Marks and Spencer Beauty Box


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miss molly

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Our House
They have an offer if you spend £40 across Beauty,Home & Clothing you can purchase a beauty box for £10 worth £120.
Thanks, I have gone for it. What's not to like for a tenner !
Well it is already out of stock on line. I got mine last night.

Seems to be back in stock ATM (00:30 Saturday). Am very tempted as I could give it to mum for her birthday pressie (with something else not being a total cheapskate!) but question is do I really need to spend £40 at marks to get it...! ;)
Excellent, that is as good an excuse as any for me to get the handbag I've been wanting to buy for a while :mysmilie_17:

I know it was free last year, but even for a tenner it's great, the Ultrasun face and M&S SPF travel sizes would cost more than a tenner and they're exactly what I need as I like to travel hand luggage only for short breaks. Lots of bits and bobs to make into pressies for others too. Marvellous!
Even though I get loads of offers for free/cheap beauty bundles I rarely go for them as I have ultra sensitive skin and dare not upset it by trying anything new but even I was tempted by this one and took the plunge even though it will probably still be unopened this time next year! There did seem to be a better variety of products this time.
I saw the box contents in M&S yesterday and although there were many items in it I thought that they were small and I thought that the box should have been free with the offer or less than £10, something symbolical like £1. I agree the sizes are very good for travel and hand luggage. This offer is wasted on me even if the box was free with a purchase, I have two full bags from various beauty bashes and I haven't touched anything in about two years but can't resist some beauty TSVs so have a good stash and should really stop buying.
The sizes were much too big to be free considering they are not own brands.

If it had been free people would have been taking armfulls for family and friends.
I meant free with a purchase, so if people spend £40 they can have it, and if they want more then spend another £40.
I still think it's worth it if you want something that's in the box, there are full sizes of some products in there that cost most than a tenner individually.
I thought I would go for this as I saw a jacket in store yesterday but they didn't have my size. I have tried loads of time to add it to my basket and it says in stock when I try to check out it says no stock. How can it let me put it into the basket if it is not in stock!!!! Very frustrating :(
I thought I would go for this as I saw a jacket in store yesterday but they didn't have my size. I have tried loads of time to add it to my basket and it says in stock when I try to check out it says no stock. How can it let me put it into the basket if it is not in stock!!!! Very frustrating :(

Marks and Spencer's website is pretty dire, in my opinion. It's one of the poorer major store websites out there. Of course it is perfection itself compared to QVC's efforts...

I am very tempted by the box, but I keep looking at my stash and sitting on my hands. They'll do the same/similar next year, and maybe by then I will be able to justify it.
My friend got it and is very happy with it. She was wearing the Nails Inc nail varnish from it. A neon coral colour. I would have bought it but I cannot justify anymore stuff until my stash goes down considerably
oh dear! I needed to do some clothes shopping and this accidentally found its way into my basket as well... so much for my willpower.
Just got my box. It's great. I'm a beauty junkie but have been very controlled recently but this box will cover so many away days, weekends etc. Well worth the money ��

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