OMG! Caramel went into labour on air!!!


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With my first I started maternity leave on Halloween and used up 4 weeks of annual holiday before giving birth by emergency c-section on Boxing Day. With my second I was ill the whole time, between the constant vomiting to symphysis pubis dysfunction (go on BurlyBear and look it up!) I had to give up work 3 months before giving birth. Swore after that I would never have another.
With my first I started maternity leave on Halloween and used up 4 weeks of annual holiday before giving birth by emergency c-section on Boxing Day. With my second I was ill the whole time, between the constant vomiting to symphysis pubis dysfunction (go on BurlyBear and look it up!) I had to give up work 3 months before giving birth. Swore after that I would never have another.

That's the one! I said Pelvic because I didn't want to say pubis! A b***er isn't it? Ouch.
Never had any vomiting though, with either.

I remember BB saying he was at school in the 70's (or was it the 80's?). If he was born in the 50's or 60's then that would explain his mum's approach to childbirth. My mum said my nan had hers "like shellin' peas". That was Lancashire for you!

Still, I guess I would not have made it if I had been pregnant in those days. Thank God for the NHS.
Left with 11 weeks to go, earliest I could go for mat benefits, went back one day to train up replacement, ended up in hospital twice high BP, went into labour day my DD due, yayyyy. Thanks for asking BB.
worked til 37 weeks gone and had baby at 38 weeks on New year's day, went into labour after eating a curry and dancing the conga!!
I think BurlyB is shocked and probably sorry he asked after all those stories. LOL
worked til 37 weeks gone and had baby at 38 weeks on New year's day, went into labour after eating a curry and dancing the conga!!

I keep telling my daughter in law to get a good curry down her as she is 3 days over. Your scenario is exactly the same as mine with my first. I had watched what I ate and I never drank all through the pregnancy went to someones 21st had 2 cocktails and a curry. Think he'd had enough by the time the dancing started Popped out 3 weeks early.

But how times have changed.even the terminology.First second and third trimesters.Sweep that was a new one on me Had to google it Seemingly new name for an Internal (sitting with legs crossed).

But good luck to Carmel and to anyone else who is expecting.I think pregnant woman are working as long as they can nowadays so they can have the extra time of when baby comes. I just wish my grandchild would hurry up and make an appearance.
I keep telling my daughter in law to get a good curry down her as she is 3 days over. Your scenario is exactly the same as mine with my first. I had watched what I ate and I never drank all through the pregnancy went to someones 21st had 2 cocktails and a curry. Think he'd had enough by the time the dancing started Popped out 3 weeks early.

But how times have changed.even the terminology.First second and third trimesters.Sweep that was a new one on me Had to google it Seemingly new name for an Internal (sitting with legs crossed).

But good luck to Carmel and to anyone else who is expecting.I think pregnant woman are working as long as they can nowadays so they can have the extra time of when baby comes. I just wish my grandchild would hurry up and make an appearance.

Awww Sunshine how lovely for you all, having a wee newborn around. All the best to your son and daughter in law and I hope your grandchild makes an appearance very soon xx
Having had baby no. 2 seven weeks ago I am still in 'the zone' (note to self: do *not* become baby bore on STF) Was ragingly sick with both so ended up off work with first, am now SAHM. First birth was fully natural, had precipitate labour, midwife didn't believe I actually was in labour so didn't even get gas and air (want to insert OMG here but smilies not working!) Was quite an experience but I found it very positive - was euphoric afterwards - and had uber-quick recovery. Second was c-section which was much less painful/shocking but the recovery is a drag. Obviously I can never say for sure as who knows what it may have been like, but I think if I'd not had to have the c-section this time I'd virtually have got up and put the washer on straight afterwards! As it was we were out and about as normal within the week. It's much less of a shock second time round (in my experience that is.)

I knew a woman who went into hospital to have her fourth, things weren't moving on apace and she asked if they could give her something to speed things up as they were planning to go to Cornwall on holiday the next day. I can see how it would get to that with number four, all things being equal...

Good luck Carmel - trust your instincts and you'll be fine
My sentiments exactly ArtDeco, congratulations! It is impossible not to occasionally mention your offspring on here (but everyone does from time to time if they have them). This thread is specifically about giving birth and how long you work for before, so it 's forgivable on this thread- if people aren't interested they don't need to read or post.

Personally I avoid pregnancy and baby forums, and mother and baby groups too. I didn't want to become a baby bore, and whilst I do everything I can for my children, I still need to work for my own sanity, and I post on this forum because it is a bit of "me" time.
I don't really go into details about my pregnancy. And if I am asked about it then I always stress that it was anything but normal. The whole thing was awful from start to finish. And it's the reason I only have one child. And the child i have is gorgeous, happy and healthy. Well he is healthy now. He was a poorly baby. I couldn't have gone through that again. But I'm always happy to see others enjoying their pregnancy and the anticipation of the baby.
I love love love babies, and don't have any grandchildren yet. I'm holding out hope for my daughter and her partner,
but she's 34 so in my opinion she needs to hurry up. When i was younger, i was married at 19 and had my first
child at 22 and my daughter at 24. And i suppose i was a younger mummy, and can appreciate having them young,
everyone nowadays leaves it a bit later, probably cause a lot of women want a career and money issues also, so
its a juggling act, but it always was hard. But it seems to be the way nowadays. Hurry up daughter

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