Life Threatening Advice


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One of my sons nearly died from food poisoning and it was only because he was young and fit that he survived. He caught it from undercooked chicken at one of his friends Bar B Q. He was on weekend leave from barracks, drove back after the Bar B Q and later that night he became so ill he passed out and was found unconscious the following morning, was rushed into hospital and spent 3 weeks fighting for his life.
He then was brought home to me where he had to have totally separate cutlery, plates, his own loo, his bedding and clothes had to be laundered totally separate and anything he used had to be disinfected after use. Every week he had to take a stool sample for testing because long after the symptoms have eased the bacteria still lives in the gut. It took him almost 6 months to return to good health and he lost almost 3 stones in weight at the height of the poisoning and had to be kept constantly on a drip and was drifting in and out of consciousness. The Army rang us and told us we needed to get to the hospital asap.
Around the same time a Scottish nursing home had around 8 elderly people die from food poisoning and people don`t realise that true food poisoning isn`t just a gippy tum, it`s a killer and QVC are idiots if they don`t listen and ensure their presenters and their suppliers give correct info and use correct food delivery.

I've clicked on "like", Vienna, but actually that doesn't seem appropriate! What an horrendous tale! Thank the lord your son got through it.
I've clicked on "like", Vienna, but actually that doesn't seem appropriate! What an horrendous tale! Thank the lord your son got through it.

Ugh that is awful so sorry to hear that ! ..bad enough watching your children with an ordinary stomach bug but when you see them in that state ....I did not have as such a bad experience really compared with yours Vienna was my own stupid fault really ...I had some chicken pieces left out ...thighs I think they were and one still had crystals of ice ever so slightly so o left them another hour ...( not long enough left out in the first place ) and within 24 hours or less I think I was going to the toilet with water coming out water shouldn't have been to put it politely ...I was lucky ..I had no cramps or any sickness and it only lasted a day but was long enough for me to be totally uptight from then on about food hygiene and I did a hygiene cert at a nursery I worked at and after the course we learned so much about meat and bacteria that is is forever fixed in my nut I tell you .....I think everybody should go on a days course at least ....and rice is a killer ...I mean rice ! .. old peoples homes don't even serve it as if warmed up it can be very dangerous ...I go mad if people don't wash their hand after toilet now too and I see this soooo often in public toilets and i won't touch handles with gear skin or taps ....infections from salmonella or ecoli can be easily spread ....
I went to the Jill Franks school of cookery, and even I know that a wipe(!!!) would not be sufficient to clean the scissors and kill the bacteria. It's basic common sense!!

I have had a response from Rachel x
View attachment 13155

Too casual. Not good enough. They should be making an effort to contact any customers that bought the scissors and furnishing them with the correct safety info, or have a message on the bottom of the screen or something. Let's face it, none of us are going to miss the sycophantic messages telling the presenters how wonderful they look. If I ever contacted QVC with a complaint, nothing would enrage me more than that x at the end of the message!!

One of my sons nearly died from food poisoning and it was only because he was young and fit that he survived. He caught it from undercooked chicken at one of his friends Bar B Q. He was on weekend leave from barracks, drove back after the Bar B Q and later that night he became so ill he passed out and was found unconscious the following morning, was rushed into hospital and spent 3 weeks fighting for his life.
He then was brought home to me where he had to have totally separate cutlery, plates, his own loo, his bedding and clothes had to be laundered totally separate and anything he used had to be disinfected after use. Every week he had to take a stool sample for testing because long after the symptoms have eased the bacteria still lives in the gut. It took him almost 6 months to return to good health and he lost almost 3 stones in weight at the height of the poisoning and had to be kept constantly on a drip and was drifting in and out of consciousness. The Army rang us and told us we needed to get to the hospital asap.
Around the same time a Scottish nursing home had around 8 elderly people die from food poisoning and people don`t realise that true food poisoning isn`t just a gippy tum, it`s a killer and QVC are idiots if they don`t listen and ensure their presenters and their suppliers give correct info and use correct food delivery.

That's horrific, Vienna, thank goodness he pulled through. I can't imagine what you must have all gone through. So scary that you can finish up fighting for your life from such a simple thing as a BBQ at a friend's.
I don't have a dishwasher but any kitchen items that have been on raw food get the kettle poured over them, then washed in the washing up (last). To suggest that anything you use on food "just needs a wipe" is ludicrous. How much bacteria do we all know live on those kitchen cloths that are doing the wiping, no matter how clean we think they are? Stupid advice as although most of us just use common sense, there are people that will always follow the advice and that could be seriously damaging.

Conversely, you can be sure that if QVC were selling some product that prevented bacteria (I think they had an anti-bac chopping board), they would be flogging it with the warning that if you didn't buy several now, you would die by Christmas, because if you so much as walk past raw chicken in a supermarket, you have to be boil washed as soon as you get home.
Conversely, you can be sure that if QVC were selling some product that prevented bacteria (I think they had an anti-bac chopping board), they would be flogging it with the warning that if you didn't buy several now, you would die by Christmas, because if you so much as walk past raw chicken in a supermarket, you have to be boil washed as soon as you get home.

