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Cheer up Birdie you are not alone. I have also been vilified for stating my personal opinions. It seems to me if you don't agree with majority on here you get treated in this way.
I'm clearly a malicious threadstarter with no soul!

Tch - I've spent MONTHS trying to prove that's me, and Birdie comes along and does it in one thread! :headbang:

Ladies - life's too short to get wound up over what someone does/doesn't say on an online forum.

Take a deep breath and get yourselves a glass (or a bottle or two) of your favourite tipple. Put your feet up and relax.

Happy happy, joy joy! :happy:
I have to jump in and add my two-penneth here, even though I prefer not to get involved in t'internet 'arguments'! I took Birdie's original post to be calling the Charlie Bear people idiots, as in the founders or whatever they are (Barbie and her creepy husband!!). I agree in that I don't see the attraction in teddy bears, or grown women wearing clothes adorned with suchlike (Cracker?!) but each to their own and I try to steer clear of making my true feelings known at the risk of offending anyone. However, I do feel that the comment on Birdie's 'issues' was a bit below the belt. We're all adults on here with our own very differing (thank god!) opinions. I am a little saddended to read posts that are not well thought out and that are blatantly there to cause offence. Maybe we should all spend a little more time in 'preview' before we hit that 'submit' button eh?!

I'm another one who obviously read something totally different in the original post, I didnt see Birdie's post as offensive at all. In fact I have to say that I too find the people who sell the bears more than a little idiotic so I dont watch them.
I have nothing against bears or any other stuffed toy but I do find t very disturbing when they carry on like they tend to. Mind you I must own up to getting bears etc. to talk but that is when I am playing with the cat!!!
having had a recent miscarriage

I'm very sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I imagine that would explain deep grief and hormonal upset, and quite possibly an intense reaction to baby-centred objects like teddy bears.

Have you had any help or support for this?
Tch - I've spent MONTHS trying to prove that's me, and Birdie comes along and does it in one thread! :headbang:

Ladies - life's too short to get wound up over what someone does/doesn't say on an online forum.

Take a deep breath and get yourselves a glass (or a bottle or two) of your favourite tipple. Put your feet up and relax.

Happy happy, joy joy! :happy:
Ring tone assigned to Mrs Bates, the most miserable woman on earth.

Take care of yourself Birdie, I can't bear people saying "I can imagine" when they flippin' can't but hurting inside is hell on earth.:mysmilie_499:
I'm so sorry for your situation Birdie. I have no idea how you must feel but I hope you don't leave us as generally we are a nice bunch of people and are usually quite light hearted.

Lots of love and take care of yourself.XX
I am so sorry that you have been hurt Birdie. I hope that you do not leave the forum, you had every right to post an opinion. I think that when we respond to posts we have a responsibility to consider whether what we say has the potential to hurt and to sometimes reconsider our response.
The Steiff bears show on now. Three adults cooing and talking to stuffed toys. THEY AREN'T REAL!!! :wonder:

I thought those utter idiots on the Charlie Bears show were bad enough!!

And who the hell pays over £300 for a teddy bear?!

I actually watch the Steiff & Charlie Bear shows with the sound off so that I don't hear the ramblings of the guests and presenter but some viewers may enjoy it that's up to them. I do talk occasionally to my bears but on a one to one basis and just to keep the peace when a squabble breaks out :grin: and if one did reply to me I'd be flat out cold on the floor. I do talk more to my cat 24/7 and she is a very chatty girl who responds back and often starts the conversation.

I can understand serious collectors who have the finances buying expensive bears and it is each to their own, but I have to say even if I had the money and wouldn't miss it I would not buy a bear at such a price as I think it probably goes back to how I was brought up and I couldn't justify such an amount of money for what it is. We all have different sets of values, tastes and finances available and as some else mentioned about debt, as long as your not getting yourself up to your eyeballs in debt to buy such an expensive bear and it gives them pleasure that's what matters.
I actually watch the Steiff & Charlie Bear shows with the sound off so that I don't hear the ramblings of the guests and presenter but some viewers may enjoy it that's up to them. I do talk occasionally to my bears but on a one to one basis and just to keep the peace when a squabble breaks out :grin: and if one did reply to me I'd be flat out cold on the floor. I do talk more to my cat 24/7 and she is a very chatty girl who responds back and often starts the conversation.

I can understand serious collectors who have the finances buying expensive bears and it is each to their own, but I have to say even if I had the money and wouldn't miss it I would not buy a bear at such a price as I think it probably goes back to how I was brought up and I couldn't justify such an amount of money for what it is. We all have different sets of values, tastes and finances available and as some else mentioned about debt, as long as your not getting yourself up to your eyeballs in debt to buy such an expensive bear and it gives them pleasure that's what matters.

My DD and I wanted the little elephant but it was too dear.
My DD and I wanted the little elephant but it was too dear.

On the Qvc website there is a Steiff deer which wasn't shown on TV I would have loved that but only if I could have got it on easy pay instead I'm hoping my son or daughter will get me a reindeer made by Premier when the Christmas shop opens in a nearby town it is a third of the price and 4 times as big.

