lip/eyeliner bargains!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Having seen the sets of semi permanent lip and eyeliners on bid for the past month or so, I've been tempted. I've seen them go on air for around about the £12.99 mark with all the extras to be added or course, deciding that I wouldn't as I couldn't justifty spending over £20. Then I started umming and ahhing about them when I saw them going on their website for £9.99. This week both sets were on the website current price £7.99 per set, but sadly the finish date was yesterday and I don't get paid for at least another week, so I thought I'd wait. Just seen the lipliners on air with Peter and Andrea go for £14.99 plus extras and heard them promise that when they do the eyeliners a bit later as a special deal they'll do them for the same price!!! Unbelievable! Yesterday you could have bought a set for £15.98 all in, but today as a special concession you can have it for £22.98 and for even more special value well add on £1.53 for the phonecall you'll have to make!!! They've started harping on about the product's own website..where the pencils are £14.99 for one! Whole things disgraceful imo!
As ever we should take absolutely no notice when they claim something is discounted by 5000% or that an item is available on for £199 when they sell it for a fiver.

I know I'm going to sound a bit naive with this question but I'll take the risk!
When the presenters do some of these price comparisons and encourage you to look at the company's website (Skin Pharmacy etc.) do Situp have an 'association' with the company to be able to undercut them the way they do?
I know I probably sound really dim..........I bow before the superior knowledge of my fellow forumites :bow:
I know I'm going to sound a bit naive with this question but I'll take the risk!
When the presenters do some of these price comparisons and encourage you to look at the company's website (Skin Pharmacy etc.) do Situp have an 'association' with the company to be able to undercut them the way they do?
I know I probably sound really dim..........I bow before the superior knowledge of my fellow forumites :bow:

Yes-Skin Pharmacy are their partners and the products are not sold anywhere else.
It's just a con.
They play the same trick with Laurelle perfumes and Ideal Beauty Products.
thank you aqua, that explains an awful lot, it really does, I had no idea that was the case
and thank you for not laughing at my ignorance!

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