Men presenting fashion (clothes) shows NO NO NO !!!


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Well, it's a learning curve. I'm glad that shopping telly channels have realised that men can sell women's clothes.

Not all men: whoever had a brain fart and decided Glen Campbell is a fashion "expert" needs some serious medication.
Am I right that most fashion designers are men?

Also, have you forgotten that a man (Charlie???) presented the pelvic floor exerciser, although he was not actually able to demonstrate it himself.

please don't tell me the female presenters do....:sweat:
Well I am of a certain age so perhaps old fashioned and I`m not a womens `libber` either nor do I compare the male presenters of QVC with the men from the `rag trade` who come to sell on QVC ...As its the QVC forum it was aimed at those `men` who present on there and no they can`t, don`t do a good job IMO at presenting, coming across as trying too hard and sycophantic
I don`t think either you can compare them to other jobs that men do that were tradionally only done by women because as with the `designers` they have usually served an aprenticeship, so at least know what they are doing only have to listen to them and some of the corkers they come out with ....Glen is in a class of his own isn`t he with all his experience and he still goes on auto pilot with all his inane drivel ...can you tell I`m not having a good day and the pain relief isn`t working!!
If the presenter does a good job I couldn't care less what gender they are.
If the presenter does a good job I couldn't care less what gender they are.
I think thats it a `good job` and most of them don`t IMO
I gringe when I see Craig with a Kipling bag over his shoulder asking that Marie does she think men could use this one in a plain colour!! Thankfully she didn`t answer and he said after I`m sure something was said in his ear ..perhaps not!!
I am fine with either gender presenting anything as long as they do it properly with relevant information that helps the viewer decide if this is a good purchase for them. What I can't stand is the flowery language used by the likes of Charlie as he heaps tortured aliteration on top of strangled metaphor on top of over used cliche. Everything is "breathtaking" (well I have gasped in shock sometimes!), "buttery soft" "mesmerising" and on and on it goes until I want to scream at the screen in the style of Lady Bracknell "it's only a Handbag"

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