No No now on IW


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
NO NO is pick of the day today, presume QVC viewers now know it doesn't work so they've had to move from there to ideal World
Yes yes yes yes!

Whoah ! I see that No No No No has jumped ship, and is listed to be on IW later this morning !!! at least we will now be spared the awful tsv's in the future. Funny, I cant remember seeing their full page ads for a while in the press, has the bubble burst ?
Interesting why the company would actively choose to go downmarket and sell on IW instead of Q (presuming, of course, it was the company's decision, rather than Q dropping them). Talk about fanfare last night - you'd think IW had got exclusive rights to sell the Philosopher's Stone. Even odder, they'd chosen Peter Simon to debut it on the channel - his 'fondling' of the male model's arms was just embarrassing for the model, the woman brand guest and the viewer. Nothing new there from Pope Pete.
I will say the sales at Q have dropped over the years and now at a point, it is not worth them selling it. So the company decided to try IW, will be interesting how long they last there?
Apart from Elizabeth Grant and Zhuzh (been going about seventeen years and are popular) IW don't tend to run products for long, because they have hour long shows it's their way of mixing it up I suppose.
nope we are getting another make doing them instead

plus their so called pick of the day price is £159.99 + post which is about the same as they were on Q

As far as I can remember, you didn't get the serum with QVCs TSVs, making it dearer on QVC.........shock! :mysmilie_17:
I bet he doesn't mention His Goddess on that show. She's far too perfect on her pedestal to need to do something as mundane as remove hair. However, given I think The Goddess could actually be a rooofer called Dave, the no!no! might be an ideal gift.

Ahem, the Dave mentioned above is definitely not me, or has ever been.
By the way, and just a gentle reminder, there are just 27 shopping days till my birthday! Just sayin.
if you watch all the tv ads about this awful NONO it's done by someone we've never heard of Kassie Depaiva, soap star in the good old US of A, followed at the British end by (if you're old enough like me) 2 further tv actresses from days gone by saying it's wonderful.

I tried it, and it's pure rubbish - but someone is making a mint with this stuff they try to pan off on us. If you do have a serious, particularly facial hair problem - this does nothing whatsoever. It's a big thumbs down by anyone who has used it, so I wouldn't even give it a try whether on Q or on IW.

They take us for fools - sorry for those who have slight hair problems and for whom it may work, but for the average person - it has no effect whatsoever.
Ahem, the Dave mentioned above is definitely not me, or has ever been.
By the way, and just a gentle reminder, there are just 27 shopping days till my birthday! Just sayin.

29 days until mine! We could have a joint party with lots of shopping channel products. Actually, lets not bother...
By the way, and just a gentle reminder, there are just 27 shopping days till my birthday! Just sayin.

Dave, for your birthday I was thinking maybe a 'personal grooming session' with Pope Pete brandishing a no!no! and swaying a little after having drunk several bottles of Diamond White. A present that money can't buy.

No honestly, you're welcome. I had it as a present myself last year: the counselling is going well.
Dave, for your birthday I was thinking maybe a 'personal grooming session' with Pope Pete brandishing a no!no! and swaying a little after having drunk several bottles of Diamond White. A present that money can't buy.

No honestly, you're welcome. I had it as a present myself last year: the counselling is going well.

Craftalot, I now have an image in my head that I am struggling to get rid of. I bet Dave is somewhat disturbed as well! Hope you are fully recovered from your ordeal/present!!
if you watch all the tv ads about this awful NONO it's done by someone we've never heard of Kassie Depaiva, soap star in the good old US of A, followed at the British end by (if you're old enough like me) 2 further tv actresses from days gone by saying it's wonderful.

I tried it, and it's pure rubbish - but someone is making a mint with this stuff they try to pan off on us. If you do have a serious, particularly facial hair problem - this does nothing whatsoever. It's a big thumbs down by anyone who has used it, so I wouldn't even give it a try whether on Q or on IW.

They take us for fools - sorry for those who have slight hair problems and for whom it may work, but for the average person - it has no effect whatsoever.

I always thought it was suspect when there was no price published in their full page advertisements, clearly the amount spent on marketing was paid for by the absurd asking price. A £6 tube of Veet does it for me !!!

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