Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV


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I've never watched Bid TV hence had never heard of Mike Mason until reading on this forum that he's joined Ideal World. However, descriptions of him sound so awful that I sincerely hope he won't be appearing on Create and Craft as there are already presenters on there that cause me to switch off shows that I might otherwise have watched and enjoyed.
Seriously, It is good to see some of the presenters getting jobs so quickly after the way they lost their jobs at Bid...But to be honest, out of all of them he would be the one imo who least deserves to "fall on their feet" the way he has. Out of all the presenters they could have chosen (although he could have perhaps been the only one who knocked on their door so to speak!) Why him FGS? His onscreen persona is boorish, aggressive, boastful, often sexist and rude. I would have expected to see them pick up someone like Caroline, Peter Sherlock, or Ben who one would have thought suited their image much better. I was baffled tbh when Mike was chosen to introduce the new "Shop at bid format", and we all know what happened there. All one can hope is old habits are kicked into touch and he can cut it as a decent and likeable presenter....Not holding my breath!

Interestingly, caroline worked for them on their launch night in 2000, so it is understandable that she would see iw as a step back by going back.

Also, for all we know mike could have been keeping bid's head above water for longer than it was (based on sales stats). I don't know... just a thought as to why he would get hired by the number two shopping telly channel.
At the end of the day, you are missing the most important thing....what is a shopping channel all about? He was on prime-time at bid, not price-drop morning slots - if you put 2 and 2 together...
If like me you feel Mike has negative attributes, complain to Ideal World, I know I am. For the sake of Graham (I know he works his fingers to the bone running this place) I will try not to say anything more about Mike, said it all before. I think the fact I came out of the traps pouncing on Graham says a lot to me. Anway if you like him, enjoy him, if not the best thing to do is compalain.

If like me you feel Mike has negative attributes, complain to Ideal World, I know I am. For the sake of Graham (I know he works his fingers to the bone running this place) I will try not to say anything more about Mike, said it all before. I think the fact I came out of the traps pouncing on Graham says a lot to me. Anway if you like him, enjoy him, if not the best thing to do is compalain.


I did find some of the comments on here originally a little border line until Graham removed them but I think we need to try and understand why some people feel this way. There was nothing criminal or threatening though in what was said - it did get a little personal but people are entitled to an opinion. You reap what you sow Mike and your later Bid.tv years did you no favours.

However, what I do find moronic is the fact that Mike's abandoned fan page has been updated recently about Ideal World (posted a link below - it's public so anyone can read it).
Even some of the fans have decided to ridicule people on here, yet Mike and lady slash goddess have not removed some of those comments like Graham has been forced to here.


I've attached a snapshot incase anyone can't see it or if Mike/Lady slash goddess remove it just to see what some of Mike's fans are like. Perhaps 'Ash' is Mike's legal team, he sounds very angry!! I''m beginning to see a correlation here that Mike Mason makes people angry and negative (both fans and none fans alike)... how does any one person achieve that?


  • mmfbp.jpg
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How bizarre

If I had a 'fan' such as AQ, I'd shut the place down!

If I had a 'fan' such as that i'd shut up my home and barricade myself in. There's intense and there's, well, you decide! :mysmilie_59:

I wonder if Gollum will be providing signed photographs like the other Ideal World presenters? Obviously i'd, ahem, expect someone else to sign them for him but still.................... :mysmilie_59:
Rather than just attempting (but failing) to wind Wirral and me up, how about refuting the claims that we've made about Mike? Oh that's right you can't, there is no defence. He is sexist. He would use anything and anyone (including his one child) to get a sale including scare tactics and bending the truth so far it snaps. But as you have no defence of your idol I guess they have to go on the attack.
Rather than just attempting (but failing) to wind Wirral and me up, how about refuting the claims that we've made about Mike? Oh that's right you can't, there is no defence. He is sexist. He would use anything and anyone (including his one child) to get a sale including scare tactics and bending the truth so far it snaps. But as you have no defence of your idol I guess they have to go on the attack.

Let's be charitable here PJ, some less discerning people can be very easily influenced and that isn't their fault.

And some people are very good at influencing such people. Very good indeed, there's much proof of this in the Bid forum, it's in black and white.

I don't watch IW much these days so doubt i'll have much to say going forward but I suspect it's only a matter of time before people get bored of him. That's just my personal opinion which one would hope cannot attract legal action from Gollum's crack team of Google Lawyers :mysmilie_59:


And as much as he would possibly like to wipe it from his CV i'm afraid it's a fact that MIKE MASON DID INDEED USED TO PRESENT ON THE UTTERLY SHOCKING QUIZCALL

Let's be charitable here PJ, some less discerning people can be very easily influenced and that isn't their fault. And some people are very good at influencing such people. Very good indeed, there's much proof of this in the Bid forum, it's in black and white. I don't watch IW much these days so doubt i'll have much to say going forward but I suspect it's only a matter of time before people get bored of him. That's just my personal opinion which one would hope cannot attract legal action from Gollum's crack team of Google Lawyers :mysmilie_59: <img src="http://forum.shoppingtelly.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=10463"/> And as much as he would possibly like to wipe it from his CV i'm afraid it's a fact that MIKE MASON DID INDEED USED TO PRESENT ON THE UTTERLY SHOCKING QUIZCALL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxLUsAhekyw

His CV is astonishing.

Bid TV - closed administration but no doubt Offcom or ASA would have got there in he end and closed them
Quiz Call - closed after phone scandal ripping people of left right and centre
Gala TV - bingo is his level.
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If like me you feel Mike has negative attributes, complain to Ideal World, I know I am.


Do you really think they haven't seen clips of him before allowing him on? Do you really think that your comments will get rid of him? haha. They will look at sales and judge him on that. - Paul more than likely recommended him anyway
Perhaps Ideal World are hoping to hoover up some of Bid TV's less fussy ex-customers and that's why they have hired such an ineloquent, inarticulate host?

He makes Andy Love seem like Stephen Fry :mysmilie_59:
Do you really think they haven't seen clips of him before allowing him on? Do you really think that your comments will get rid of him? haha. They will look at sales and judge him on that. - Paul more than likely recommended him anyway

I bet they haven't seen all of the bad stuff, and lets face it, there is a plethora to chose from.
How about a dossier of all his bad stuff is sent to Ideal World? I'm sure that will definitely get him the sack won't it!:mysmilie_19:
How about a dossier of all his bad stuff is sent to Ideal World? I'm sure that will definitely get him the sack won't it!:mysmilie_19:

Given the inexorable decline in the standard of presentation on Ideal World maybe the 'bad stuff' is exactly why they hired him?

It would certainly suggest (to me at least) a further move towards the gutter, there's obtuse and then there's Gollum.

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