my viewing habits have changed - have yours?


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Jun 24, 2008
despite the fact that you may think i have a bleedin' opinion on everything i dont actually* watch much QVC much these days.

i used to watch a couple of hours a day easily, probably more on weekends, but now if i watch an hour every couple of days its probably overstating it. five or ten minutes here or there, no tsv launches, all very "normal". if i want to buy something i check out the website.

why? dunno. too formulaic? not enough interesting ranges or guests? all the personalities have jumped or been sacked? too slick? could be any or all of the above. it doesnt hold my attention any more though.

how about you?

*JR moment... sorry
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I totally purchasing habits have changed and not to QVC's benefit!! I don't buy as much. Before I even signed up to the forum I used to read the posts and I appreciated that rather than think 'thats a bargain for some designer toiletries', I think...a) do I need them and b) could I get a better deal elsewhere (which happens now with some of the other sites). Sites such as '' sometimes have just as good a deal for my decleor. I use Molton Brown, Elemis and just found a fab shower gel in my supermarket for £1.99 for 2!!

Times have changed on QVC and I have too, I used to buy Philosophy but got bored with the brand so don't buy it anymore (probably when Lee went!) and also they lost Molton Brown.
I still watch QVC but more as entertainment/background sound when Im doing something else. I work shifts so am often off during the week. I've had a couple of bad experiences lately with QVC namely bad B&W jewellery which is either faulty or numerous replacements sent which were obviously other peoples returns (could tell from the packaging). On the last occassion when QVC said they would send a bracelet out for the 3rd time, I actually just woke up and said 'NO, my money isn't going to you- you've lost your chance'.

I'm lucky in that I'm quite comfortable and can afford the QVC I've always bought but now I'm just not so fussed with it. Sometimes I watch QVC and squirm when people come on with their tales of 500 kipling bags and 200 pieces of Lola Rose. (Sorry I just think 'credit card debt!' because I know I wouldn't waste that much on the same brand) There must be so many people who are house bound, lonely and getting themselves in so much debt. I know there is lots I can afford but I still can rationalise and can remember 'thats a rip off'. Take today...Mally Cosmetics.......everything I've ever bought I've sent back (and I know and use good quality makes) but there will be still folk buying this to go with their Smashbox AD, Laura Geller AD. You don't need it all and everything in that kit will have cost PENCE to make. Go without and I promise most of the time, the feeling you get is better than the disappointment of the purchase
must admit I too am much more selective on what I buy. I very rarely watch an entire show any more, I flick it on in between adverts. If it is a beauty brand I love, I check out the TSV as I find they really are the only ways to save money - and only if you use all the products.

I totally miss the Molton Brown Christmas TSV, it was great for pressies.
I have definately changed my viewing habits too. I have recently had 2 weeks off work and watched loads, but mainly as background noise - as I don't watch any other TV (you can hardly call Q 'TV' can you?!) - and wanted some 'company' whilst I lay like a dying swan on the sofa!! I did find myself falling for the patter again mind, and ordered and cancelled a few items :blush: But previously I used to check the guide and tune in especially for more!! Probably because I realised I was buying for the sake of it. I don't need a beauty stash. I am more than capable of realising when a product is about to run out so I can look on the Bay or elsewhere and order one in as needed and not have 5 in this magic drawer! I don't need to keep a stash of gifts as I don't have any children, therefore don't need tat for the lollipop woman, teacher, nit nurse etc and any other gift I give is well thought out and not pulled from the dark dirty depths of a QVC drawer :mysmilie_17: So yes, I am definately more discerning in my viewing these days, and it's usually when I am ironing!
I still buy the odd thing from QVC, usually where I think the MBG would be useful.

Otherwise I watch it mainly for ideas and then buy elsewhere, but not always the same brand.

