Michele Hope


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Dear fellow forumites, is it just me who is bemused by this range? I think the majority of clothing is hideous - and I cannot believe the extortionate prices - but all the stuff is quickly going limited stock ! Are there some Michele fans out there who will tell me I am missing out on something fabulous? To me it's a close run thing between her and Kim Gobbysohn as to whose range is the worst.
PS - Charlie is amusing when doing fashion
No, I can hardly believe the prices for these nylon,clingy horrors. Even the models struggle to look attractive in them.

But I'm even more amazed by Michele's face. What in the name of ?*@ has she done to herself?
No it's not just you addy. I find this range very over priced for what to me looks like it belongs on a market stall. I have seen one or two bits in the past that I would pay a tenner for but most of it I wouldn't give house room to.
Thank goodness, I was thinking it was just me - I needn't have worried. I have no clue what Michele thinks she looks like, she is a throw back from the 80s. And her boots have the highest heels ever. Michele Hope / Bonnie Tyler - separated at birth I think !
PS 2 cheap looking camisoles for £35 they're having a laugh
At least Kim wears her range when selling it. MH rarely wears anything more than one of her own shirts........she usually has some tight jeans or leggings on. Tonight she seems to have a lace frilled cami on (not one I recognise as her own brand but I may be wrong), tight black jeans and boots and the only thing I think is from her range is the lacy cardi!

has she had a nose job or has it always looked like that, I couldn't believe it!!

I thought her nose looked different too Babytoes.. Then I put it down to too much shading! Lol.. (but something has been done im sure).. I don't like anything in her range & wonder if any high street store would stock her range? (I doubt it somehow) :mysmilie_696:
I don't watch her shows so had a look at a couple of clips to see what you are talking about. I think she is channeling Lulu. Of course! That will be it ~ she hasn't had any work done, she's using Time Bomb, the wonder cream that makes you look as if you have had plastic surgery....:mysmilie_17::mysmilie_11:
MH stuff is appalling. Plastic, granny clothes at extortionate prices. I can't believe that people are purchasing this rubbish. The colours are often very sickly mauves and pinks. MH herself is no advert. I wouldn't want to emulate the ageing barbie-doll look. I'm convinced Charlie was taking the piss last night when he kept saying how much Michele knew fashion.
I could almost hear the crackle of the static electricity coming off those hideous garments. I too have noticed that she hardly wears stuff from her own range. Hardly a good advert for the stuff is it if the "designer" won't even wear it?
Has anyone ever noticed that they rarely show Michele's face for more than a nano second. The camera stays on Kim Mendelssohn whilst she is speaking, but we rarely get more than a glimpse of Michele. As with many people who seem to have had surgical attention, it is really difficult to gauge how old they are. Michele Hope has a youthful figure and her voice is very girlish but when you look at her face she could be anything between 50 and 65. If she cut off her crispy mane, wore her own clothes and dumped the high heeled boots\shoes, she would actually look quite elderly. Frankly, Lulu, though a boit scary, looks much younger even though she probably isn't.
MH stuff is appalling. Plastic, granny clothes at extortionate prices. I can't believe that people are purchasing this rubbish. The colours are often very sickly mauves and pinks. MH herself is no advert. I wouldn't want to emulate the ageing barbie-doll look. I'm convinced Charlie was taking the piss last night when he kept saying how much Michele knew fashion.

well i buy them.........but i hasten to add at the outlet shop at greatly reduced prices & i do love SOME of her items some are behond hideos & my daughter is quick to say no mum thats just plain nasty....
the camis that are thin & plasticy are a great boon to people who are disabled & need material to streeeeeetch over their heads..the pinks & mauves lifts up my colour on bad days ......please note im not picking you out as most of you were knocking her gear.......im an OAP & my young fashion conscious children always tell me how nice i look when we go out the last time we went the following week she asked to borrow my wrap [ dreamkeeper ] as she was having a 1920's themed party for her 29th b'day she said thanks & how people told her how nice she looked...its really a case of what suits one........i cant afford M&S & further up also its size issue with me.........people who need rent a tent sizes are very limited where they can shop......i thank qvc for bring the 3xl sizes for me as i need the room.....it does make me a little uncomfortable that micheles mum is wearing them on her site........micheles daughter is following in her footsteps ??? :mysmilie_34: please lets agree that some of us NEED these sometimes hideous items for all sorts of reasons.......no i wouldnt pay £40 + for a skirt BUT when i can get it for 5 or 6 quid then thats OK for me. It wouldnt do for us all to buy & like the same items/fashions [ or not lol ].......sadly im no longer in my mid 20's & can slip into something silky & right on trend....i was too busy spending my spare cash on my kids clothes & making sure they had as much as i could give them..my old man used to give me money to pop into town for something for me & i would come back with new things for the kiddiwinks :mysmilie_81:
Her range of tops reminds me very much of Per Una range - you know the stretchy crochet type ones they sell?
Iggylover, her clothes are a bit too frilly, pastel and frivolous for me, but I know where you are coming from. I get flamed all the time for my Kim addiction but they suit my lifestyle and they suit ME and I don't care what others think. The more structured style suits my shape and inclinations. They both have some perfectly hideous clothes in their ranges but it's good that you can find things that you love in your size range. For quite a while, I was 5 stones heavier when my thyroid went haywire and I know how difficult it is to even face going into a shop knowing some stick-insect is going to be looking down their nose at you (apologies to the skinnies out there, it's only some of you).
I think michele comes across as quite a nice person - but I agree you never see her head to toe in the clothes.
thanks artie......it really would be a boring old place if we all loved the stuff they peddle every day........some are horrendous & you should see the state some are sent back in......people i think order them for their holidays & then without washing return them for a full refund.....same with shoes....i know they say get them home & try them for 30 days BUT i think some do really extract the urine as the saying goes.......its horses for courses & yes youre right..last time I went into M&S the woman looked me up & down & said we dont cater for your size try evans............grrrrrr & yes she was about a proper size 10 not a JR size 10......its my problems thats piled on the weight in last few years & if i eat any less i would be in serious trouble...i cant exercise & my doc is very good about my weight * when i say is it cos im fat she gets cross & shes a stick insect [ no aimed at our lovely forum ladies as were all shapes & sizes........].....
now youve mentioned it RD you dont see her top to toe like kim but i dont get to see all of her shows.....
Her range of tops reminds me very much of Per Una range - you know the stretchy crochet type ones they sell?

you are so right and a little birdy tells me that the company do in fact provide some of the per una garments:mysmilie_11:
It always makes me laugh when they say 'you won't find anything like this on the high street'. Well, why would that be I wonder? Having said that, there is an outlet place near me that sells similar looking stuff under a different label and I did have a good look to see if I might be missing something special, but no. It's very flimsy indeed and whilst one or two of the less busy pieces might just be ok as an extra, it doesn't float my boat and certainly not at qvc's ridiculous prices.

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