Ones you wish you had returned!


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Registered Shopper
Aug 5, 2008
West Midlands
Following on from Meeshoos favorite buy thread lets see your gems that you should have never kept!
here's mine none of the links have pics anymore lol just posted them for carat weights etc photos below
Russian Alexandite- poor cut/window no idea what i was thinking keeping this it cost me 4 digits as well!
Kunzite masterpiece- Hardly any colour what so ever but loved the design FOOL but it would have cost a bomb to return it was in a heavy marble box!
Ceylon sapphire-window haven't even taken a photo of this!


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Ahem - I like that Kunzite - not thinking of selling it, are you, GC? (And I bet Meeshoo's already made you an offer on the alex!)
I'll post mine later - unfortunately I can think of 2 off the top of my head!

Just a thought ........... that Russian Alex could be re-cut and I'd certainly recommend doing that.

As for the Kunzite - it looks like it has some unusual cutting. Can you post the link or take a close up. If it's the cut I think it is, then it's been cut by a master cutter BUT don't want you to get excited until I've seen it!!! Also, I believe (although haven't tried this), that Kunzite can be re-heated to restore colour. I think it only needs temperatures of 200 degrees to achieve this BUT I wouldn't recommend sticking it in your oven in case it explodes! I've been tempted to stuff one of mine (that has faded) inside of a chicken to see what happens!
I'll post mine later - unfortunately I can think of 2 off the top of my head!

Just a thought ........... that Russian Alex could be re-cut and I'd certainly recommend doing that.

As for the Kunzite - it looks like it has some unusual cutting. Can you post the link or take a close up. If it's the cut I think it is, then it's been cut by a master cutter BUT don't want you to get excited until I've seen it!!! Also, I believe (although haven't tried this), that Kunzite can be re-heated to restore colour. I think it only needs temperatures of 200 degrees to achieve this BUT I wouldn't recommend sticking it in your oven in case it explodes! I've been tempted to stuff one of mine (that has faded) inside of a chicken to see what happens!

That realy made me laugh! i think we spoke about cutting that Alex before but you warned me about the jeweller needing to be covered on his insurance, to be honest i wouldn't know where to start but as i spent alot on it i would love it re-cut.
I have posted the link for the kunzite i will TRY to get close up photos!
The photos don't show in the link hun!

I'd forgotton our conversation about cutting the Alex. I've now found a couple of cutters in the US - don't know whether the stone would be covered on their insurance but if you don't wear it then the only options are to sell or have recut and keep your fingers crossed!
Right still no picture its to old!
Now i bought it as a masterpiece when gems use to sell a one off masterpiece at 9 pm every evening that came in the 10 ton marble box, so i think it may have been cut by a master cutter! i've tried to take some photos!
Forum won't let me upload anything i just get this message....

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

So i'll have to try later sorry!
Ok, don't ask me how I've done this but I've got the video to work:

Ok, well this looks like a John Dyer cut. There are a number of master gemstone cutters who cut in similar designs and if it's not a John Dyer (which automatically increases the value somewhat on a like to like basis due to the skill required - a bit like a Wobito snowflake) then it's definitely another highly skilled lapidarist. Have a look here and see if you can see a similar cut. If it's the Zig Zag cut you can see that John has trademarked the name so it is likely to be one of his.
Some amazing cutting there, just found out my photos won't load because my OH has messed with the camera and the size is now to big! after all that i could kill him!
i'll have to take the photos again tomorrow in the light!

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