No "bashing" the QVC Presenters Thread


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Jun 29, 2008
Ok here goes..............Gosh I'm brave aren't I hehehe

This is a thread for those who like the QVC presenters and are a bit tired of the presenter "bashing" that is happening of late (although it has made for laughable reading at some lol).

So this is it, a thread for anyone who wants to say nice things for a change.

And don't say noone EVER tried to do this.

I lurve Julian, he seems warm and inviting (wouldn't mind him inviting me to his place :heart:) I love how he talks about his family.

I like Pippa, she is kind and comes across in a better way than most presenters. And she doesn't seem to interrupt as much either.
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I love Clare ( now dodging all the rotten tomatoes being thrown ).

I like both the Debbies, Kathy, Dale, Pippa & Anne. She makes me chuckle when she's stuffing her face. Julians OK.
Yes,I like Julian and Pippa
I also like Debbie
What happened to Sara,is she not coming back?
Nobody ever mentions Sara Griffiths or Sara G as she liked to be known as. It's as if she never existed. like that chap Green who went back to America that nobody seemed to like. [I thought he was ok tbh.]
My favourite is Pipa, so down to earth, likes a laugh and seems so friendly but very professional at the same time.I wonder why she doesn't do more shows. When you see JF, you know you're lumbered with her for 3 hours. Well I'm not, I go and do what I'm supposed to be doing [?]
I like kathy ~ so naturally pretty and fun.
I like the debbies too. Debbie Flint is getting her sparkle back after her 'years in the wilderness' and has settled back in after a subdued start.
Julian's great and easy to watch.
Pippa's upbeat and informative and fun.
Charlie's mellow and I really like him.
Alison makes me laugh with her dry humour and along with Kathy is probably my favourite presenter.
:nod:Sara was my favourite,I hope shes coming back.

I like Catherine,debbie Greenwood,Pipa,Craig,dale and julian
I love Julian :heart: also like Debbie F, Pipa, Chuntley and (dare I say it......) Julia.

to be honest I don't mind any of them, it's usually either the guests or more often the items being shown that have me reaching for the off button - I have no interest in craft, bedding, kitchen stuff or most of the fashion and never will do no matter who presents it, though I do make an exception for Julian and his DIY on Sunday :rock: But I'll happily watch most make-up, skincare and jewellery shows, again the presenter doesn't really influence me.

Thank you for posting this Yaz, I feel a bit of a fish out of water on here as I can't understand how some posters get so wound up by the presenters (I am not saying that they shouldn't get wound up or feel free to have a rant if they feel the need) I personally just don't 'get' it, if something/someone was annoying me that much then I wouldn't be watching it/them.
Err...uhm...erm...doh one!!:mysmilie_481:...phew!! :whew:...eek :eek:...err maybe not...I know!! :happy:........
I fancy Julian :sun:
I like some - Julian being my favourite because of his howlers and Debbie because she's a laugh - and not fond of others; but it's like life isn't it? You can't like 'em all and I dare say that some of them would be less than impressed with me (except for Julian off course, he would be smitten :giggle:).

Glad to see this thread as it can get a bit mean on here sometimes and, in the words of Jack Nicholson (can't remember the film), why can't we all just get along :handshake:.
I love Julian :heart: also like Debbie F, Pipa, Chuntley and (dare I say it......) Julia.

to be honest I don't mind any of them, it's usually either the guests or more often the items being shown that have me reaching for the off button - I have no interest in craft, bedding, kitchen stuff or most of the fashion and never will do no matter who presents it, though I do make an exception for Julian and his DIY on Sunday :rock: But I'll happily watch most make-up, skincare and jewellery shows, again the presenter doesn't really influence me.

Thank you for posting this Yaz, I feel a bit of a fish out of water on here as I can't understand how some posters get so wound up by the presenters (I am not saying that they shouldn't get wound up or feel free to have a rant if they feel the need) I personally just don't 'get' it, if something/someone was annoying me that much then I wouldn't be watching it/them.

I agree with Gem! I used to like Anthony presenting craft!

I like watching Julian, Kathy and Charlie, but again none of them would make me buy an item I don't like or want :flower:
I probably like Kathy & Julia the best. I like Kathy's natural style of presenting and she has a good sense of humour & the same would apply to Debbie G. I also like Julia as I find she is best at giving product information. I also ike Alison K, Catherine, Claire, Anthony, Julian, Dale, Debbie G in fact the majority of them.
I don't feel they make me buy anything I don't want to and I like seeing the items on the models/presenters. It gives you a better idea of what it would look like IRL. I also like it when the presenters dig out the ruler :nod:to measure earrings as sometimes TV can be deceptive.:giggle:
I only watch the shows with products I'm interested in and if I don't like the guest or a particular product, I change channels.:ninja::grin:

Good post Yaz:star:

Gggrrrrrrr...take that!!
Well if Gobby can get away with it..:mysmilie_488:
Jill Franks - funny, a bit ditsy and no hard sell.
Charlie - acceptably smooth and funny in a nice way

I can take or leave most of the others. I don't like the idea that I should switch off if I don't like the presenter - what if I want to see/buy the products ?
Oh they are on TV so are going to be critisised at some point it's part of the job, as long as it is not too 'barbed' then I don't really like.I go hot n' cold on most of the presenters depending on my mood! Ant was the one I could watch & watch---- but he's gone! 9 times out of 10, no 10 times out of 10 I switch of JB ( leaving him to all of you who LOOOOVE!!!) but there is something about the tone of his voice/ delivery which really I can't stand.Clare is usually far too gushing for me, as JF the girly girl.Think Queen JR is professional & quite like Charlie! But who cares--- it's a great laugh reading the comments!
I can't watch QVC, but it is not the presenters' fault. I do not feel strongly, either way. I find Dale and Simon quite pleasant.

BB, 'make you buy' has never been the issue. :tongue:

Yaz, thank you for the lovely thread. xx

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