OK Is this gonna work QVC????


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Aug 14, 2009
I have my TSV kipling bag.Totally in love with the bag size,shape and design....but not the colour (ketchup).I regret not buying the line print.

I have phoned QVC to see how an exchange works as I still would like the TSV price and the easy payments.I am also concerned that the Line Print sold out relatively early and was put on waitlist,so are the ones showing in stock,returned stock?

I have phoned QVC and they have said that the Line Print are 100 % NOT returns and that anything returned to QVC is not resold and sent back out and that all returns go to another department to make sure this doesn't happen.

Apparently they have reserved me a Line Print and given me an order number.I'm now to package my ketchup up and say on the form that I would like a Line Print and give them this new order number I've just received.My line Print should wing its way back to me.....et voila!

I'm surprised to hear that I do not need to pay another P&P and glad to hear that my easy payment will carry on as planned.The positive side of me thinks that this all very straightforward and that even the stock showing may be cancelled cheque holds (although I though they'd abolished cheques as payment?)

On the other hand I'm very twitchy and told the operator so.I told her I'm concerned the left hand doesn't speak to the right hand at QVC.Will I end up with no bag? will I end up paying 4 installments instead of 2?! Will I get charged P&P? Will the bag in a Line Print ever turn up? Will I end up with some manky return?

Or am I worrying unnecessarily??? I've never exchanged something before
I'd be a bit worried myself, but its worth a try, and just keep an eye on your bank statements, i personally think the right hand doesn't know what the lefts doing, as you
say. Put if you don't give it a go, you'll never know
Well tbh i think we all know QVC do send out returns they can say all they like they don't the fact is they do as many people will be witness too.
I've tried to exchange things a couple of times and have to admit it has never actually worked out. Both times they just refunded me which seemed crazy as its an un-necessary loss of revenue for them. Good luck with this ... I hope it works out for you
Well I think you did the right thing reserving the replacement line print because years ago I naively requested a replacement alternative of a returned product on the return slip but ofcourse no one read this and I just got a refund. Good to know they don't charge another lot of P&P.

I've returned a faulty garment and, when I rang to request a label, they reserved the replacement, which duly arrived once they'd received the returned item; so the phone call must be the vital step. Most things written on those return slips aren't even read most of the time.

BTW I weakened and bought the line print and I'm really pleased. It's the perfect size for a day out (not enough room to carry the kids cast off jackets, shoes, socks etc - remember warm weather?). I hope you like it when it arrives.

Jude xx
I know I have to do it.I love the bag as I thought I would.Its perfect for me in every way.Its just the colour - as I feared would be the case.I look at the line print...read the reviews and the line print seems to have so much more going for it,compared to my washed out red but not red,ketchup.The problem with kipling is that I have all these colours just under another name ie I have their version of *pop green* just at the time it was called *organic green*.I have the ketchup already...just under another guise....

I just know that if I end up keeping the ketchup,It will always remind me that there was the line print which was better!!!

I remember MANY years ago,falling out with my DH on my birthday:frown: We'd planned a shopping trip in town,nothing special,but he refused to go.I was determined to have MY birthday,so I went and tried so hard to spend some of HIS money.Felt very justified,as if you can't do that on youtr birthday...when can you?! Struggled to buy something but bought a jumper which wasn't dear at around £30.But do you know,everytime I wore it I remembered the day I bought it! And ended up hating it!! It stayed in my wardrobe for years before I sold it on ebay!
when i did it with a pair of faulty jeans it didn't work. phoned, got another pair "reserved", returned first pair quoting new order number - didn't get anything - jeans or refund. phoned to ask what was happening and the "reserved" ones had been sold to someone else and they hadn't even bothered to refund me.
Oh RDottie that's not good! Maybe send them an email just to confirm what you've been told. Got everything crossed for you. Oh, and that birthday saga sounds all too familiar!

Jude xx
According to the App the "Line Print" is showing as in stock. Not for me as it has purple in it.
I've tried to exchange things a couple of times and have to admit it has never actually worked out. Both times they just refunded me which seemed crazy as its an un-necessary loss of revenue for them. Good luck with this ... I hope it works out for you
Same here! I don't bother now, I just get a refund :)
Thought about it over the weekend and think I'm just gonna send it back for a return,don't think I can cope with the hassle of it all.Already there are some popping up on ebay and I'm sure somewhere along the line at QVC it will end up a a bargain hunter,OTO or back on easy pay.

I'm sourcing a lot of my kiplings on ebay now and I can buy 2 that I really love at the price of this one on QVC.

I knew this from the start though and was sucked in again by QVC!!!!

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