Oh dear Julia!!!


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Cataracts were my first thought as they only do one eye at a time.
Absolutely. I think Julia is now of an age where laser is not recommended.
And what she wrote immediately says lens replacement.
Julia still has beautiful skin, imo. Gravity's effect hasn't been too apparent. She is a lucky lady in that regard.
Yes, laser has a cut-off period of when it is no longer recommended.

I think it is early to mid 50s.
Apparently there isn't an upper age limit, however, some clinics won't operate on people over 70. There was a tragedy not far from us that happened last year when a man took his own life after his corrective procedure failed.
My Mr T may be seeing the light at the end of a long & very dark tunnel - in every respect. He's had 6 procedures & surgeries since December, including one for a cataract that was caused very quickly by having a type of silicone oil in one eye to deal with an older retinal tear, he's amazed with how crisp his sight is in that eye.
Have just read her blog, but hadn't at time of messge. That said, from what @Twinkle said, maybe not the case, as she mentioned it doesnt take 3-4 weeks to recover.

Maybe, the vain one, is off to write her next book and just had her glasses on to gush over her male fans sending her messages on how great she looks.

Looking forward to the break and being able to watch QVC without seeing her flirting and admiring glances to herself on the monitors.

Kathy wasn't a good presenter, but did come acorss as a very nice person. I'm sure Julia is a few years older than Kathy - maybe this will be her last year. Iagine the fush when she does retire though #just saying.
Julia is 65 this year
All the other sellers have just disappeared. I think Kathy had some really good friends who made sure she didn't do the same, which does tell you something about her. It'll be interesting to see how much of a fuss is made by Julia's equally good seller friends when she goes.

She will go, won't she?
I would give my right arm just to be able to take my three little Yorkshire Terriers for a walk. Instad, I pay someone to take them three times a week. Apart from having osteoarthritis, I have no idea what is wrong with me, but life is no fun. I’m 72 now and was always reasonably fit and walked for miles, I don’t recognise my life now, but I have suddenly in the past months got terrible balance problems, so acared I fall all the time. Very down because of all these changes, and feel vulnerable.

All I would tell Julia is be careful of your boasting because I never said so at the time, but I looked better and was fitter than you boast of being now. You need to take some length off your hair too.

Julia your health and look can change in a heartbeat!

Sorry to hear this ohnonotshopping, I too have Osteoarthritis in my hip, severe in one and moderate in the other. I have started using a stick as the pain from my hip when walking is too much, but I feel so ancient using it. I'm 67 so I'm not a youngster anyway, but oh for the days when I could walk from room to room without having to grab my stick. I also have other medical problems, M.E. Meniere's Disease, GORD, a back problem and can't lift even a watering can full of water or lift anything even remotely heavy and have had to start using Glaucoma drops and I feel pretty decrepit now. It's difficult isn't it, I am someone who reminisces a lot too in a good way, which doesn't help, as I often think 'ah I remember when I was in my twenties...' Get a grip woman, I try to tell myself, you ain't in your twenties now but it doesn't seem to work. I am happy but feel a bit stuck at the same time. As I look out of the window, the grass is so long, the weeds are coming through thick and fast and I worry. My youngest daughter is brilliant, she has a 5 month old baby but still comes over to mow the lawns and asks if there's anything else she can do. If I mention something that I need to do when I'm able, she quickly says 'I can do that for you' bless her. She said only this morning that she will come over to pull up the weeds as soon as it stops raining and I had to put her off (nicely) as I don't want to be a burden! Anyway, I digress, any time you want to pm me ohnonotshopping, please do so and meanwhile, take care of yourself :)
Sorry to hear this ohnonotshopping, I too have Osteoarthritis in my hip, severe in one and moderate in the other. I have started using a stick as the pain from my hip when walking is too much, but I feel so ancient using it. I'm 67 so I'm not a youngster anyway, but oh for the days when I could walk from room to room without having to grab my stick. I also have other medical problems, M.E. Meniere's Disease, GORD, a back problem and can't lift even a watering can full of water or lift anything even remotely heavy and have had to start using Glaucoma drops and I feel pretty decrepit now. It's difficult isn't it, I am someone who reminisces a lot too in a good way, which doesn't help, as I often think 'ah I remember when I was in my twenties...' Get a grip woman, I try to tell myself, you ain't in your twenties now but it doesn't seem to work. I am happy but feel a bit stuck at the same time. As I look out of the window, the grass is so long, the weeds are coming through thick and fast and I worry. My youngest daughter is brilliant, she has a 5 month old baby but still comes over to mow the lawns and asks if there's anything else she can do. If I mention something that I need to do when I'm able, she quickly says 'I can do that for you' bless her. She said only this morning that she will come over to pull up the weeds as soon as it stops raining and I had to put her off (nicely) as I don't want to be a burden! Anyway, I digress, any time you want to pm me ohnonotshopping, please do so and meanwhile, take care of yourself :)
Thank you that’s very kind of you. You’re lucky to have family too, must make a huge difference!

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