:mysmilie_17: You guys make me laugh he he he
I used to go to a gym that was really good nice staff friendly etc ..l..I had just recovered from a stomach bug ....a couple of weeks later I went back to the gym ...what did I see ? Not one drop of soap in the loos to be seen ...not one the nursery I worked in environmental health brought in a gadget where you put your hands under a I think was ultraviolet light after we all washed our hands ..we were all confident we had washed them throughly ...the light showed us that we hadn't ...even though we all used soap ....they advised that we sing happy birthday to you ( in our heads lol ) all the way through and that would more efficiently get the germs off our has stayed with me and I wash my hands twice now ....not always with happy birthday in my head. I never usually do this but I went to the desk of the gym and I told the fella that I had just recovered from a nasty stomach bug and walked into toilet with no sooap ( this was not a one off either ) ..I said what is the point of wiping the equipment down after use ...,when you haven't geot a strict soap policy ...I was fuming and it is soooo unlike me ...I mentioned environmental health and that frightened them ....i weant back apologised when I saw the same fella for getting shirty but explained why I was so concerned ...he was sweet as pie bless him ..e was always soap thereafter ...haven't been for a while but I hope this has stayed with the company even if the staff have probablly changed now....for me anybody who does not ensure soap is available then that is rank rank rank ..and a real health hazard ......
Just a quick wash with water doesn't cut it ...i promise you it's worth every minute to be on the ball with something as basic as handwashing ...hope I don't sound condescending I promise you I don't intend this ...just want to make people aware of what I have learned. :mysmilie_59:
When they do the UV light test, it is horrifying. Not talking about the put on QVC demos but when they show why you are advised not to was chickens. The state of the sink and everywhere the water drips...!
I used to go to a gym that was really good nice staff friendly etc ..l..I had just recovered from a stomach bug ....a couple of weeks later I went back to the gym ...what did I see ? Not one drop of soap in the loos to be seen ...not one the nursery I worked in environmental health brought in a gadget where you put your hands under a I think was ultraviolet light after we all washed our hands ..we were all confident we had washed them throughly ...the light showed us that we hadn't ...even though we all used soap ....they advised that we sing happy birthday to you ( in our heads lol ) all the way through and that would more efficiently get the germs off our has stayed with me and I wash my hands twice now ....not always with happy birthday in my head. I never usually do this but I went to the desk of the gym and I told the fella that I had just recovered from a nasty stomach bug and walked into toilet with no sooap ( this was not a one off either ) ..I said what is the point of wiping the equipment down after use ...,when you haven't geot a strict soap policy ...I was fuming and it is soooo unlike me ...I mentioned environmental health and that frightened them ....i weant back apologised when I saw the same fella for getting shirty but explained why I was so concerned ...he was sweet as pie bless him ..e was always soap thereafter ...haven't been for a while but I hope this has stayed with the company even if the staff have probablly changed now....for me anybody who does not ensure soap is available then that is rank rank rank ..and a real health hazard ......
Just a quick wash with water doesn't cut it ...i promise you it's worth every minute to be on the ball with something as basic as handwashing ...hope I don't sound condescending I promise you I don't intend this ...just want to make people aware of what I have learned. :mysmilie_59:

There is a program called "Mythbusters" and they did some pretty gross things in the show, one of them proved that rinsing your hands in plain water after using the WC is the worse thing you can do for spreading germs. So well done for your crusade!
When they do the UV light test, it is horrifying. Not talking about the put on QVC demos but when they show why you are advised not to was chickens. The state of the sink and everywhere the water drips...!

Ugh yes very true May....I stopped washing chicken a while back after seeing a programme about it ...and just keeping food covered in the fridge is improtant as it can transfer bacteria and microwaves need to be regularly cleaned .. the he time we had finished the food hygiene course we didn't even want to eat out to be honest ...I am wary ...always looking. For hygiene ratings etc lol
I had to do a food hygiene course even though I don't handle the food in work. Very interesting. We had to answer questions afterwards too, as I had watched a documentary about Typhoid Mary a few weeks before I was well in. :mysmilie_17:

The man taking it also mention drying cloths being dangerous, dishes should be drip dried. He was trying to get his wife into that one.

Hot water and soap every time you go to the toilet always , hence my hand cream collection everywhere
Yes, soap and hot water are essential! Anti-bac washes are not necessary, 'plain' soap is fine. I don't visit public loos that often but I get so cross if someone has draped loo roll all over the seat and/or wee'd on it because they're terrified of bacteria. And then go out without washing their hands!

Utensils used for cutting raw meat go straight into hot water and are not left on surfaces.

I have only twice had food poisoning (luckily fairly mild) - both times in restaurants, both times chicken. I avoid it now when eating out!

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