I got the small patent Eva when it was a TSV and that was when I was first aware of the QVC versions having an added cross-body strap. On a small bag it's fine. I have a small Izzy but rarely use the long strap, but if I'm out for the day I'll take it with me for that hands-free extra-shopping bags option.
The same thing happened on Q with Kipling bags; bags which only ever had grab handles started appearing on Q with added long straps. I don't mind this where the grabhandles will flop flat to the sides of the bag but if they stand upright they can get in the way. The whole thing with Kipling was that you could choose a style with the features that suited you but Q wants every bag to be all things to all buyers.
I know I'm amongst bag-friends so can I brag that I own one of 2 chartreuse Izzy bags that were given as a competition prize a year or so ago? I didn't win but saw one on ebay and just bid the Izzy rrp and walked away, thinking it'd go for silly money but I won it and no one except my daughter "gets" how fab it is. She's also eyeing my new pink Paula so I may have to hide it. It'll get it's debut outing at my son's graduation later this month; I can't wait! Ofcourse I'll say "what? this old thing?" if Mr Akimbo comments. :mysmilie_50: