My gorgeous new bangles!


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Liverpool Supporter
Jun 24, 2008
Church of Schumacher, recruiting again!


I really fancied these when I saw them at full price, but I felt they were too expensive. So I was delighted when they popped up on SCW's bargains list - and immediately ordered both!!!

Sadly the emerald one had a cracked stone when it arrived, but I have to speak out in praise of CS - I phoned and said I'd need a replacement. The nice lady told me there was only one left and I begged her to keep it for me. She put me on hold for a mo, then told me she'd send it out to me straight away, instead of waiting for the return. It was with me just two days later, the same day as the Returns label for the damaged one. How unusually good is that???

Anyway, they are extremely lovely and I'm chuffed to bits with them, so thanks again Ian! Highly recommended (though the ruby's all that's left).
OMG Anne they look fab on you and i thought these would be up your street when i saw them for nearly £70 but when they appeared in the bargain hunter i thought wow thats a bargain but never quite thought that you would of snatched both.

they look fab and well worth it for the price as that is nearly the cost of one with just postage on so you got a right bargain there
They are lovely Anne. a very good bargain and don't blame you going for the two
Anne they are so you and look really lovely on your wrist. So pleased you nabbed a bargain, you must have enough jewellery now to open a small shop hon. :D :pPC:

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