take her place so maybe sitting down is something to do with that.
Yes, its been going on for months now. Even Jenny, the CEO of Together makes rare appearances, Lulu G is a rarity, Liz Earle almost gone for good, Laura Geller and Marla W clearly have other fish to fry, - then we have the one who would never miss the opening of an envelope....... Lulu, and Michelle Hope (disguised as a 50s C & W singer) who always turns up. Shame they cant lose Richard Jackson down a floorboard crevice at Q Towers.
Brissles, you're too funny, and I agree with you :mysmilie_8: [don't know what this little guy means, but I love his moves]

I have to say that I also agree with the others in regard to Marv, whoever hired her, needs to be sacked along with Marv - it's hopeless I'm afraid and they can't seem to see it, maybe they should come in here for a read!!!
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I enjoy The Kipling shows but only stuck it for 10 minutes. She is a really dreadful presenter what with all the over acting and eye rolling. Surely the powers that be can see viewing figures and sales drop when certain presenters are on?
Wouldn't it be a shame if RJ accidentally got covered by a load of manure? (The real variety, not the sort the presenters spout).
Yes, its been going on for months now. Even Jenny, the CEO of Together makes rare appearances, Lulu G is a rarity, Liz Earle almost gone for good, Laura Geller and Marla W clearly have other fish to fry, - then we have the one who would never miss the opening of an envelope....... Lulu, and Michelle Hope (disguised as a 50s C & W singer) who always turns up. Shame they cant lose Richard Jackson down a floorboard crevice at Q Towers.
She's terrible, IMO. Can only think there's a reason they retain her services. There are some who are poor presenters. and those who take it to new levels of banality, and she belongs in the latter.
I enjoy The Kipling shows but only stuck it for 10 minutes. She is a really dreadful presenter what with all the over acting and eye rolling. Surely the powers that be can see viewing figures and sales drop when certain presenters are on?
I enjoy The Kipling shows but only stuck it for 10 minutes. She is a really dreadful presenter what with all the over acting and eye rolling. Surely the powers that be can see viewing figures and sales drop when certain presenters are on?
they are all so 'up' themselves, including the management, I don't think they care to be honest. I also think they patronize their customers in a big way, and are condescending.
Some of the items they had on the show were awful. A tiny thing they were calling a pouch was over £22.00 with P&P. The selling point was you could keep it in your car with sweets in it. (about 5 would fill it) A handbag in shiny fabric that looked for the life of it like a toilet bag and a couple of bags that a 5 year old would find too childish.
PS Is Marie-Francoise with child ? looks fuller in the face, no killer heels AND sitting down. Or is this a well known fact and I'm late again with the info ?

Someone asked her on her FB page and this was her reply:

No baby :( been in hospital so have to recover and will be sitting down for the next few shows. Need to take it easy. Thank you for your well wishes xx

IMHO, I think that's too personal a question to ask someone you've probably never met. Hope it didn't upset her.
Totally agree ILC.

Did these people have any upbringing at all that they think that it is ok to do something like that. That is the problem with FB etc, some people forget that these are strangers they are talking to. Mind you that is not something you should ask ANYONE even your friends or family.
Saw her the other week and her hair was not styled and she looked very tired. It was obvious she was not right or well. Hope she is well on the mend.
That explains why she wasn't her usual sparkly self. Normally Marie-Francoise is a little ray of sunshine, without being annoying.

I don't know if she ever reads here, but if you do Marie-Francoise - get well soon!

Even if I think someone looks pregnant, I won't ask. It's up to the other person to say if they are or not. I have heard too many horror stories of people putting their foot in it on this topic.
Some of the items they had on the show were awful. A tiny thing they were calling a pouch was over £22.00 with P&P. The selling point was you could keep it in your car with sweets in it. (about 5 would fill it) A handbag in shiny fabric that looked for the life of it like a toilet bag and a couple of bags that a 5 year old would find too childish.

I like Kipling but agree some of these pouches are way too expensive. In fact, the other day I was in my local Savers or similar type of shop and saw some little pouches around £2/£3. Only thing was there was no monkey phew! :mysmilie_19:

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