Ms Brash


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Sorry, but Lisa Brash and Sally Jacks may be very nice company (for some) for a night out, but there is obviously a target audience they have been employed to appeal to, and its certainly not the more mature end of the market. Sadly the words chic, classy and refined do not describe any of the ladies on this shopping channel, and an assault on the eardrums in any accent only makes for a quick exit on the remote.

I checked out Lisa on the pricedrop website and she has a terrific photograph with her write-up, but the photo and the girl on screen are a million miles apart !
And to think that Lisa Brash left the shopping channel to work in a art gallery! I wonder why that did'nt work out?
I cannot think of another person/job which is'nt less suited.... can you?
I have often wondered who on earth does the recruiting ? Years ago when these channels first got off the ground, there was never the shouty market stall type screaming that now excrutiates our sense of hearing. I cant say what sort of employment would best suit Lisa, - maybe an advert to pack up the **** ! because her voice certainly indicates years of hard puffing ! Many years ago, in another life, there was a term used for ladies with such voices - ' screaming like a fish wife", but those in HR are no doubt too young to remember this, and are probably of the same ilk themselves.
I have often wondered who on earth does the recruiting ? Years ago when these channels first got off the ground, there was never the shouty market stall type screaming that now excrutiates our sense of hearing. I cant say what sort of employment would best suit Lisa, - maybe an advert to pack up the **** ! because her voice certainly indicates years of hard puffing ! Many years ago, in another life, there was a term used for ladies with such voices - ' screaming like a fish wife", but those in HR are no doubt too young to remember this, and are probably of the same ilk themselves.

I can just picture Lisa and Mike when they were together. Sitting on the sofa, puffing away on 80 ciggies and swigging lager.

All while they discussed the works of Renoir.

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