Mature Black Bamboo Perennial Shrub in 12 Litre Pot While Stocks Last


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Hi all
I have grown a lovely swaying black bamboo in a big tub by my greenhouse for years. I would never plant it in my garden. You really need to contain most bamboos. It took a few years for the canes to get black. I cut out the damaged stuff in the spring and give it a feed. It endures neglect as I regularly forget to water it.
It is the very devil to propagate from as the roots are just a solid mass. I would not even try to attempt woman handling my plant. You would need an axe for starters!
I can see why it was used by the Japs for torturing prisoners. :eek:
The new growth is spike like! In a tub I can keep it up out of the way of my menagerie.
Well, I've asked elsewhere and chickens love black bamboo so I'm not getting it:(

My new 13 wks old girls have also decimated a shrub in their run that all of our other girls have ignored:mad:
Just ordered two as all of the bamboo in my garden has just flowered and is now dying ahahah, this means that next door can now see straight into the garden, so I am hoping that this will grow quickly and take its place
Mine arrived yesterday and I'm absolutely delighted with it!

It's about 4' high, with thick black stems and lovely minty green leaves. My mum couldn't believe how gorgeous it was, especially as she's seen some in a gardening catalogue for £39!!

Bargain and a fab bargain to boot! :1:
Just ordered two as all of the bamboo in my garden has just flowered and is now dying ahahah, this means that next door can now see straight into the garden, so I am hoping that this will grow quickly and take its place

Has yours arrived ok amber&ruby and did you get two separate pots?

I ended up ordering two as I thought I'd put them in the front garden but I've got 2 stems in one pot so not sure if they've sent me out what they should have done. Can't find the video demo now either to check what RG was showing. Thanks

Also noticed taht now reviews are on QVC that they're not good either:31:
I ordered another 2 after receiving my first fab one. A box came today with one good plant in the 12L bag, and another dead one tied to it - plonked in the same bag but not much of a root ball and completely dead. I rang QVC and they said that the plants will come in separate boxes. They said if I hadn't received my second box next week, to ring back.
I ordered another 2 after receiving my first fab one. A box came today with one good plant in the 12L bag, and another dead one tied to it - plonked in the same bag but not much of a root ball and completely dead. I rang QVC and they said that the plants will come in separate boxes. They said if I hadn't received my second box next week, to ring back.

Thanks:1: I'll wait and see if another one arrives today.

Also, can I ask if you have planted yours in a container or straight into the garden. You might be able to tell that I'm not much of a gardener and this is the most I've ever spent on plants so want it to grow-lol
get one bought &&&&&&&&&& best tip i can give to any bamboo grower is to add a plentifull suply of those water gel retianing crystals......bamboos of all types needs loads of moisture to make them put on their best show....i have many varieties & the ones i took the time to make the hole large enough to add some multi purpose & water gels have don the best.......growing in a barrel or huge pot will keep it alive etc BUT you would get the best out of it if you planted it in the ground.....the only ones to keep in a container is the sasa varities.......sorry dont mean to sound snotty i just love my bamboos & the birds have nested in them for several years......sadly ive not had a visiting panda........mores the pity......great price by the way......water it to death & it will love you all the more....neglect it & it wont die..... just sulk a little.

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