Many makeup models yet one makeup brush


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I think SJ is like such a lot of us in that her weight fluctuates. For some of us it's a lifelong battle to keep it off . Also she has been posting the odd photo on her Facebook page of her boyfriend who is a very hunky Fireman. Maybe she is just in that comfortable stage with him,enjoying meals together etc. SJ is one of my favourite guests, I find her a pleasure to watch.
Speaking of Superdrug as we were upthread, our new store opened today and it is gorgeous! Everything is new at the moment, nothing was carried over so it looks really lovely. Fortunately I didn't need anything so just got one of the very friendly ladies to show me where certain things are. I find SD rather hides its own brand stuff! Putney was the first SD store but I was worried it would close (to make way for redevelopment as ever round here) but the new store in our mini shopping mall is twice as big. That should mean I can actually see the things posters here recommend instore rather than just online. Yay!
Speaking of Superdrug as we were upthread, our new store opened today and it is gorgeous! Everything is new at the moment, nothing was carried over so it looks really lovely. Fortunately I didn't need anything so just got one of the very friendly ladies to show me where certain things are. I find SD rather hides its own brand stuff! Putney was the first SD store but I was worried it would close (to make way for redevelopment as ever round here) but the new store in our mini shopping mall is twice as big. That should mean I can actually see the things posters here recommend instore rather than just online. Yay!

I've really come to rate SuperDrug. Always something new to tempt me but at reasonable prices without items I don't need bulking it out and £5 p&p. Plus I'm much less tempted to buy when it's real money I'm handing over.
I imagine the mascara rule is sometimes marketing hype. As they say, there is a web site for everything these days. One could refer to this site if wondering about shelf life

Another issue for me whilst watching make up shows - make up artists using their BARE fingers to apply foundations on others.
A year ago I visited a la-de-dah cosmetic house to have my make up professionally applied - which they did so using latex gloves and liquid gloves on their hands. After all, If a clinician uses gloves, I believe the beautician should also
IF a beautician uses bare fingers, get up and leave. Very unprofessional IMO

Thank you for your replies -- Oh and there's no harm in being mucky minority - I need to be a bit more dirty :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_62:

p.s. If you visited my home (by all means, all welcome) you might be surprised whilst opening fridge you will discover all my lipsticks, (40 or so) in a rack....I was told best place to preserve, especially ones that have been discontinued - usually FAVOURITE colours (yep I did shout that!) why oh why do they pull favourite shades from production? GRR double grrrr :mysmilie_51:
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I've done it, cleaned all the brushes! Thanks for the kick I needed, JR's Ego, lol.
I imagine the mascara rule is sometimes marketing hype. As they say, there is a web site for everything these days. One could refer to this site if wondering about shelf life

Another issue for me whilst watching make up shows - make up artists using their BARE fingers to apply foundations on others.
A year ago I visited a la-de-dah cosmetic house to have my make up professionally applied - which they did so using latex gloves and liquid gloves on their hands. After all, If a clinician uses gloves, I believe the beautician should also
IF a beautician uses bare fingers, get up and leave. Very unprofessional IMO

Thank you for your replies -- Oh and there's no harm in being mucky minority - I need to be a bit more dirty :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_62:

p.s. If you visited my home (by all means, all welcome) you might be surprised whilst opening fridge you will discover all my lipsticks, (40 or so) in a rack....I was told best place to preserve, especially ones that have been discontinued - usually FAVOURITE colours (yep I did shout that!) why oh why do they pull favourite shades from production? GRR double grrrr :mysmilie_51:

I keep my nail polish in the fridge and a bottle of Annick Goutal Petite Cherie. It was said the latter went off very quickly so I put it in the fridge. Five years later it is still fine.
I imagine the mascara rule is sometimes marketing hype. As they say, there is a web site for everything these days. One could refer to this site if wondering about shelf life

Another issue for me whilst watching make up shows - make up artists using their BARE fingers to apply foundations on others.
A year ago I visited a la-de-dah cosmetic house to have my make up professionally applied - which they did so using latex gloves and liquid gloves on their hands. After all, If a clinician uses gloves, I believe the beautician should also
IF a beautician uses bare fingers, get up and leave. Very unprofessional IMO

Thank you for your replies -- Oh and there's no harm in being mucky minority - I need to be a bit more dirty :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_62:

p.s. If you visited my home (by all means, all welcome) you might be surprised whilst opening fridge you will discover all my lipsticks, (40 or so) in a rack....I was told best place to preserve, especially ones that have been discontinued - usually FAVOURITE colours (yep I did shout that!) why oh why do they pull favourite shades from production? GRR double grrrr :mysmilie_51:

Discontinued cosmetics has been the bane of my sister's and my life. I remember in the 70's she loved a lipstick with a blue tinge, she'd hate it now lol, and I found some in a bargain basket and bought them all. I loved a Goya lipstick, showing my age, with a lighter shade through the middle to make lips look dewy and full, not that I needed it as I was mercilessly teased about my lips but who is having the last, very loud, laugh now? I am currently on the hunt for a primer for extremely sensitive skin as my Too Faced fave has bitten the dust, any recommendations greatly received, can't have lanolin, aloe, perfume, coconut in it, thank you.
I got a tip from somewhere years ago: when mascara dries out, put a couple of drops of boiled water that was cooled to room temperature (this kills germs in the water) and leave overnight, mascara re-hydrates. I've been using this tip for years never got an eye infection either.

My mum has be doing this for years and she has never had an eye problem. For her, most mascaras are too try to use even when new but doing this seems to keep some of them going forever! I'm sure that "three month" thing is just to keep people buying more.
Agree about discontinued products, it always seems to be the really nice ones that get discontinued. Last year my fave Estee Lauder lipstick colour met this fate, I managed to find a few at various counters, 5 actually, so that should last me a long time.

I also cringe when I see 'improved formula' on things, as I know it will now be ruined.
Agree about discontinued products, it always seems to be the really nice ones that get discontinued. Last year my fave Estee Lauder lipstick colour met this fate, I managed to find a few at various counters, 5 actually, so that should last me a long time.

I also cringe when I see 'improved formula' on things, as I know it will now be ruined.

And my Garnier cleanser and toner have been replaced with aloe version, honey, rose, all irritants to me, unsure about the tea one, I think La Roche Posay will be getting my money, I bought their toner (£12 :mysmilie_11:) but it did suit my skin so think I'll be safe with their cleanser, fingers crossed.
Just got this image of 40 lippy's in the fridge. "whats for dinner tonight? - oh, lipstick and chips" ! :mysmilie_14:
I've done it, cleaned all the brushes! Thanks for the kick I needed, JR's Ego, lol.

You are so welcome I hope that I haven't made people think that they have fallen short of their clean-routine. Life is SO busy these days after all x
I am currently on the hunt for a primer for extremely sensitive skin as my Too Faced fave has bitten the dust, any recommendations greatly received, can't have lanolin, aloe, perfume, coconut in it, thank you.

I am so sensitive, I am virtually auto immune skin wise. :mysmilie_10: Believe it or not the only primer that passes for me is
W7 prime magic in clear which is a dupe of smashbox, but whereas I get blow torch face look with other primers, this brand I don't - at the low price, you can try a tiny dot as an experiment

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