Missing cat


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Unfortunately there is still no news about Misty .
I am going to have to get the Dr out,(if he will come tomorrow) as I am in so much pain I don't know what to do with myself.
I can't sit or stand and I am not getting any sleep .It is a long time since I have had such a bad flair up I can only hope it doesn't last to long.
Thank you once again for all of your kind words.
so sorry to hear this MM. i know there's not much we can do but we're always here for you (((hugs)))
You have my sympathies MM - flare-ups are truly ghastly - and you know all the best things to do: rest, warm showers and take your meds regularly - but try to leave some painkillers to have before bedtime.

All the worry about Misty has undoubtedly triggered this but you need to be feeling on top form when she returns home. Hopefully your doc can give you something extra to tide you over this. Do take care.
The Dr wouldn't come out it wasn't an emergency (their description not mine) but I phoned the hospital help line and they arranged for the nurse to come and give me a depomedrin (sp) steroid injection . It will take about 48 hours to fully work but I should start to feel better by the morning.
There is still no news about poor Misty, I really do think that I have to face the hard fact that she is not going to be coming home again.
The stress has been unbelievable and I can't go on living on my nerves like this as it has made me ill.
I will never forget her and she will always have a place in my heart.
Good by Misty.
Oh Karen I'm so gutted there's still no news and that you're still in pain. My heart goes out to you, it really does. I suppose you have to let go at some point, especially when you are under so much strain, and if she comes waltzing back in one day it will be the best gift ever!! Just think that she was happy and well looked after. She had a good life and is probably still having fun somewhere! Not much consolation I know but best to think positive rather than make yourself ill. Take care of yourself Xx

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me too MM (((hugs))) i'm so so sorry misty hasn't come home but you never know, she may still surprise you. i hope you feel better soon.
I am so happy it is nothing short of a mirical Sorry I cant see to type for the tears running down my face
I was just going to bed turned off the T.V put the dogs out and was about to say night to them when in she walked.
She is very thin and hungry so I have left her a big bowl of food and given her a BIG cuddle and shut her in for the night.
The dogs where so excited to see her.
I've just been catching up with the latter half of this thread, and seeing the final post I think I'm nearly in tears too..so happy for you madmax, I wonder where on earth she's been, but just glad to hear she's home. You take care of yourself, I'm sorry you've had such a terrible time...hopefully you will feel better now you have Misty back...hugs x
Just responded on FB but will say same here. Am sooooo happy for you!!! My eyes are full up too. Me and Janie were just saying how worried about you we were. Aww I truly am so chuffed!! Don't let her out of your sight for a while! Xxx lots of love to you, Misty and the doggies too :D

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awwwww MM - i could not be more thrilled!!!!!!

That's absolutely fantastic news Madmax, I bet she's been locked in a shed or garage somewhere and has been let out, you won't want to let her out of your sight for a few days so give her an extra cuddle from me! :mysmilie_515:
Madmax don't forget to tell everyone you reported her missing to that she's come home as I know they keep details on their books for years and get someone to take down all the posters too !
Madmax don't forget to tell everyone you reported her missing to that she's come home as I know they keep details on their books for years and get someone to take down all the posters too !

And put new posters up to say she's home - just to annoy that miserable, inhumane old git ;)

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