One thing I am always surprised with is that they don't ever do more fully-fledged 'man-shows', I am not talking tech (sorry 'sexist

), but fashion and even (dare I say it) grooming. I mean I know that the major brands do the 'odd' products at Christmas and occasionally through the year and there are the occasional shoes/slippers/clothes for the men, but not fully fledged hours. The same with Children ranges (again other than the 'toy shop'), I know with regards to Children's clothing products they may be legalities involved but still I do wonder... (spend most of my time 'wondering lonely as a cloud'.....)
No, there have already got Ryden flogging his candels etc, so it is a case of just trying to think what other 'reality TV' Z-listers who want a bit of cash.
My prediction is Gemma Collins doing a new 'large size' exclusively for Q (I know she already has done one for the High Street so there is 'scope' there). I know Lisa Riley did one for another 'selly telly' channel, but it kind of loses it's imputeous once the person loses a load of weight (good for her but not exactly good for the 'business).
Other predictions, well there is clearly going to be a new presenter as there is a picture and a 'place-holder' on the Q Community page.
Debbie Flint being even 'more', selling books, the occasional mention of her other business (something about writing I believe).
JR- Yes, I feel like the 'Garden Gnome' she will be going into semi-retirement.
As for less hours I can't see that, I know that years ago they dropped the 1am-2am show but aside from that I don't necessairly think they will. I know that they now how pre-recorded segments, intermingled with live hourse (beauty pick of the month, in a 'live show'), so yes more of this, but I can't see them dropping the number of hours per se.
I personally would like more tech shows and not repeating the same brands. Whilst I don't buy my tech from Q, it gives me a good idea of which products to 'avoid' knowing that Q is trying to 'flog them'. The exception with that though is the 'fruity tech' but even then wouldn't buy from Q, I mean would anyone pay £200 extra for a peice of useless paper (tech-support I am looking at you).
Some of the Guest Presenters though I wish they would bring in as full-time presenters or certainly guest presenting more. The person I am particular meaning is April who presents the Snowdonia Cheese, she has I think more potential. The one thing I am really really grateful for though is that Lucy Piper came back when she did, she was far better (I know to some that might be saying a lot), than the American who was there for around a month (I forget her name, just know that she was a bit 'arghhh').
I will go now!