omg, rip off!


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I posted a similar thread on the pricedrop or bid up forum...'cause I actually bought something I saw on screen, and even though I put in a web bid to save the phone call charge, I still found the same item on the clearance part of the web for a fair bit cheaper. When you're watching on the screen and the time is ticking down, you get all excited and end up paying more than you have to. It only takes a couple of seconds to put the item into search and you may well find an auction with a few days left on it with a price already lower than the final price on the live drop.
I posted a similar thread on the pricedrop or bid up forum...'cause I actually bought something I saw on screen, and even though I put in a web bid to save the phone call charge, I still found the same item on the clearance part of the web for a fair bit cheaper. When you're watching on the screen and the time is ticking down, you get all excited and end up paying more than you have to. It only takes a couple of seconds to put the item into search and you may well find an auction with a few days left on it with a price already lower than the final price on the live drop.

Very good advice , I have also noticed that a lot of the things they sell are also sold at Netto a lot cheaper and no p&p !
Shopping Channel Product Searches

As much as I love saving money on the TV auctions, I don't like being charged a premium rate phone call. I use the Internet to search these situp tv websites and I compare prices, sizes, descriptions and if products would work on the Windows 98 SE PC or not. Even then, they sometimes don't work with Windows XP.

Comparing prices. The intro for these items may say 3 left but when you get there there may only be 2. If it says 2 then usually it's only 1 left.

I've saved money comparing prices over a week ahead. Sometimes they return a week later and get cheaper. The TV auctions may have large numbers available and prices fall drastically at times. This weekend I've noticed loads of items falling to less than a few pounds. Only by being a regular viewer can you sit there and laugh at the presenters trying to sell items at incredibly high prices and getting gobsmacked when all of a sudden it falls and falls again and ends up at the same price it went on a few other occasions. When it really does go low they are sometimes speechless.

I've had trouble getting to their websites, then the login then the yes and no decision then the home page then the what's on now and then the current auction and then the buy now and then the confirm bid. I've missed out on bargains when they've had low quantities. But then I check their web exclusives on the 3 websites and sometimes find prices cheaper.

I've been pleased with over 90% of my regular purchases and about 70% of potential megadrops which I managed to get in time. I've saved hundreds of pounds over the last few years. These savings help pay for my ISP and computing costs.

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