Mathey-Tissot Timepieces - Monday 25 July @ 8.00PM


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Oh he's a gem. I never used to bother with the watch shows but now they are one of my favourite hours. I love his little stories. Love how he thanked 'Jenny from TNT' last time for getting them put on an earlier delivery slot haha. I wonder how they manage to do the price errors without creasing up laughing :mysmilie_17:

Same here - I actively look forward to Kevinski and he delivered last night - in a manner of speaking.
I always seem to catch the last two minutes and find that the collectors have swooped in and purchased all the good stuff before I got a chance.

damn them.

damn them to hell.

or Peterborough.

Same difference.
Nanty doesn't seem to mind the collectors. Presenting the Concorde watch he said 'serious collectors would come in for two or three of these wouldn't they?'

Kev always seems to be going back and forth trying to get more stock from either Igor, or now Alberto......and he always manages to get a few more :wink:
After yet another mention of the wrong price, Nanty said that in the old days they could have just altered the price to the right one but nowadays you can't, they have to honour it :mysmilie_849:

After yet another mention of the wrong price, Nanty said that in the old days they could have just altered the price to the right one but nowadays you can't, they have to honour it :mysmilie_849:


What a load of Bo****ks!

A few months back when Mikey boy was presenting a Watch show, they were showing a Watch priced at £75. Suddenly Mikey says, " Oh, we have the wrong price on this Watch, we'll come back to it later". When the Watch reappeared a few minutes later, it was priced at £150.

How strange that they never honoured the original (wrong) price. They must really think that all of their viewers are complete idiots to believe all of their BS!
First time I've seen this crock o' shite and OMG! Surely if these watches have absolutely NOTHING to do with the esteemed Tissot brand, how the hell do they get away with using the word Tissot in it? It's not as if it's a common name or 'owt. Ok, so we've seen the likes of Kristin Lars which is made to sound Scandinavian, Gino Ginelli or whatever that sounds Italian, Phillipe Mercier sounds French....But Tissot? Why don't they go the whole hog and call them shonky Rolex or chancey Cartier? Even that waste of human flesh that goes by the name of Peter Simon couldn't even pronounce them right, just heard him calling them matthio tissiot...thought straight away of Matt Letissier to find someone else has also picked up on that!

Of course there's a fecking mistake with the pricing that they've got to should be £100 dearer - what a lot of old bull - This is an insult to human intellegence. Stupid twat just said that these watches look like another famous brand beginning with the letter R...What would that be Peter? Rubbish? This bloke is gonna be the death of that channel!
So they're starting this 5pm hour with a new trick of a 'programme change' from the of the watches, a Hugo, has sold out! (They've done a quick job of taking it off the website because it's not there.)

The next thing to note is the Concorde watch has a pricing error. Kevinski agrees and when asked why it has an error, he doesn't know but he knows it should be more :mysmilie_19:

Next is the Mathey Tissot, another one with a pricing error and the one Perv can never pronounce correctly :dull: Kevinski says they cannot change the mistake for another two weeks.

Alberto asked Kevinski if people in the UK were buying the Edmond watch costing £1,150.00 so they could get their hands on the ETA 2824 movement for spares. Kev says it's underpriced in his opinion.

'Update on the Hugo quartz, it looks like collectors have come in and swept them up, so you have to be quick'

All the shelly bay swipe light watches are back which all the footballers have, apparently :mysmilie_506:.........when this stock goes, that's it..........I wish it would. Kev wrongly ordered less of the green and red. The green and red are going to certain football fans.

Perv's mentioned Christmas at least four times and checking out your baskets at least ten times. As it's getting near the end of the hour, he sounds desperate and pleading

Just before the end he shows a Vostok that's coming up at 8pm and then says they've made a mistake in showing that watch as everyone will now go to the web.

There you have the mistake riddled show in a nutshell :mysmilie_1:
It's always the same old story, people buy the Watches up to sell them on. if anyone bought up this crap, then put it on ebay, they would have to be prepared to accept a huge loss! Why are they so bothered who buys? If I were in the Watch business, I wouldn't care a jot who bought them, as long as they sold. It's all BS of course, pretending that they care about the customer, while they spout a pack of lies!

Every time I see these pair of jokers, they seem worse than before! I find myself laughing at them, then laughter turns to anger as I wonder how they keep getting away with it!
Shock! Another "pricing error" in tonight's watch hour. There's something slightly sinister about this Kevin character. For some reason I'm not quite convinced of the truth of some of his statements. I obviously need to work on trusting people more.
After reading the forum about these watches, I did see this hour from start to finish tonight (don't ask). A couple of things caught my attention. First, they never once mentioned how accurate they are, which is I suppose is one of the things we need a watch for, but hey ho, not a biggy I suppose, as I imagine if they don't think we need to know about such things, then why bother? On the watch at the end of the hour was flashed on for a few seconds at over £1,100 a pop, wouldn't it be nice to spend a decent amount commensurate with it's value? Naaaah.
Needless to say the old waffle about collectors buying in two's and threes, and Kevski mentioned a bloke in a pub in Wales was quizzed by his mates about his watch and they all said it's a £300 watch. Well, the Boyo said "No, I got it from I/W". Couldn't make it up could you? Needles to say they all bought one - or two!
I'll keep to my old trusted digital I got from the States in 1986, which is the most accurate watch I have ever had, and cost me $25.
Have a nice evening!
Its mad he (Peter) says anything with no come back whatsoever..............ever!

