Lifestyle Day on TJC


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Feb 16, 2015
:mysmilie_13: I've been flicking over to TJC during my morning cup of tea and lunch, and it's apparently Lifestyle Day. So far, I've seen a selection of horrible, cheap and nasty-looking 'ornaments' and knick-knacks, which culminated during my tea break this afternoon in (1) a statue of some horses, covered in gold-coloured paint, (2) quickly followed by a glass 'ornament' which was supposedly meant to be a tiger, but looked more like a hippo. Poor Chris St Valery was doing his very best to keep things going, at one point said "OK we'll take a little break" and then (as though it couldn't get any worse), he was lumbered with a load of women's scarves to flog and threatened with having to sell a lantern (?assume this is another ornament?) immediately afterwards. At this point, I switched off.

I would love to know what the presenters are thinking - this channel is going more and more away from selling jewellery and more and more towards selling tat. They still sell the odd piece of silver jewellery + gemstone, which are doubtless good value at ten quid or so, but these items are getting rarer and rarer. I should think any presenters with credibility are desperately looking for alternative employment, and how the likes of Derek Marks (ex-Gems TV) and any credible jewellery designers can bear to be associated with a channel selling tat escapes me.

I know many people on here have said the days of shopping channels are coming to an end - having watched today, I fear this may be the case. Not the way to go, in my opinion.
Agree completely. There have been some really gruesome pieces of tat on offer today, I think Amit must have stopped by a few New Delhi bazaars on his "world travels".
And the biggest joke of all is that when he first moved to TJC after Gems, Derek Marks used to make cryptic remarks which were seemingly aimed as 'digs' at Gems! At least Gems Jewellery don't sell tat that looks like it came from a market stall or £1 shop (and I hope they never will). People who live in glass houses and all that.....
Agree completely. There have been some really gruesome pieces of tat on offer today, I think Amit must have stopped by a few New Delhi bazaars on his "world Antravels".
Agree completely. There have been some really gruesome pieces of tat on offer today, I think Amit must have stopped by a few New Delhi bazaars on his "world travels".

Definitely bazaar tat among what they have on offer This morning I thought Bid was back.....
Yes some really choice stuff being sold .I particularly liked the plastic carved Taj Mahal which they were ensuring us was much cheaper on TJC then if you were a tourist in India ! No wonder Ellis Ward left for pastures new.....
This channel is amazing. I still maintain the opinion that most of their money gets spent on adverts to pump up amit's ego. They are laughably bad.

Derek gibbons is brilliant, but on the whole they should be called the scarfs and accessories channel as they rarely seem to have actual jewellery.
Mr Tom, I agree - Derek Gibbons is the highpoint and Chris St Valery isn't too bad, either. It's the shouty women that get me - and what happened to the bloke from Bid who went there (can't remember his name - ?Mark someone? - think he did evenings/overnight slots at TJC)? He seems to have vanished. I notice that Derek Marks appears very infrequently these days - but I know he does a lot of other things with his time. I also find their self-promotion of "one for one" rather distasteful - "for every item of jewellery you purchase, we provide a meal for a hungry child". Sure, Gems TV also support local communities in countries where the gemstones originate, and they tell you so frequently in their adverts. but they put the point across in a more dignified way, not like they are giving handouts to paupers.
Mark Stewart is now a presenter on a fairly new channel called "That's Solent" which is to do with local news in the Solent area. Weirdly enough, when this channel isn't broadcasting, TJC is usually being shown!
Mr Tom, I agree - Derek Gibbons is the highpoint and Chris St Valery isn't too bad, either. It's the shouty women that get me - and what happened to the bloke from Bid who went there (can't remember his name - ?Mark someone? - think he did evenings/overnight slots at TJC)? He seems to have vanished. I notice that Derek Marks appears very infrequently these days - but I know he does a lot of other things with his time. I also find their self-promotion of "one for one" rather distasteful - "for every item of jewellery you purchase, we provide a meal for a hungry child". Sure, Gems TV also support local communities in countries where the gemstones originate, and they tell you so frequently in their adverts. but they put the point across in a more dignified way, not like they are giving handouts to paupers.

Admittedly I have not seen much of chris st vallery but when I have I have found him to be inoffensive.

Derek manages to have this look on his like as if he is thinking ''uh oh... amit is talking sh#t again''
I was thinking the same,that they will soon have to rename the channel.A lot of the cheap stuff they are selling can be found in any of the markets and small shops around where I live. Jewellery seems to be going down the agenda especially any higher end jewellery.
This morning they are selling a bag called the Lips bag.The handle is shaped from a large pair of lips.Theyve gone all Lulu

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