OMG that woman on Diet Chef is soooo weird


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Registered Shopper
Apr 12, 2010
I can't believe how weird that woman is..........................scary eyes and a bit like a scarecrow (very wooden). What nationality is she????????????? I am going to bed now and I am sure I will be having nightmares. Better make sure my doors are locked.

Plus having to look at Julia's scrawny, wrinkly and baggy arms is making me feel somewhat ill.........................................Night Night.
I can't believe how weird that woman is..........................scary eyes and a bit like a scarecrow (very wooden). What nationality is she????????????? I am going to bed now and I am sure I will be having nightmares. Better make sure my doors are locked.

Plus having to look at Julia's scrawny, wrinkly and baggy arms is making me feel somewhat ill.........................................Night Night.

I hope you didn't have nightmares and feel much better today. Having to look at that nasty womans horrific, nasty, vile ,arms.
Plus having to look at Julia's scrawny, wrinkly and baggy arms is making me feel somewhat ill.........................................Night Night.
Reminds me of that baggy bit of chicken skin where the legs join the carcass.
HRH, it's time to keep the upper arms under wraps now I'm afraid. :puke:
I dipped in and out of the Diet Chef 12 midday presentation and also found the guest a little weird - she actually said that carrots were high in calories?!! and described them as "dangerous" when used in a low calorie diet - surely this is rubbish? Debbie G asked if it was minced beef in the chilli she replied yes then chucked in i think its mixed meats? Debbie G was trying the porage/granola breakfast and came across a breakfast bar(which did look good on the screen - full of dried fruit and quite chunky) anyway Debs picked up another bar and noticed it was in another flavour so she asked if there was a variety of bars in the pack - the guest grabbed the bar from Debs and said no this is the only flavour avaliable at the moment?(she was holding another flavour) but Diet Chef hoped to introduce more flavours when available. The guest didnt seem totally knowledgeable about the range - she couldn't confirm that there was a veggie curry in the meat pack? I much preferred the other bubbly guest.
Carrots are really low in calories, as far as i understand from Weight Watchers. I think they are similar to broccoli, which the DC woman was recommending!

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