New Heights Achieved by Sutton


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Jun 24, 2008
in presenting some nasty semi precious pink stone effort she just said
"of course you want to embrace what God made so beautiful......"

Is it just me, or was anyone else a bit irritated by her constantly calling the votives in the Yankee hour 'voteefs'. Please correct me if that is actually the correct pronunciation but it really got on my nerves after a while!
Is it just me, or was anyone else a bit irritated by her constantly calling the votives in the Yankee hour 'voteefs'. Please correct me if that is actually the correct pronunciation but it really got on my nerves after a while!

That's just Claire and her faux posh toff accent.She does it all the when she says everything is laaarrrvvleeeee and fabuliscious!!:giggle:
Claire is from Rochdale and believe you me they dont talk like her in Rochdale(no offence to anyone from there)
its 5 miles from me and I work there
very northern town with northern accents
what is she like!!!??
That's just Claire and her faux posh toff accent.She does it all the when she says everything is laaarrrvvleeeee and fabuliscious!!:giggle:

laaarrrvvleeeee always made me think of sarf lahndahn. I was most surprised that she is a Northern lass.
Claire is from Rochdale and believe you me they dont talk like her in Rochdale(no offence to anyone from there)
its 5 miles from me and I work there
very northern town with northern accents
what is she like!!!??

Yep, this is true. I don't live a million miles from Rochdale myself. Last time she was on with Leighton Denny he was teasing her for speaking with a faux posh accent and after he did that she kept trying to revert back to her northern accent, so he teased her even more (all done in a nice way I hasten to add, not bitchy) it was very funny. :grin:
wasn't lisa stansfield from rochdale? very northern accent am surprised claire's from there must have gone to a posh school where they talk all proper
Yep, this is true. I don't live a million miles from Rochdale myself. Last time she was on with Leighton Denny he was teasing her for speaking with a faux posh accent and after he did that she kept trying to revert back to her northern accent, so he teased her even more (all done in a nice way I hasten to add, not bitchy) it was very funny. :grin:

Hi Cavegirl
didnt realise you were from Bolton.
I am from Middleton,I go to uni at Bolton to do my degree course
Hi Cavegirl
didnt realise you were from Bolton.
I am from Middleton,I go to uni at Bolton to do my degree course

Yay! Hello :handshake: I also studied at Bolton Institute (as was) and then again Bolton Uni a couple of years back. It's a lovely place and getting better all the time. Middleton is not that far from me at all! Nice to 'meet' you. xx
Claire is from Rochdale and believe you me they dont talk like her in Rochdale(no offence to anyone from there)
its 5 miles from me and I work there
very northern town with northern accents
what is she like!!!??

Claire has spoken before (can't remember when/where, perhaps live, perhaps on her blog - yes, embarrassed to say I have read it on occasion) about her parents sending her to elecution lessons and how hilarious this was for a child growing up in an area with such a strong regional accent. My Yorkshire accent has weakened in the years I've been away but when I encounter someone who is clearly trying to hide their own I'm sooo tempted to try and irritate them to such a degree that they revert to their original dialect. But in Claire's case I don't think she actually ever possessed the Rochdale drawl due to said parental intervention. Or perhaps I am just dogmatically defending her as I really like Claire. I seem to have a talent for really liking people that absolutely everyone else hates - Claire Sutton, Gordon Brown (ducks behind sofa...:sweat:)
Claire has spoken before (can't remember when/where, perhaps live, perhaps on her blog - yes, embarrassed to say I have read it on occasion) about her parents sending her to elecution lessons and how hilarious this was for a child growing up in an area with such a strong regional accent. My Yorkshire accent has weakened in the years I've been away but when I encounter someone who is clearly trying to hide their own I'm sooo tempted to try and irritate them to such a degree that they revert to their original dialect. But in Claire's case I don't think she actually ever possessed the Rochdale drawl due to said parental intervention. Or perhaps I am just dogmatically defending her as I really like Claire. I seem to have a talent for really liking people that absolutely everyone else hates - Claire Sutton, Gordon Brown (ducks behind sofa...:sweat:)

I don't hate Claire at all..she is probably lovely,but she comes across as so false and fake as a presenter, and I can't bear the ooo err missus aren't I a cheeky girly wirly squeely smiley presenting style she has chosen.
For me, she sounds patronising and ridiculous,particularly in her " hello Barbara" advert which makes me cringe!!!
Perfect for pre school Tv though :talking:
Lisa Stansfield! I heard a song on Heart last night and was racking my brains trying to think who it was. I'm surprised she isn't still recording as I tought she had a fabulous voice.
Or even Our Gracie... :wink: I'd love Clurr to do a version of this...

Bless old Gracie! A friend of mine, originally from London but now residing in Lancashire called her little girl Gracie and had no clue why we all nicknamed her Gracie Fields and broke into song whenever we saw her at toddler groups! :song:
We've met her twice now and she is genuinely a really nice person but the voice is definitely cultivated for use in front of the camera. She didn't speak like that to us on either occasion and even Leighton Denny made a joke about how her voice had changed between the green room and the studio. She comes across as being something of a drama queen on the telly but she seemed very unpretentious face to face.
why does she not speak "normal" on air then? surely would be better to just be yourself btw i like her so not having a go :)
Yes I hate the way they feign a posh accent, it's so nauseating, especially Claire Sutton! Anthony Heyward is supposed to be from Rochdale too so they must like their presenters from that neck of the woods!

By the way I ALSO did my degree at Bolton Institute For Higher Education.........what a small world this is!

Love Becky xxx

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