For example I tried and liked the Decleor Aromessence oils. I now use Treatment Oil from M&S which I find very good but not as nicely fragranced, and it costs under £10 for a similar size bottle. Another - I wanted the ION gadget to convert LPs and cassettes to digital / MP3 but it gets consistently poor reviews. I found a simpler product on Amazon for less than half the price.

I have QVC on as "background" when I'm pottering around or on the internet etc.
I watch it so little that when I flicked on before and kathy taylor came on to talk about the morning show I didn't realise who it was. She's looking fantastic these days.
Have to agree with what everyone has said so far.

QVC has just become for me so formulaic and predictable. Lately all you ever get is the same TVS, same tedious sales patter and 99% of their stuff you can find cheaper elsewhere with much lower P&P rates.

I barely buy anything from them now and only have it on when there is nothing else to watch or I want some background noise.

Babe Rainbow xx
I wholeheartedly agree with everything that has been said on this thread. They have got so big customer care is the last thing on their minds and the trash they witter on about is unbearable. As has been said many times already, informed facts about products are what is needed. Could not care less which of the products the presenters use.

I had already decided to only buy from QVC product which is truthfully unavailable elsewhere, but continue to watch when there is nothing on normal TV, and as a relaxation when on the computer, etc. This is now doubly reinforced by the problem I am having re my account. Apparently a couple of EZ pays did not go through on a ring I purchased. I got a letter dated 2 weeks earlier with the usual rigmarole but they never state how much is owing. Meantime I could not access my account online, this is what led me :angry:to query why this had happened. was told I owed a payment for the ring, so rang CS and paid it. Account still frozen, so asked why, apparently two payments were missing, but I was not told. Now any proper company would send a statement stating how much is owing. It is all too much hassle, what with the slow deliveries, excess packaging and high prices, I'm OUT.
agree with everything said here, I stopped buying when I was on long term sick and no longer had the means. It made me realise how much money I had wasted and that I could get things that were just as good, if not better from the dreaded high street or other websites. I am a real fan of Amazon. Now I am back at work I have bought a few bits, I think their silver jewellery is very good, and I was very pleased with that bag they had a TSV a while back. However the days of them selling well priced stuff that it was hard to get anywhere else are long gone. I watch it for a laugh, dip in and out and then come over to the fourum to check if you lot are giggling at the same things I am, usually you are!!!
I rarely watch any shows right the way through now. I tend to have a look on advert breaks, when I'm ironing, if I'm on my laptop ( sound off ).
I just watch QVC if there is nothing else worth watching, then it will depend on who is presenting as to how long I will watch. Today I watched half an hour of Mally but wasn't tempted by anything. I watched another half hour of fashion they had some nice dresses, but they were too garish for me.
I wonder if QVC has changed us or the internet has. Back in 1997 I could watch QVC for days and be amazed at the stuff on there. Nowadays, 30 seconds on t'internet and I can find a thousand ways of getting the stuff cheaper. The only weapon they have nowadays is the 'easy pay' option.

QVC was great to have on in the background as the overall tone was always happy. Nowadays there's a hint of desperation in the tone. Plus every presenter saying this item is my favourite gets a bit wearing.

I wouldn't want to be in their shoes though, trying to sell stuff and make a profit when the world wants everything at pound shop prices!
I wonder if QVC has changed us or the internet has. Back in 1997 I could watch QVC for days and be amazed at the stuff on there. Nowadays, 30 seconds on t'internet and I can find a thousand ways of getting the stuff cheaper. The only weapon they have nowadays is the 'easy pay' option.

QVC was great to have on in the background as the overall tone was always happy. Nowadays there's a hint of desperation in the tone. Plus every presenter saying this item is my favourite gets a bit wearing.

I wouldn't want to be in their shoes though, trying to sell stuff and make a profit when the world wants everything at pound shop prices!

