Oh please..how ridiculous,but hilarious!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

well i have recently joined the club as well .my only child has left to uni .she comes home every weekend ,but as you rightly put they are in the uni mode and hardly are there mentally even though physically they are around .waiting for dec when she gets her one month hols ...but then back to squabbling ...mother daughter arguments::talking:.
well regarding keeley have never liked her ...she acts too sure of herself .
My 3 have all left home, but my son came back for about 6 months with his new South American wife in tow......then my daughter came back twice, the 2nd time with a dog in tow.....and is still here! Empty nests don't stay empty for long in my experience!

very true, after my first proper relationship broke up i trundled off back to mummys complete with a cat - victim of a broken home. she HATED cats, and pets in general but took us both in. i stayed another 3 years and the cat stayed for about 17, converting my parents into total cat-nuts. i like to think i enriched their lives :O)

im not anyone to give advice but i think knowing that the door is open to go back home if things go tits up is a massive comfort for youngsters, even if they dont seem to demonstrate their appreciation at the time.
another empty nest here my daughter has finished uni and moved to London but her job means she gets to travel the world, north america this trip although she's sitting on the beach in Miami at the moment, I spend all my time worrying,about her !!!! but my furry babies do help (cats) so I'm another sad old woman with cats
but I'm not lonely haven't got time to be, with 6 !!!!!!! (she thinks there'e only 4 ) email phone and skype all help. Roll on christmas when she's home for a while
back to the norm then!!!!! xx
well i have recently joined the club as well .my only child has left to uni .she comes home every weekend ,but as you rightly put they are in the uni mode and hardly are there mentally even though physically they are around .waiting for dec when she gets her one month hols ...but then back to squabbling ...mother daughter arguments::talking:.
well regarding keeley have never liked her ...she acts too sure of herself .

Let's face up to facts. The only reason they come home from Uni is either because everyone else has gone home and/or the bank of Mum and Dad will be open for business.
Thank you for this thread Lemonsqueezy,I too cried when my son left home so can relate to you all.He is a son to be proud of in so many ways and as BurlyBear said,my door is always open if the need is ever there. No amount of Elemis bath gel would have helped me the day he left,I am okay now of course and see him every few weeks.
I've been quite moved by this thread :nod:. My only child (so far, jury's still out on whether I'm mad/brave enough to do it all again :sweat:) is only four and I'm already worrying about him flying the nest! My OH keeps reminding me our job is to bring him up to be independent. I reckon I'm such a feminist but I just know I'll be doing his ironing and checking he's taking his vitamins when he's my age :giggle:. My OH says she'll be cutting the apron strings at one side as I'm re-tying them at the other :grin:
another empty nest here my daughter has finished uni and moved to London but her job means she gets to travel the world, north america this trip although she's sitting on the beach in Miami at the moment, I spend all my time worrying,about her !!!! but my furry babies do help (cats) so I'm another sad old woman with cats
but I'm not lonely haven't got time to be, with 6 !!!!!!! (she thinks there'e only 4 ) email phone and skype all help. Roll on christmas when she's home for a while
back to the norm then!!!!! xx

Baby Rugrat is sipping a beer on a beach in Cancun staring at the Caribbean sea! She just left me that message on FB lol.
Good for her eh!

Let's face up to facts. The only reason they come home from Uni is either because everyone else has gone home and/or the bank of Mum and Dad will be open for business.

NO! Nooooo! :eek:
They come home because I'm their Mama ... and they love me ... OK, I feed them too BUT that's secondary!
Baby Rugrat is sipping a beer on a beach in Cancun staring at the Caribbean sea! She just left me that message on FB lol.
Good for her eh!

NO! Nooooo! :eek:
They come home because I'm their Mama ... and they love me ... OK, I feed them too BUT that's secondary!

Shouldn't that be sedentary minim?
...and here we go again.I am not a violent woman but the way I feel today I want to scream at the TV. 6 hours of Keeley and her pro collagen frangipanni trienzyme bienzime schmienzyme blisskissmybumcreams is too much for me!!!
...and here we go again.I am not a violent woman but the way I feel today I want to scream at the TV. 6 hours of Keeley and her pro collagen frangipanni trienzyme bienzime schmienzyme blisskissmybumcreams is too much for me!!!

Hang on in there Lemonsqueezy, only another 25mins to go.
Sending hugs to all those of you missing your babies, my youngest is only 6 but I already dread the idea of her growing up, never mind leaving home!!! Conversely my son who is a bit older is severely disabled and will never be able to fly the nest as he'll never be able to manage on his own and will always be reliant on us, which obviously brings a whole different set of worries.
While its always going to be hard to see our kids leave us, we should rejoice in their successes and be happy that they have such fantastic opportunities. :heart:
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You get used to it. I cried buckets when my eldest went to uni 12 years ago. Cried all the way home, all 150 miles of it ! Was not so bad when my youngest went to live with her fiance 3 years back. I have to say that OH & I quite like having the house to ourselves now & our independence.
I've really enjoyed reading all your "empty nest" posts - quite heart-warming. Not something I've ever experienced, you nearly made me start to feel maternal but I'm OK again now after a nights sleep!

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