Lori Greiner


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Easily Confused
Aug 13, 2008
OK, the TSV is a bit weird, IMHO, looks too big for the pans. Maybe american pans are bigger.
Can I just have a bit of a rant for a moment, I am p'd off with QVC!
I ordered the stand alone jewellery cabinet of Lori's last time she was on. It was £99.99 and on 3 easypayments. I just missed the white and went onto waitlist. Fine. 2 weeks ago I got a letter from QVC saying my waitlist order was cancelled because QVC could no longer provide the item. Today it is in stock, a hot pick, and of course now £119 and on 3 easypays. Typical :mysmilie_503: I'm done now, :mysmilie_504:
That's terrible. It might be worth ringing customer services and asking for a supervisor. I would be livid and I think you have real cause for complaint since you have written proof that they cancelled your order because they couldn't provide the item. If their customer services are so great they should be grovelling, honouring your order and perhaps even a gift voucher to say sorry...
Hope you get it sorted out Concordia - QVC are being very unfair if they don't let you have it at the original price :angry:
Good luck with CS if you try calling. I have a feeling they'll produce some stock corporate phrase to squirm out of it but please let us know if you get a result :)
Do as someone else stated and speak to a supervisor or manager, sorry to sound "off" but sometimes the normal operatives are unable to do anything that remotely includes thinking outside of the box (or bog standard responses list).
hope you manage to sort something out CC

I think the TSV seems really boring today (no offence meant if you've bought it)

had a look at some of her stuff on the website and theres a table top make up thingy that looks good
Spoke to CS and was told that the order could have been cancelled because that item was not going to be stocked under that item number again - makes sense when they raised the price, but I checked and it is the same. They also said the letter I got was because the 90 days were up and they had no knowledge of more stock coming in. I pointed out that someone had just put a review on the website on 2 May saying they had just received theirs after being on waitlist for months. They offered to reorder for me, at the current price of course, oh, and the white is sold out anyway... as I said, typical! Oh well, good thing I've had a real clear out, less necessary now!
Caught some of Lori Greiner at some godforsaken hour this morning, whilst getting ready for work, and now, listening to her again, am wondering why QVC even bother to put a presenter on with her. Seems to be no interaction between guest and presenter, just a constant sales spiel from Ms Greiner. Reminds me of Kim Mendhelson, gets the bit between their teeth and off they go. Love all the (not so) subtle looks at the monitor, making sure that the item in shot...
Did the airline lose Lori's suitcase? She's had the same dress on all day. It's now extremely creased and crumpled. She's got a lovely ring on though. How bored must I be to be watching this!
I was told by CS that the waitlist service only lasts for 3 months and that after that they don't have to guarantee to give you the same price. I can't even remember what it was now-I told them to not bother at the new price and seemed to have coped perfectly well without what ever it was! They seem to have so many little tricks to get the most money out of people!
Spoke to CS and was told that the order could have been cancelled because that item was not going to be stocked under that item number again - makes sense when they raised the price, but I checked and it is the same. They also said the letter I got was because the 90 days were up and they had no knowledge of more stock coming in. I pointed out that someone had just put a review on the website on 2 May saying they had just received theirs after being on waitlist for months. They offered to reorder for me, at the current price of course, oh, and the white is sold out anyway... as I said, typical! Oh well, good thing I've had a real clear out, less necessary now!

I had cancelled mine only about the 20th April because I decided I wanted white and not oak and also because it had not tracked through quidco. I kept looking and noticed on 28th April that it was back in stock - that's last wednesday, so I reordered it in white.. I paid £99.84.
I was really shocked to see it on today for 20 quid more. I think it is really underhand of QVC.
Mine arrived today and it is already full!
Caught some of Lori Greiner at some godforsaken hour this morning, whilst getting ready for work, and now, listening to her again, am wondering why QVC even bother to put a presenter on with her. Seems to be no interaction between guest and presenter, just a constant sales spiel from Ms Greiner. Reminds me of Kim Mendhelson, gets the bit between their teeth and off they go. Love all the (not so) subtle looks at the monitor, making sure that the item in shot...

I have said this time and time again, that the "vendors" from across the Pond have more rabbit than Sainsbury's. They dont listen to questions put to them, and just rant on and on and on. AND they go on about "not believing the price !" for heavens sake, do they take us for complete fools ? They have 'sold' their products to qvc for prices FAR BELOW what we pay for them, so who are they kidding ?

Last year I paid half the price currently being asked for the pair of silver plated boxes - (bowe and ribbon topped), so qvc are REALLY hiking the prices upward.:angry:
Last year I paid half the price currently being asked for the pair of silver plated boxes - (bowe and ribbon topped), so qvc are REALLY hiking the prices upward.:angry:

I'd agree with this. I've bought three items in as many months that have increased in price by around 20% in the four weeks or so after I bought them, and all have reamined under their original item number depite QVC assuring me that they don't do this. I've also noticed recently various presenters stating in that ever so slightly patronising way that an item brought back into stock for the first time since its sell-out debut has been kept at its introductory price. I don't believe that their spiel about an introductory price lasting 10-12 airings could be constituted as an offer and thus I recognise that they are free to remove it at will, but it feels a little like they are suggesting they are doing me a favour, which I don't like.
Do they ever have these at the QVC outlet shops? Now that would be a good bargain !!!

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