At one point he said "this is the best watch ever" and that wasnt one of his crap jokes then went onto some obscure ramble about the Italian speaking part of Switzerland.............
Last night's show was the closest to Bid at it's worst - I loved Bid and was sad to see it go, but got used to it not being there. I would have preferred that a different bid style channel popped up in its place like they kept saying it would, instead of having what was once a fairly reputable channel being infiltrated and damaged by the likes of Gollum, Peter et al.

All the trademarks were there - The pricing errors, the shonky back story, and he even said how lovely it would be to own a GOLD plated (said quickly under his breath) watch!
Last night's show was the closest to Bid at it's worst - I loved Bid and was sad to see it go, but got used to it not being there. I would have preferred that a different bid style channel popped up in its place like they kept saying it would, instead of having what was once a fairly reputable channel being infiltrated and damaged by the likes of Gollum, Peter et al.

All the trademarks were there - The pricing errors, the shonky back story, and he even said how lovely it would be to own a GOLD plated (said quickly under his breath) watch!

At the end of the hour, as he was rushing to get his last few words out, he actually said this is your chance to own 'the rarest watch in the world' ... about an automatic piece of junk they had the cheek to ask £1,000 for. I think he had previously said this was the rarest watch they had ever sold which may or may not be true so it is possible he got confused but, even so, it's unforgivable.

The number of these watch shows suggests that the damn things sell which is beyond depressing. Honestly you'll get better quality in terms of accuracy and reliability from any high street jeweller and to suggest that these brands are in any way comparable to the main 'luxury' watch brands is just offensive.
I see the Hugo watches that had been (mistakenly) swallowed up by the collectors in the 5pm show, actually turned up for the 8pm show, with another concocted story!

I suppose these two buffoons work perfectly well together as when Kev tries to say anything about the watches, the other clown, 'Peeder', butts in constantly with his claptrap. Kev looks slightly miffed each time 'Peeder' says Mathio Tissio but then if the fella can't even say the word 'straight', he'll have to put up with it. Good job he wasn't down for the 'strite' brush shows.

All in all a complete shambles!
Can we assume that the word "carp" will sum it up nicely? I can't wait for those immortal words...."just buy it".....

Thank's for the tip Wirral, I was seriously thinking of buying a dozen, but on second thoughts, decided against it. Anyway, before they even start selling them, I bet the stocks will be limited, and the phone lines are already in melt down! :mysmilie_13:
It's the same syndrome as when they flogged the Kinkycades, implying that they will increase in value. About bloomin' time that these people were dropped on from a huge height with the utter carp they spout. Sadly, there will always be people who DO believe them and think they have to tell the truth on-air. If it was up to me, I'd penalise them with a swingeing financial penalty every time they went on air and came out with this drivel - it's not a slip of the tongue, it's deliberate misinformation.

It's always the same old story, people buy the Watches up to sell them on. if anyone bought up this crap, then put it on ebay, they would have to be prepared to accept a huge loss! Why are they so bothered who buys? If I were in the Watch business, I wouldn't care a jot who bought them, as long as they sold. It's all BS of course, pretending that they care about the customer, while they spout a pack of lies!

Every time I see these pair of jokers, they seem worse than before! I find myself laughing at them, then laughter turns to anger as I wonder how they keep getting away with it!
I've noticed that they are seeming to tailor the items/hours around the perceived strengths of the presenters as opposed to putting the products first.

for example... sally is getting more fashion shows and shaun is getting to do the cruise stuff and whatever else he fancies.
Kevinski and Nanty are trying to shill yet more truck loads worth of the supposedly 'very rare' Vostok Schlock.

Kevinski enthused that these wonder watches will remember leap years right through to the year 2100 to which Nanty said 'we won't be here then'. Please, the way it's going Ideal World will do well to be here at 2100 this time next week.

Excruciating isn't in it, the desperation is palpable. This channel has surely never been so downmarket :mysmilie_59:
Commrade Kevinski came out with a new line tonight.........."we found these watches in the store cupboard marked wrongly just siting" Oh superb the old tat apparently siting collecting dust but lets mug the general public for £300 at a time.

Glad you take so much care to look after the stock Commrade Kevinski, can just imagine the store room like delboys garage, the only difference being Del's stock is worth more than Commrade Kevinski's stock.
Kevinski and Nanty are trying to shill yet more truck loads worth of the supposedly 'very rare' Vostok Schlock.

Radio Room watches; the remaining stock being so desirable that it came with a free leather wallet. Desperate times.

Also some of the watches featured Cyrillic Boctok (which autocorrect intelligently suggests it's "bottom") branding as well; this was marketed as a feature :mysmilie_59:

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