OMG! Fire Facial!


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I'm a bit nervous about using the hydrocortisone I've been prescribed on my face so you can count me out on the fire facial.
Just as disturbing is the link to the £599 anti-aging cream developed by NASA!

I'll stick to getting older disgracefully with my pot of Olay and Aldi serum thanks.
No way would I try this. Crikey the lengths some women will go to actually scares me.
Same here V! Never seen anything so extreme for a flippin facial!! Think I'll stick to your suggested cleansing balm, home made using natural ingerdients from a lovely seller on Ebay for a fiver incl postage ;).
Gone are the days of Pears soap and Pond's cold cream staples. There are always willing guinea pigs with too much cash to spare in the pursuit of eternal youth Nikki, I bet an intergallactic potion would bring me out in a rash as much as an earthbound one, my money is safe! :tongue:
Oh yes BM the dreaded hot flushes which in my case have never gone away.
Strangely enough OH went to visit his sister in law a few days ago, his late wife`s sister who he hasn`t seen for a while and when he came home he was saying how much she seemed to have aged. We got onto the subject of how some women age quickly and some don`t and I`m convinced it must run in families and be genetic. OH`s late wife aged quickly and was wrinkled from her 40`s he says, obviously her sister is the same and his daughter who`se just 40 looks much older too. I also think no matter what you slap on your face if you don`t eat right, don`t keep as healthy as you can, smoke like a chimney or drink like a fish then whatever you slap on will have no effect whatsoever. Plus I think there are 2 extremes in younger women, you get those who look after their skin from an early age and those who wear makeup but their skincare routine is nothing but a quick wipe over with a baby wipe and they don`t start cleansing or moisturising properly until they`re older and the damage is already done.
I still get them too...sometimes I think they've finished if I go a little while, then they come back with a vengeance!

Agree about genes, you have what you have and nothing you slap onto your skin is going to make a great deal of difference imho..I didn't really get into a decent skincare routine till fairly late in life, nor did I wear make-up on a daily basis - I don't think I even moisturised etc but apart from being blotchy and having my little friends the broken capillaries my skin isn't really too bad in texture, and no wrinkles (fat face!) tho I'm noticing the dreaded sagging now! Then again, I'm 65, at which age you really don't bother much what other people think anyway!
Ah yes BM but in our teenage days they didn`t have sunbeds like they do now and my youngest son`s girlfriend who`se in her early twenties has been using them twice weekly since she was 16, as do many others.
I've always looked after my skin. Can't remember a time when I didn't cleanse and moisturise. I'm a bit iffy with toning and always have been. I use more expensive skincare these days and use masks, serums and scrubs. I'm not sure if I'm honest if that's to do with ageing or having more disposable income. I suspect its a combination.

But I do agree with Carol that ageing is a lot to do with genetics as anything else and if you're blessed with good genes then its better than any "flaming" facial will ever be.

I was chatting to someone yesterday in a semi social situation. It was business but we had met before and I knew a couple of his friends. He was talking about children and I said "oh my son will be 23 this year" and he looked visibly shocked and said "sorry. Did you say 23". He said he assumed I was mid to late 30s ... by which he meant late 30s early 40s. But hell I'll happily take early 40s as I hit 50 this year. :eek:)

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