Not happy


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Yesterday afternoon I asked Jamie to auction an item I had been lusting after for ages. I was quite busy and was popping in and out of Rocks so had to wait till quite late on to formally ask for it.........

I think the real problem here is that we need a system for handling the requests.

Kind regards

John Bennett

I found this thread very interesting - there's a ring that I REALLY want to buy (someone on here bought it in an auction so I have an idea of the auction price and want it myself) but I just don't dare to request it. I don't want to have to wait ages for it to come up, or get called away at the wrong time, or find that someone else snatches it first........... I just don't want to get excited about finally getting the ring then finding that I miss out!

I know that's how auctions work but I'm not brave enough to go for it.

If there's a better system for handling requests then I might find the whole nerve-racking process easier. Just hope that 'my' ring doesn't sell out first :(
Jantac I have been lucky with most of my requests. They have come to screen within 10 minutes of requesting. Why don't you request the ring first thing when they start. I have requested items before 12 and they all came on between 12- 12:15.

Hope you manage to get the ring xx
awwww moops you must be gutted, hope another one comes up soon x I have a feeling I know which ring it was xxx hope you still come in to rocks yeti and I like chatting with you x
Have to agree with BH on the request thing. If I want something, I log on at 12.00noon, (I know this isn't always possible for everyone), request it, and in most cases it's been put on within 10-15 mins, (on several occasions literally immediately!!) On one occasion, BH & I were discussing a pair of pearl earrings in chat, and hey presto! they were on screen immediately, we hadn't even requested them!!!

That was spooky m4g!! I remember the earrings! I must add that Jamie is brilliant with requests. He seems to have supreme energy - typical example when he is doing bargain town he still reads the chat and will put requests on straight away as and when they come up on chat!!

See you are being good m4g unlike me - have a huge order coming tuesday :53:
I have been lucky on the requests, though not always that fast. What embarrasses me is when the presenter says it's my request, are you there etc. It makes me feel pressured to buy it, even if the price isn't what I had hoped or I didn't like it as much when seen. I know when they say it's someone else's request I tend not to bid if there's only one, figuring they want it.
Concordia I don't buy all my requests if the price is not right - I just say it in the chat that I was hoping it would go a bit lower!!
i cant usually go on in the day so by the time i come in during the evening and request its often already been on at some point in the afternoon its a bit annoying but saves me money lol
you're not alone perdita...i've got a replacement received and they were the same items i sent in as returns...Katherine and Tony did confirmed that items sent back were quarantined so defo wouldn't be the same one...but...but...

Alupha, I 100% can relate to this! I had the same problem with a Rubellite ring, had a very definate "white spot" smack in the centre of the stone. I phoned CS and discussed the situation and was advised there's another in stock and we'll make sure you dont get the same one back....but OH YES, I received the said same one back. My relationship with Rocks went downhill from that moment on.

Perdita, I hope you find something fabulous very soon that makes up for your disappointment x
** Original by Alupha***
you're not alone perdita...i've got a replacement received and they were the same items i sent in as returns...Katherine and Tony did confirmed that items sent back were quarantined so defo wouldn't be the same one...but...but...*** (sorry not good with part post quotes).

Alupha, I 100% can relate to this! I had the same problem with a Rubellite ring, had a very definate "white spot" smack in the centre of the stone. I phoned CS and discussed the situation and was advised there's another in stock and we'll make sure you dont get the same one back....but OH YES, I received the said same one back. My relationship with Rocks went downhill from that moment on.

Perdita, I hope you find something fabulous very soon that makes up for your disappointment x
you're not alone perdita...i've got a replacement received and they were the same items i sent in as returns...Katherine and Tony did confirmed that items sent back were quarantined so defo wouldn't be the same one...but...but...

how could there be two black diamonds with the same cracks on the table and the crown??

how could there be two tridacna beads with the same light coloured traces on the gem? and the same bead sliding over knots in the necklace...???

I do trust Katherine and Tony that they quarantined the returns, but...?? If I decided to send sth back for a replacement, I defo have examined the whole piece, including the gem of course. I am gutted, will send back for refund as suggested (as Anita did a brilliant job in communicating and Katherine and Tony defo did their jobs).

However I feel, seriously, that I am under-estimated. How could I not recognise the same cracks or traces if the gem is not to perfection, as that being experience gained in my past?

you're not alone perdita...i've got a replacement received and they were the same items i sent in as returns...Katherine and Tony did confirmed that items sent back were quarantined so defo wouldn't be the same one...but...but...

Alupha, I 100% can relate to this! I had the same problem with a Rubellite ring, had a very definate "white spot" smack in the centre of the stone. I phoned CS and discussed the situation and was advised there's another in stock and we'll make sure you dont get the same one back....but OH YES, I received the said same one back. My relationship with Rocks went downhill from that moment on.

Perdita, I hope you find something fabulous very soon that makes up for your disappointment x

I returned a Lemon Quartz bangle last week as it was clearly defective. I duely returned it and have just recieved the replacement... It's the SAME one!!!!! If it's not they must all be made the same way... I know it's the same one as I took photo's of it and I have just compared it with the photo's.... I will return it again and ask for a refund this time... Just when I thought things were looking up as well :(


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Oh dear does not sound good all the problems you seem to be having. Hope they sort it out cos its one of the things that has put me off buying from the other channels. I like Rockstv and thank god up to now have not had an real problems just hope it stays like that.
Hope you get things sorted perdi and hope you find something equally blingtastic and to your taste....ive had similar problems with requests so have given up with it now, not on half as much as I used to be and not buying as much as I used to either....ho hum
Wibblemeister!!! Wondered where you'd been!

I'm fine about it now..just needed to vent at the time! ( I'm waiting for some new stuff to arrive at Rocks!)
Hi Guys,

I am aware of the QC issues raised and I want to assure you all that I am on it. I have identified an area which needs much improvement and I am on the case.

Please be assured that if you do have an issue with any piece of our jewellery I am happy for you to email me directly on [email protected] and I will get this sorted, it will also help me to identify issues you guys have raised. I also want to assure you that I have implemented even stricter Quality Control checks for all of our pieces.
Oh dear perdita!! Hope you fine something different and new to replace this bangle!

I think there is a bit of confusion here.

I originally posted about something altogether different...(which is now in the past!)

Alupha brought up the subject of being sent replacement items.

Then Tabs and Shireen replied with similar posts to that of Alupha.
Oh dear perdita!! Hope you fine something different and new to replace this bangle!

I think there is a bit of confusion here.

I originally posted about something altogether different...(which is now in the past!)

Alupha brought up the subject of being sent replacement items.

Then Tabs and Shireen replied with similar posts to that of Alupha.

Sorry perdita don't know how I confused you with shireen :)

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