OMG! Caramel went into labour on air!!!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Ok, she didnt but I got your attention didnt I? :clapping:

She drops the sprog in 5 weeks apparently. I'd be off with my feet up dunking digestives by now.

A woman at work carried on up to the very last minute, left for her maternity leave on the Friday and gave birth on Saturday. Needless to say she was a total control freak in her job too.

Go on, you're dying to tell us...... What did YOU do?
I was ill with my first one so had to stop work ages before. Would have worked to the last minute if I could to have got maternity pay for as long as poss after I'd had him. was self employed for the second so just dropped him and carried on with him strapped to me as soon as I could lol !
I wish the website would go into labour & make something happen!
According to their site, nothing happened after 10AM today

Items from the past week
In the Salon with Decleor
The Morning Show
Cozee Home Premiere
I worked right up to having my first and was lucky enough to be a SAHM for my second so it did not matter.

I think Carmel should go as far as she can...pregnancy not an illness!!!
Oh Rainbow you will hate me then! i had IVF at the end of June and haven't been in work since!! i have been working from home but DH is my boss so i very dare him to argue with me!!! im still trying to persuade him to give me full pay for my maternity leave!!!!
I don't have kids. so i cant comment. If i told you what i thought about pregnant women who act like martyrs when they're at work I probably wouldn't have any forum friends left. So i shall keep it zipped....for now.
I worker up until a couple of weeks before my due date and took annual leave so my maternity leave lasted as long as possible. Both my pregnancies were very different, the first did not want to come out at all and ended up as an emergency. The second was a planned c section because I was too traumatised by my first to experience that again. With my first, I was so blinkin enormous I looked like a pea on a drum. The second I was more of a "normal" size.

I found it ok working with both of the pregnancies, save for some pelvic pain in my second pregnancy that made it painful to walk without wearing one of those bandage things that a physio gave me. Apart from the delivery of my first, in the main I was fine with both pregnancies. Good luck Carmel, if you do have a few twinges on air then you hide it very well!
OMG! Caramel went into labour on air!!!

I am not a big fan of Carmel but I got to say that imo she looks blooming
Maybe Caramel should stay close to the exits if she's 35 weeks, I had my son at 34. His heart rate was twice the speed it should have been so I had a C section the following evening. My DD was only 2 weeks early. I'd booked a 5 year career break (unpaid) but my job was outsourced while I was away so I never went back. It's been a pain getting references though as the original employer automatically forwards the request to the new one who've never heard of me.

Jude xx
I`m an old Mum and my sons are 37,35 and 25 so when I was pregnant with my first son there was minimal maternity leave, in my job it was just 6 weeks and then you had to decide if you were going back to work or hand in your notice. I finished work just a few days before he was due, my waters broke whilst I was in a cafe with my Mum and she shoved me into a taxi then sent me off to hospital. Back then there were no mobile phones so trying to track down hubby was a major problem ( he travelled with his job ) and he missed the birth. You also stayed in hospital for a full week and they used to take the babies away from you at night so you could sleep.
Second son arrived so quickly I only just made it to the hospital but by then you were allowed home after 48 hours which was good.
Third son was delivered premature because my placenta was breaking away from the wall of my womb and he would have died in the womb otherwise. Then I developed complications and had an emergency hysterectomy when he was 6 months old. Tough times.
Blimey Vienna *fans face with hand*

My mum had me at home in the morning and (claims) was cooking my dads tea and mopping the back step by tea time.
Blimey Vienna *fans face with hand*

My mum had me at home in the morning and (claims) was cooking my dads tea and mopping the back step by tea time.
Dare i, yes i'm gonna dare and say, that was in the good old days BurlyBear. Now what age are you ????
Ok, she didnt but I got your attention didnt I? :clapping:

She drops the sprog in 5 weeks apparently. I'd be off with my feet up dunking digestives by now.

A woman at work carried on up to the very last minute, left for her maternity leave on the Friday and gave birth on Saturday. Needless to say she was a total control freak in her job too.

Go on, you're dying to tell us...... What did YOU do?

Burlz this is a very odd feeling broody?! :p

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