Oh no, you shouldn't have... (really)


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This thread has got to be best on here in a very long time....I agree with everything said... I have LOL while reading......
I'm feeling particularly sadistic this Christmas and might well give the Frozen pendant to my bitch of a sister-in-law's 4 year old. Just imagine on Christmas Day afternoon, once tempers have started to fray a bit: 'mummy, mummy: I'm a princess, so have to play my Frozen pendant music every 15 minutes...":song:Let it go, let it go...:song:"

That'll teach the sour old cow to lord it over the rest of the family with her perfect bloody life.

Well I reckon in the eyes of your niece you will be "Amazing aunty Craftalot" for many months to come
I really would like my tangle teezer to have a handle, but I wouldn't but one on principle.....

there was one - aka aveda 'paddle brush' Mine is still going strong since 1997 and in my opinion, works very close to the tangle teaser, so I imagine any paddle brush would
new thoughts

'an audience with' ticket to see a 2 hour on stage stint with either
Marverine Cole
Julia Roberts
Catherine Huntley
and a few more I dont know the names of at QVC

in a local theatre

Ha ha!

I have thought of more too.

A bright, xmas tree green sweater with a happy duck appliqued in sequins a la Quacker Factory
Any novelty gift - especially ones that sing/make noise
Anything that is way overpriced and you know of cheaper, as good, alternatives/places to buy (most of their inventory! But, case in point - Thorntons)
A Q calendar (do they still make them?)
A Richard Jackson diary
Those mangy scarves on a wooden hanger
A lace blouse with lace-up bodice and frilled collar Adam Ant blouse by Michelle Hope
A £10 bag of seasoned nuts/popcorn
DBF's book (any one)*
A box of pies from any brand (yeurgh) (just the thought of soggy bottoms makes me queazy)

*You mean you actually haven't heard she's written a book or two or three or ....?
The tangle teezer is widely available from Boots, other stores and online where you don't have to pay £3+ quid for delivery! I asked for one last year and have been really pleased with it. However some people have compared it to a dog brush! lol! It doesn't have a handle because people tend to use hot tools with hairbrushes with handles to style with but that is not how the creator intended it to be used.

I personally wouldn't like to receive any of the fashion items they sell as they all seem to cater for larger women.. even the coats! I measured my current feather and down coat and it is a whole 15 cm smaller in circumference to one that qvc sell that is meant to be an xs! I was looking at the centigrade outerwear coats because the zip has broken on my Zara one from a couple of years ago but don't really want to buy a new one. Is it possible to mend a zip? I've seen guides online but still not sure!
Anything from Lori Geller, or anything Ann Dorrington, Jill Gauntlet or beverley Cressman presents.
Oh No. A H2O. That Phil Parker always reminds me of a garden gnome, stands there smirking trying to convince us that his gravy browning is baked on grease that he obliterates in seconds Rubbish I've got a POLTI and it doesn't work that quick.
And that NO NO Is a NO NO
Basso Lugshreey coats
Revitalash that stings the eyes
Veronese tat
Feather beds and pillows that stab you every time you move
Lola Rose overpriced jewellery reminds me of Smarties bracelets we got from the sweet shop
All the overpriced electrical beauty devices that does nothing just pulls tugs and stretches the skin on your face.
And the list goes on
The tangle teezer is widely available from Boots, other stores and online where you don't have to pay £3+ quid for delivery! I asked for one last year and have been really pleased with it. However some people have compared it to a dog brush! lol! It doesn't have a handle because people tend to use hot tools with hairbrushes with handles to style with but that is not how the creator intended it to be used.

I personally wouldn't like to receive any of the fashion items they sell as they all seem to cater for larger women.. even the coats! I measured my current feather and down coat and it is a whole 15 cm smaller in circumference to one that qvc sell that is meant to be an xs! I was looking at the centigrade outerwear coats because the zip has broken on my Zara one from a couple of years ago but don't really want to buy a new one. Is it possible to mend a zip? I've seen guides online but still not sure!

Depends what the problem is with the zip. You could sew some pieces of Velcro at intervals to replace the zip.
I don't want anything which featured in the Saturday night show!

Socks with non slip soles pleeeeeaaas

Slanket. No way

Pies - get real

Any overpriced beauty product - not for me

A nice piece of silver jewellery? Yes please!
I don't want anything which featured in the Saturday night show!

Socks with non slip soles pleeeeeaaas

Slanket. No way

Pies - get real

Any overpriced beauty product - not for me

A nice piece of silver jewellery? Yes please!

I just noticed there was an Aubrey bag on that show; I thought the company had gone under a while ago?
Aubrey bags? I haven't heard of those. Only been watching for about 18 months though. What sort of style are they? I'm a bit bag obsessed at the moment ;-)

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