I also wanted to be a ballerina. Or a princess. Very much pissing in the wind as sadly, I also have two left feet. I am also the only woman in four generations without a lovely singing voice.
The method behind the madness is parents thinking that going through puberty will 'spoil' the child's chances of getting to be the opposite sex so they feed them puberty blockers. No one actually knows what the long-term effects of these drugs will be, especially on fertility. Many who have gone through this have said they've felt pushed by parents unwilling to accept their child's sexuality. It's more fashionable to have a trans child than a gay child.
When I worked at the GUM clinic some time ago we started seeing young women coming in asking for help. Our attached counsellor was worried about the number of girls coming in desperately trying to be gay simply because they thought identifying as a male was easier than coping with the attention from boys and men and having to cope with demands created by online porn.
I do apologise for the feminist rant again but it's not simply down to that. Where is the parenting these days for boys? Why aren't they being brought up to be respectful (not just to girls)? I understand that porn is freely available and peer pressure pushing them to look at it but why aren't parents (and schools) teaching kids that online porn imagery is as unreal as fairy tales?
If EB and Disney films are being deemed un-pc, why isn't porn? I've seen from my daughter and niece, my job at the GUM, listening to friends and reading online forums that porn has had a huge negative effect on kids of both sexes. Boys that dislike what they see and understand the harm have as rough a time from the 'macho' boys as the girls. No wonder kids are trying to escape reality.
Mental health WILL be a huge problem for the generation growing up now. Not so much because of Covid but because of lazy parents. I love the shared (and old-fashioned apparently) ideas of childhood, parenting and grand-parenting we have here. I just get depressed about the rest of the UK and the world in general.
Again, sorry for the thread hijack but I don't really have anything to add about Q's fashion that hasn't already been said