Moaning and Groaning


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Right , we all moan and groan about QVC, i admit i do, but what is it that makes us turn on
and watch it. We don"t have to. We all have on and off buttons, but still we all watch it,
and "most" of us are sensible people but WHY do we continually watch it and criticise it.
Do we get some sort of satisfaction, or do we just like to check on the forum and see what
others are saying . So comeone :-- answers please . Let me know i"m not the only QVC
"addict" out there. But like you all i"ve become more sensible, but i still watch.. Am i the
the only one . WHY ???????
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I watch it for many reasons.

It started long ago when my children were very young.It was something to watch late at night,early in the morning.Soon those hours turned into more hours...bit like listening to the radio I suppose...but addictive!!

Now all these years later QVC is my "habit".I can physically feel my body unwind when I come in from work and hear it chattering away.Does that make it my "fix" or just a way to unwind?? I'm not sure :thinking:

I like it on as my DH is a shift now teens are all off doing there own thing and I think maybe its company? And invariably,the more I watch,the more I buy :down: I can see where my downfalls holidays when I'm home...I can see where I'm too busy with work,where I've not watched and not spent....

I was even at a stage where I had it on in my bedroom just to go to sleep!! I've managed to wean myself off that now and now just read until my eyes droop.
I fully agree, I started watching shopping telly when I was highly highly anxious, having a really bad time, everything upset me; dead animals, violence, etc etc, so I found QVC which had no swearing, no RSPCA adverts to traumatise me for the next 10 years, you get the point. Now though, I do use it to just have as background noise to be honest, when again there's something horrid on, or halfway through or Im just not wanting the house to be quiet. I do sometimes though, watch just to see how far they will go and push their selling techniques, which one day had a certain IW presenter leaving me physically in shock, by telling us her Mother used tena lady pads for incontinence, which was the lowest I think I have seen. Morbid curiosity sometimes, car crash Tv :)
I watch it for many reasons.

It started long ago when my children were very young.It was something to watch late at night,early in the morning.Soon those hours turned into more hours...bit like listening to the radio I suppose...but addictive!!

Now all these years later QVC is my "habit".I can physically feel my body unwind when I come in from work and hear it chattering away.Does that make it my "fix" or just a way to unwind?? I'm not sure :thinking:

I like it on as my DH is a shift now teens are all off doing there own thing and I think maybe its company? And invariably,the more I watch,the more I buy :down: I can see where my downfalls holidays when I'm home...I can see where I'm too busy with work,where I've not watched and not spent....

I was even at a stage where I had it on in my bedroom just to go to sleep!! I've managed to wean myself off that now and now just read until my eyes droop.
Rainbow, i do shift work , and when i come home and go to bed, i have to admit i put the tele on with QVC to get me to sleep. Turn it down low, so i don"t hear the "voices" drooning on. But i"m not tempted so much to buy, its just easy tele in the background. And a budget is the best thing to help you think no i don"t need that, and i think this forum has helped me curtail my spending also. And its fun. Thanks :heart:
Yes I too used to sleep to QVC as since a child I had to have noise to sleep, but then I met my new partner who has to have the exact opposite and luckily I changed so even when I sleep alone, its just some sudoku then sleep :) Saves me waking up knowing off by heart the TSV hour :p (which I genuinely did some days) Though I am happy to say I have only ever bought 2 DQ rings and that is completely it in 15 years, and IW didnt even make it to one purchase :) Never risky for me as I know they are full of sh........oppingtelly speak :p
When I lived alone after my husband died I watched it because it was another voice in the house, a way of unwinding after a stressful day at work and it took my mind off things and gave me something to look forward to when I ordered something. I haven`t watched it for almost a year now but I log onto QVC website, look at the daily TSV, look at the item list for the last 24 hours and haven`t bought anything nor watched a live show in 11 months.
I gave up my job to re-marry, moved areas, started a new life and I may have less money but I`ve more time to look around for better value for money. Yep we all moan about QVC but nowadays I`m older, wiser, happier, skinter ( not a correct word i admit : ) but I`m still interested in other peoples purchases, thoughts and highs and lows of telly shopping and like to join in when I can
I rarely tune in to watch a whole show these days.
I hop in when adverts are on.
Sometimes I stay if ridiculous claims are being made, just for jolly.
I've weaned myself off it to a great extent - or maybe more like I've gone off it. When I sit to eat my lunch I'll flick the telly on and check several favourite channels first, then if there's nothing, check what's on Q, sometimes stick with it, sometimes read the paper instead. Sometimes I check what's on in the morning, sometimes I don't even think to, and I have in the past missed an hour I would've liked, say, Kipling, but at least I figure that saved me some money!
I think that like most of us it has been part of my life for so long (since the beginning in my case) it is now essential viewing.
It has seen my through some very dark days and kept me company while I was acting as midwife to my cocker spaniel while she had her puppies.
It is great to watch as you don't have to be able to follow a plot line, worry if you have to pop to check out the kids, dogs answer the phone etc. (before live pause).
I never buy now but it is one of the few ways you can get lots of information about an item and then go and find it cheaper with free P&P else where.
I hope that it never changes its basic format as it has worked for me over the years.
I rarely tune in to watch a whole show these days.
I hop in when adverts are on.
Sometimes I stay if ridiculous claims are being made, just for jolly.

Same here, channel hopping in the ad breaks. Cannot remember when I watched a whole show last.

I used to have it on in the background when on the laptop as it did not distract me. Unfortunately now it just annoys me usually.

Loved QVC in the old days, fun and products at good prices you actually were interested in.
Most of the time when I have it on it's for background noise. I get very lonely and the chatter helps. I start watching more and more when I'm down or anxious. It's just a nice distraction. I like watching the beauty/fashion shows even if I'm not buying (which is less and less these days). I work funny hours now so the first chance I get, it goes on, at the end of the day so I can zone out.
I usually just have it on in the background as I'm doing my housework, when I get home from work or if there's a show I want to watch like crafting or fashion. Don't buy as much as I used to. I come on this forum to have a good laugh at the posts - some of them are really hilarious and also I'm like everyone else, I like a good moan at times so I have to watch QVC so I have something to moan about :)

Snarly, I don"t remember her name but its the dark haired woman, who"s married to
one of the other presenters. Is that any help ????? Barkly
It started when I was at home on bed rest. I turned it on, liked what I saw. Bought a product and my teleshopping addiction began. It passed the day being unable to do much I was able to indulge in some retail therapy. I know we all moan about it but at the same time it provides some of us the opportunity to bask in a little therapy.
Barkly ;-) Thank you kindly! Must be LoenLove! I missed the part where Cheesecake wrote 'IW'. doh! What a cringe moment that must have been! x Snarly
Oh it was, so so embarrasing :( Yeah Loen, she then went on to say how her Mum didnt mind her broadcasting this fact, but come on, everyone in the world would feel bad surely. How she could have that little respect for her Mums privacy for the sake of a sale made me feel ill :(

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