Lola rose tsv 29/3/11


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Oh heck don't point me in the direction of a handbag sale.

I used to get invited to Ri2k/Tula/Radley handbag sales. I'd leave much poorer but with two or three handbags to add to my collection. They sometimes had Jaspar Conran bags too.

Like you I have all the handbags I could possibly need but that doesn't mean I don't want new ones every now and then.
well once again i have given a thread the kiss of death every time i try to join in a conversation on a thread no one enters anything after my post ..... Silence i can hear the tumbleweed blowing across the deserted forum it reminds me of being back at school and not being in with the in crowd or am i just being paranoid xx

don't be paranoid! although I cannot deny that I was trying to find a nice way to say why would anyone want a bag with a monkey on it? But each to their own. Lots of peeps on here think Lola Rose is overpriced and plastic looking, but I love it, so I keep buying it. As for you and Tinks, keep posting-this is not school, so feel free to dive in and comment.and if the conversation dies, so be it-it doesn't mean it's your fault. Tinks was right, this was a fairly slow thread, as us Lola lovers seem thin on the ground!
I have a love hate relationship with Lola Rose. Some peices I love and others have hated and promptly returned. Always keen to see what the tsv will be. Have to say I do pick and chose what to keep as some of the items are a tad on the high side!
I have a love hate relationship with Lola Rose. Some peices I love and others have hated and promptly returned. Always keen to see what the tsv will be. Have to say I do pick and chose what to keep as some of the items are a tad on the high side!

Me too! There are some pieces that I absolutely adore and others that I just don't like at all. I love the Alfie friendship style bracelet but was given one with three strands of beads and a heart charm in pink that I just thought was a bit "blah".

And I agree that sometimes it's pricey too.

I particularly like the pinks and the new coffee stone.
I have a love hate relationship with Lola Rose. Some peices I love and others have hated and promptly returned. Always keen to see what the tsv will be. Have to say I do pick and chose what to keep as some of the items are a tad on the high side!

Me too_On screen I love Lola Rose - have ordered two or three bits over the years and they've all gone back - I just can't see the value in them - particularly when lately QVC seem to be doing a lot of lookey-likeys.

I like the "chunkier" bigger pieces and thats where the money is.I did order a TSV necklace - last year maybe - Wore it for a day and it went back - but sometimes I regret sending it back.

I dunno - I have a very funny relationship with lola rose.

For me,I wouldn't want the TSV to be a ring or bracelet,I'd like a really chunky wow (long) necklace!!
well once again i have given a thread the kiss of death every time i try to join in a conversation on a thread no one enters anything after my post ..... Silence i can hear the tumbleweed blowing across the deserted forum it reminds me of being back at school and not being in with the in crowd or am i just being paranoid xx

Allivee I read your post and intended to reply but have such a busy life at the moment I just don’t get the chance – I can’t tell you the amount of threads I see that I want to join in with, and by the time I get a window of opportunity, the chat has moved on...:sad:

My best advice to anyone who thinks Lola Rose is plasticky/not worth the money etc is don’t try to work out if you’re right or not. I was convinced this was the case and that people were mad to pay LR prices...until I decided to give it a proper go and ordered some items from the LR online January sale. Since then I’ve virtually had to re-mortgage in order to fund my addiction :sweat:. I reckon they coat them with opium or cat nip or something before they send them out :giggle:. Still, I’m very fussy and really don’t like the facetted items, or the hearts or flowers, or the tumble bracelets (told you I was fussy!) but adore the big rings and chunky bracelets. At the risk of sounding like a demented t-caller they are really tactile and I get compliments every time I wear them :wink:. I don't think it matters what anyone else thinks as long as we love our purchases – I have no idea what people see in all these games consoles things, would far rather have a new bracelet (or handbag - hope you enjoy your Kipling!) We’re all different :nod:

Ooo if you want a good look at the ring check out the video for the Gorilla Girlz koraka wallet 151492. She didn't mention it was tsv though and I have seen Anne wearing it before as well as Ali Young. Fingers crossed though because it is stunning

Thanks very much for this, I watched the online presentation, I think it does look like the Benny but am hoping it is the TSV as it is gorgeous. Anne D did say she hadn't chosen it (and therefore couldn't take credit for it matching the wallet!) so am wondering whether that means it was indeed future TSV product placement by the planners? If so I’ll put one in each colour in each size on chequehold at TSV price and work through them (utilising DSR naturally) cos as others have said LR sizing is random to say the least :nod:
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In some ways I would be surprised if the TSV was a ring as the sizing of LR rings are so unpredictable - I've found a medium can fit me in one style but not in another. If they were going to do a ring, it would be great if they did one of her stretch rings.

I am hoping our super sleuths here can provide info soon - this is one of the very few TSVs I would bother to stay up to midnight to check out :sun:
Art Deco: your post made me laugh, sort of discribes me, but I love the tumble bracelets and the facetted pieces. love the way they reflect the light. But like all things you either like them or not, just as well we are all different.
Indeed. I tried the tumble bracelets and they did suit me at at all. Felt like they were clanking and you could hear me coming before you could see me! I also have a tiny wrist so found them a bit heavy. Have the Annette bracelet and the smartie one and love those. So for me it tends to be trial and error hence my love hate relationship with Lola Rose. Still looking forward to seeing what the tsv will be!
Oh knickers! I was really up for that ring. Still it'll make my credit card happy if nothing else.
Oh knickers! I was really up for that ring. Still it'll make my credit card happy if nothing else.

:nod: This is exactly how I feel! I loved the ring but credit card is breathing a sigh of relief as I'm not a necklace girl :whew:

PS: Knickers is such a fab expletive, I laughed aloud at this :rock:! Am going to try and use it far more often :nod: :grin:
I'm not sure which necklace it is after doing a quick search, but I have my fingers crossed its one of the more delicate pieces. I'm not fond of the big chunky items, but really like the small hearts and flowers pendants, and the tumble bracelets. I also would like it if LR did simple stud type earrings, they mostly seem to be dangly ones, which I find are too much with even the more delicate necklaces. With the stones she uses I find its difficult to get a suitable match from another source.
:nod: This is exactly how I feel! I loved the ring but credit card is breathing a sigh of relief as I'm not a necklace girl :whew:

PS: Knickers is such a fab expletive, I laughed aloud at this :rock:! Am going to try and use it far more often :nod: :grin:

Well at least I made you laugh. And we both wanted the ring and neither of us wants the necklace. I've got a short neck and necklaces just highlight the issue so I tend to go for longer length chains or simple necklaces.

Still the ring might be on one of the shows if we're lucky!
Bet its the necklace Alison was wearing in the Mally hour. I saw it and thought I bet there's a Lola rose TSV coming up. AND I won't be buying it. I'm in the club that thinks it is overpriced plastic, saw it in John Lewis and was shocked at the "quality", I don't think it is worth the money, looks nice but..but as they say each to their own.
That's really pretty and matches the Alfie bracelet which I love. But it'll make me look like Nelly No-Neck so I shan't be tempted.

Thank you SCW. Damn but you're good!

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