I'm sorry you couldn't get your elephant, I think it would have been nice if Qvc had offered some of the lower priced items on 3 or 4 easy pays to give people a chance to purchase one.


p's over the last 34 years I have had cats continually and not one of them has "mauled" any of the soft toys I have out on the couch chairs etc., they give them a good sniff but that's it.
I own one white teddy bear which my mum bought me when in my late teens. I keep it because she bought it for me. Its kept in a black bin bag in the spare room. I own two Burmese cats who dismember spiders, pull the legs off and expect it to get up and play some more.:devil: Last week the bin bag was ribbed and teddy found dragged across floor. I got it in time and new bag put round teddy. Next day teddy found laying on floor and bag ripped open. Teddy now in another plastic bag and hidden at the bottom of wardrobe. The cats know something is there, they are relentless.
I own one white teddy bear which my mum bought me when in my late teens. I keep it because she bought it for me. Its kept in a black bin bag in the spare room. I own two Burmese cats who dismember spiders, pull the legs off and expect it to get up and play some more.:devil: Last week the bin bag was ribbed and teddy found dragged across floor. I got it in time and new bag put round teddy. Next day teddy found laying on floor and bag ripped open. Teddy now in another plastic bag and hidden at the bottom of wardrobe. The cats know something is there, they are relentless.

They probably think it's a game now.
I agree that easy pay on the slightly lower priced items whatever they may be should be done. If nothing else the opportunity to try something might lead to more sales if the customer feels an item is good enough to budget for. My days of fancy stuff are long gone but I loved 2 of the bears today. Didn't even bother to look at the price:grin:
The late Loopy dog hated cuddly toys and destroyed my inflatable skeleton which used to sit in the hall. He would have give Donna's puddys a run for their money and he liked to have a chat at sometime between 3 and 5 am every morning which I think one of the Burmese does too.
I agree that easy pay on the slightly lower priced items whatever they may be should be done. If nothing else the opportunity to try something might lead to more sales if the customer feels an item is good enough to budget for. My days of fancy stuff are long gone but I loved 2 of the bears today. Didn't even bother to look at the price:grin:
The late Loopy dog hated cuddly toys and destroyed my inflatable skeleton which used to sit in the hall. He would have give Donna's puddys a run for their money and he liked to have a chat at sometime between 3 and 5 am every morning which I think one of the Burmese does too.

I loved one of the bears to day but like you price was a no no, my cats have never bothered with cuddly toys apart from occasionally using one for a pillow, what my late Poppy liked was fresh cut flowers in a vase she would empty it as soon as your back was turned and even if I put the vase higher up she would climb to get it, so I got round that by getting faux ones. Then one of my friends made me a faux flower christmas arrangement and I sat it on the telly I had hardly turned my back when I heard a thump Poppy had pulled it on to the floor. So I put it higher up and she kept going after it so eventually I decided to put it away in a box I went into the kitchen to get some sellotape and when I came back in all I saw was Poppy's tail and back legs sticking out of the box she was head first in trying to pull part of the faux heather out of the arrangement well at least she got that right as she was a Scottish moggie, she was right peeved when I put the box on top of a wardrobe it was too tall for her to reach but she sat for a while staring up at it then gave up and left the room.

I'm very sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I imagine that would explain deep grief and hormonal upset, and quite possibly an intense reaction to baby-centred objects like teddy bears.

Have you had any help or support for this?

Yup. That amount of distaste and reaction seems disproportionate. Acting playfully on occasion is functional and healthy adult behaviour. Teddy bears, for most people, have associations with comfort in their own childhood, and providing pleasure and comfort to their own children. It's hardly surprising that an adult handling cute teddy bears will behave in a different manner to when they're dealing with, say, stainless steel cookware. Finding this behaviour distasteful to the degree that you seem to, suggests that you have unresolved issues of your own.

But 'lighten up' is a much quicker way to say that.

First of all I did pretty much agree that I find the teddy stuff on La Q nauseating.

The main reason for my post is that I find these attempt at psychoanalysis wholly inappropriate for a forum about shopping telly.

I have no idea how much you know about psychology or counselling, though the fact that you have seen fit to suggest to can second guess whether someone has 'issues' or not or whether someone's 'hormonal upset' would cause her to post about 'baby-centred objects' would really suggest that you need to polish up on your skills. Birdie wanted to sound off about something on QVC that had got on her wick, she didn't ask for any analysis, support or counselling. Not only do you not have anywhere near enough information from a couple of paragraphs on here to possibly reach the judgements you have about her,but you really shouldnt then go publishing your pseudoanalysis of someone'state of mind' for everyone on the internet to see, when all she's done is have a little moan about an annoying programme!

Surely people should be able to say that something gets up their nose without risk of someone coming along and telling them this surely must be because they have 'issues'.
Surely people should be able to say that something gets up their nose without risk of someone coming along and telling them this surely must be because they have 'issues'.

Hear, hear! :clapping:

Though to be fair, I do post because I have issues: I'm a complete bitch. :devil:
But I love you anyway. (said a la Dick Emery...... :wink:)

Ooh, you ARE awful! :smirk:


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