Forgive my ignorance, I only own 1 bottle of nail polish and it hardly ever gets used, although I have started using the perfect formula pink gel coat of late and quite like it. I have never been into nail varnish, have always just cut my nails with scissors, and they seem ok. I had a few bottles of OPI a few years ago but gave them away through lack of use. I know I am atypical, but please tell me how a person can ever get through enough nail varnish to warrant an auto delivery??? Surely the bottles last ages and ages, just how many bottles of nail varnish dies a person actually need? Am being totally serious.... I realise some people have shoes, some handbags and some nail varnish, each to their own and all. It's not the liking if nailvarnish that I dont get... it's the number of bottles some of you must have!!! Go on.... how many????