My poor feet


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Oct 27, 2008
Can anyone personally recommend the microplane foot file?
My feet are sore and the skin is really rough and hard,awful really!
Tha file gets great reviews but seems a bit too good to be true,if you know what I mean!....just wondered if any lovely ladies on here have got one and if so,would you recommend it?
I use l'occitane foot cream but it only makes the skin softer and doesnt really rid me of my dry skin
Just take heed of the warning instructions about use with diabetes or poor circulation. In fact I only found out I had poor circulation because of the microplane! True my feet are always very cold and I usually use a emery type file ok, but I buffed happily away with the microplane feeling no pain...until a few hours after when I could not walk...when I looked I found I had raw soles and needed plasters on them for days. Feeling a bit daft about the whole episode now:giggle:
If you have normal feet however I think it would be an excellent choice.
i have poor circulation (hereditary) and there have not been any issues as far as i am concerned. xxxxx
You have to get it queenie. I just regret not buying it when it was a TSV and saving a few more pennies. I must say that I am a bit wary of QVC's beauty 'gadgets' but this file is truly brilliant. My grotty feet, despite various foot scrubs and creams, have never looked as smooth and soft as they do now. I would say go carefully the first couple of times till you get the feel of it, as you can get too carried away with the 'grater' file when you see the satisfying little pile of dead skin!!! Go for it you won't regret it.
wow girls you all love it!!!
thanks for all the replies,knew some of you would have tried it but not so many of you!!
am off to order straight away and will report back soon
I am ashamed my feet are so sore and hate to say it but I pick at the skin its so on my feet lots as a nurse so hope it works as you all say it does
thanks again you are all great xx
a tip, if i may, for beautiful feet.

wash, file, foot scrub, wash, cream = baby feet

good luck!!! xx
Another fan here, my review has actually been read out on air!

I agree with Pandora, don't overdo it at first as it is very effective although it doesn't really feel like it's doing much.
a tip, if i may, for beautiful feet.

wash, file, foot scrub, wash, cream = baby feet

good luck!!! xx

Another good tip is to put a thick layer of cream on your feet then put them into plastic bags and put an elastic band around your ankles - leave for as long as possible - the heat will make the cream soak in and your feet will be lovely and soft.
Hi - this is the only file (or hard skin removing product) that has worked for me (I actually bought it because of a thread on here about 18 months ago). For me the key is to use gently but often - either daily or every other day. That way once you have removed any dead skin you keep heel constantly soft as there is no build up. Hope it works for you, I'm sure it will.
I love it and think I am slightly weird in the fact that I get great satisfaction when I see how much dry skin comes of and gets collected in the container part (my other half doesn't share my joy when he sees it though lol) x

I pick mine,gross I know so I can see where you are coming from!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Afraid I have to buck the trend here and tell you that it has not helped my feet at all. Having said that, I have really bad foot problems so I am probably not typical. My feet are so painful I can barely walk and this made no difference to me; think chiropody's the only real answer in cases like mine.
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Afraid I have to buck the trend here and tell you that it has not helped my feet at all. Having said that, I have really bad foot problems so I am probably not typical. My feet are so painful I can barely walk and this made no difference to me; think chiropody's the only real answer in cases like mine.

fair enough
thanks for your honesty :up2:
I used to go to the chiropodist every six weeks but to be honest she only ever got rid of dead skin and it was quite expensive,thats why I fancy giving this a go,think in the long term it may well pay for itself

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