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I will admit QVC can talk their way into most people's pocket purely because you're in the comfort in your own home - and its repeated so much that they make you think you want it/need it - well thats how I feel it is for me.In the cold harsh daylight of a department store,I wouldn't pick half the things I watch on QVC and if I did I'd put it straight back down again because its too expensive!!!!

I do try to think about the things I like/want from QVC - if it was in a depatarment store would I pick it up and put it back down again? If I was out in town today,would I be treating myself to new bedlinen or OPi??!! If I was in town today but spent £100 on boots online sale yesterday - would I be spending again today??? It really makes me relaise that QVC are just there to sell,sell,sell like everyone else - and I've just got used to them in the comfort of my own home.

I do agree that QVC are just like any other store - they sell items and priced for all pockets - but I think their easy pay is there to sway people,who wouldn't ordinarily be happy to part with that kind of money - I know its swayed me in the past :)
Daisy I agree with you on the credit card aspect I have never had one I don't intend to either. I buy pressies throughout the year and having the internet I am able to shop around for the best prices. What does astound me is how some people will pay a price to have a brand name when I can find similar for a far cheaper price else where, I mean how close do you want people to get to you to read the label.

I have never gone out straight after Christmas to the sales, I usually keep an eye out throughout the year with the shops I like for sales then I have the problem of remembering what I've bought nearer Christmas LOL.
Seriously though having had recent increases on my utility bills and having a poorly moggie who has monthly bills I have had to watch my pennies once I get two birthdays out of the way in January and March that will give time to look around for the one at the end of August.

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I don't own a credit card anymore. So if I don't have the money then its no buying. Did get quite a bit of dosh for christmas, as I said before in The Drop I bought what I want in the sales. Precriptives stuff half price, SpaceNK sale candles are my thing from them.

Interesting item in the Daily Wail about the VAT increase and which shops are putting it up straight away on Friday. No doubt people are panic buying with the thought of the VAT increase. Yeah that 2.5% really will break the bank, I don't think so for most people buying normal stuff.

Bet QVC will put it up straight away too. Oh and some stores Currys and Harrods only decreased it for like a month then put it back up to the 17.5%.
"Daily Wail" I love that!

Rainbow Dottie, I totally agree with you about the way QVC seduce people into buying stuff, I've fallen for it many a time. My new technique is to visualise it in Asda or "any other high street store" and see if I would find it so irresistable. Usually works. Easy pay has swayed me as a courier has just delivered my one and only sale purchase from them, a coat that is actually really good quality. As for credit cards, gave em up years ago, it is so liberating. I have had a rough time jobs and health wise over the past four years and have learnt to live well within my means and actually i found I did not miss half the things that I used to crave.
I thought the Next sale was awful. Most of the stuff seemed to be bought in especially for the sale. Needless to say I f.a.r.ted and went home empty handed.

Ever noticed how the Next sale items happen to be stuff they couldn't sell from previous years? Cumalative too :mysmilie_697: Next is very overrated in my opinion and overpriced on a normal day let alone sale time.
While I think that many just put their sale goodies onto their credit cards, there are also people that the recession isn't really having much of an effect on.. So these people still have a sizeable disposable income.. The recession is bad for lots of people, but not for all.. Just my thoughts :mysmilie_1766:

er, I'm one of those - no debts, no mortgage and no kids! Most of my purchases goes on the CC now as I tend to delay paying it off until the last day to avoid interest. So I have been pretty immune and had a job that has been throwing overtime at us for the last year and a bit. But even I know that will be ending abruptly in the New Year (overtime) and I'm saving for that inevitable drop so no unnecessary purchases.

Though when the increase in VAT arrives, give it a couple of months when it filters through the system and people will start noticing. has been 15% all year for everyone


Not according to a reply to the article, customer said they asked why the price had increase and was told head office said to put the VAT back up to 17.5.

Shops did not have to do it, voluntary. Places like Marks and Spencer kept the price labels the same but reduced at the till, some shops didn't reduce at all.
All the change in the vat rate means is that vat has to be paid by the seller at the relevant rate, whether they put prices down when the rate went down or put prices up when the rate goes back up is their choice.

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