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Nikki - You've asked for people to be honest and I'm going to be. I hope you don't mind?

Unfortunately the ring sold to you as a "Paraiba Tourmaline" is not one. It's a minty green Tourmaline at best. If it has a copper content then it is a Cuprian Tourmaline BUT in order to be a Paraiba Tourmaline there have to be certain factors present such a vivid colour and saturation and a neon glow. Stones as pale as the one you've bought never have the glow and I'm afraid that particular gemstone wouldn't qualify as a Paraiba.

Now having said all that...... the price you paid is fine for a Tourmaline. It's also a very decent size and if you love it then you've got a good deal.

The green tanzanite is very very pretty and THAT most definitely is worth the money. Your description is spot on for a green tanzanite and is just what a great one should look like.

Nice haulage!
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I never mind your honesty, Meeshoo - I always think of you when I need info. Thank you for that, I appreciate it. I will email Rocks and ask for confirmation of the type of tourmaline it is. I'm glad you think it is a good price for the stone though - it is certainly very pretty indeed!

N x

Nikki that article was written in 2006 and refers to the highly saturated/highly coloured Paraiba Tourmaline that was coming out of Mozambique at that time. In 2008 Richard wrote this:

You'll see there's an LMHC definition in there of what is/what's not Paraiba Tourmaline.

This is also a good article with lots of lush photos!
It's a wordplay nightmare out there in the world of copper bearing tourmaline, isn't it?

N x

lol! The problem is that it's a marketing ploy! The minute you add the word "Paraiba" to a Cuprian Tourmaline, people think "ooooooh special". Unfortunately that's not the case!

Forget origin for a moment - that's a separate argument (see below).

The way I look at it is this - Assuming the Tourmaline is copper bearing, the thing that distinguishes Paraiba from Cuprian Tourmaline is the colour and neon glow - that's the main factor! If it isn't screaming colour and doesn't glow it's not Paraiba.

As far as locality is concerned, for me, since the material from Brazil and Mozambique are the same chemical composition then there's no reason why they shouldn't both be called Paraiba Tourmaline IF IF IF IF the colour and glow are there.

You could compare it to Alexandrite - it's been mined in Russia, Brazil, India, Tanzania etc etc. It's still called Alexandrite doesn't matter where it's mined!

p.s. If you want to get Richard Wise's opinion you could post on on the coloured stone forum. He posts in there quite often. Or try but be warned on there you have coloured stone experts who will baffle you with science! lol
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I'm fascinated now, looking at all these different arguments and debates. The way I see it for me personally is, I love the stone and what it does, so Cuprian or Paraiba, I'll be welcoming it home if they can fix the claw. It was interesting what it did - in direct light it was very pale but once i moved it out of direct light, it glowed blue - which is what I love about paraiba so it made me love that ring!

I'm off to follow more debates through googling!

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