Mirena Coil - For health reasons


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miss molly

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Our House
I have been recommended this by hospital as alternative to surgery has anyone got/tried one. I have been reading online lots of negative comments but the Doc and ultrasound lady who has one could not praise it enough for her health benefits.
Don't do it! I have a very dear friend who is currently on long term sick leave after having major abdominal surgery to remove a mirena coil which perforated her uterus and went walkabout in her abdominal cavity, ending up embedded in the omentum.
(She had it inserted for contraceptive use, but when she had it removed she asked them to sterilise her at the same time.)
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My Mirena came out resulting in me getting pregnant aged 40. Sadly ended in another miscarriage which required removal.


while it was in it reduced period to virtually nil, so if you go ahead check you strings regularly!
I had several for contraceptive purposes over a 15 year period. No problems. They also had the benefit of reducing my very heavy periods.
When I had it put in I had backache for a few days and generally felt.miserable. After it had settled down I was fine. I had had another IUD fitted many years previously but never got on with it.. So for me the mirena was a very good device and especially liked the relief from heavy miserable periods.
I took paracetamol about half an hour before having it fitted because they have to open the cervix to insert it. If you do decide to have it, it only takes seconds to put in place. Partner said he could feel the string so it was cut a little shorter.
I think it had to be changed every five years - can't remember - but wasn't a problem for the gyny whipping one out and inserting another.
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I've got fibroids and heavy periods so Doc at hospital said Mirena is good reducing heavy bleeds which would be a godsend but i don't want to pile on weight and get mood swings.
I have got to go for a Hysteroscopy soon because lining is very thick so i will need to see whats results of that are.
I think i would prefer an ablation but Doc put me off with the risks of a damaged bowel and bladder ect.
I had fibroids too from my early thirties and that was probably the cause of my heavy periods which completely stopped with the mirena. At some point I must have started/gone through the menopause and asked for HRT which was prescribed and can be used with the Mirena.
Years passed and it was decided that the Mirena should be taken out - may have been because of bacterial vaginosis, can't quite remember the order of it all. Anyway my fibroids grew as they were fed by the HRT and I was getting breakthrough bleeding and the gyny suggested
I have a hysterectomy. I initially was against it but it would have been a problem continuing with Hrt. Had hysterectomy in Jan this year and feel great. It is a major operation and I did need 6 weeks off work. The only downside is orgasms aren't as strong as they were - well shrugs shoulders life goes on and I have a nice flat stomach.

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