And there are 50 new pound shops due to open, they get 3million customers a week. Agree that easy pay is the way to go for QVC, maybe on every item over 30 quid and for p&p to be radically overhauled.:angry:
I used to stay up every night to watch the TSV, I remember being away for the weekend when there was a Liz Earl TSV and even though I didn't know what was in it, I stayed up and ordered it as soon as I could get through from the hotel room. Nowadays, I might see something I like, but I order from other sources, such as our own Just Beauty Direct, rtherapy, or amazon, ebay etc etc

Now I dip in and out, I watch more Ideal World, but never buy, as they are more entertaining!
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my viewing habits have changed,mainly because I can't afford QVC anymore - also,I think QVC has changed.Its become very stale with the same old brands,the same old TSv's and the same products over and over again.I used to think QVC was "different" and brought you stuff that you couldn't find/buy elsewhere at quite good value.I don't find QVC good value anymore.

I don't watch much other TV - and do struggle to find other things to watch - and do have qvc on,like the radio.I also realise lots of my QVC habit,is just that - a habit.I'm an infant teacher - so am on my long break from school - and have spent soooooo much time watching QVC.When I'm back at work,I don't watch hardly at all - and am much more "rational" about what I need and want to buy (and mostly don't) Its true to say,for me - the more I watch,the more I drawn to items and am more flippant about purchasing.

I've gone off a lot brands - just bored of them really.kipling don't hold the same appeal for me - just bored overloaded products now.I like yankee,but won't buy anymore - either AD or otherwise (not that I bought that many anyway) I love NN (including TSV today!!!) but you can only have so much bedlinen?! I'm "lucky" that I'm not that much of a beauty junkie - if at all - and opi,I can now take or leave - rimmel,is good enough for me these days!!! I'm not a crafter (luckily,with all that postage!!!) nor a gardener or a technie.Fashion is just:sleepy: and jewellery is all silver (not my colour).So there - I've talked myself out of most brands:angel:
I agree. QVC is now very stale, boring & old hat. I never realised it until I joined this forum & it has really made me think. They need a total revamp of their stock, presenters etc. And I agree about the tone of desperation. Watching the re run of NN with Simon Biagi. Could he be any more annoying ? :angry: He has always got on my nerves anyway.

If we could vote who they should replace my vote would be Jill Franks, Simon Biagi, Alison Young,Julia Roberts, Julian Ballantyne & last but by no means least GLEN CAMPBELL.:smirk:

BTW does anyone else think that Suzie from NN looks very unwell ? I was quite shocked when I saw her.
They need more funky jewellery brands and definitely better fashion. When there is a new launch, usually it goes very well.

There is only so much bedding one can buy FGS. I get so fed up with the endless Kipling bags (I have three, and there's no need for any more). Birkis last forever, so I stick with my same four pairs. All the Kim & Co stuff is just the same old thing in different prints. I am sick of all the shower gels and lotions and potions. I only have one body and I shower once a day. Who really wants to spend £45 on stuff for washing your body when the supermarket stuff Alexis sniffs at is perfectly fine and about a quarter of the price.

I sometimes feel quite sea-sick listening to all the blurb on make-up - primers, foundations, eyegels, lipsticks and lipglosses. This stuff is good to have but you can only have so much. It will all go off with most of it left in the packaging. I prefer to buy what you need. I don't need make-up kits in the car, for the gym, in your handbag and all round the house.

I wonder how the presenters must feel sometimes constantly churning out the same spiel, same adjectives and the same old, same old. They must have a feeling of groundhog day, I bet they could present in their sleep. If I am exhausted listening to them, how must they be feeling?
Agree with all the comments, it is all looking very stale and dated these days. I live in Nottingham (ah yes, we gave the world J R!) and as regards beauty I can get all the "preestigeous" brands at our massive Boots or John Lewis, and no p an p. O K they don't do Laura Geller or Mally but the practically the whole ground floor of the main Boots store is given over to skin care, make up and perfume with loads and loads to choose from and some excellent budget ranges. Appreciate that if you do not have inernet or live near a big town or city then QVC might appeal, but they have become so complacent. They need to take a stroll down the dreaded high street and a good browse on line and check out the competition.

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