LG guest - doing research might help!


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Jun 24, 2008
This new LG menial has just told us about the Q's special offer : two for the price of one. Yes, buy item 113689, for a bargain £370 + £6.95 postage, and it's kind of a BOGOF! Seriously, she means it's a 2 in 1 bag. Personally, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to use the bag all day, every day of the year, for that price. It seems as if this woman is a lastminute replacement for the regular understudy; she hasn't even seen the bags before today. Doesn't inspire you with the confidence to believe what she says about the tat. At least the other girl knows her stuff!
In her promotional video Lulu G says how pleased she is to be at QVC.Well of couse, she will give thanks every time she sees her bank balance.I am sure lots of people will be enticed into buying her products with EZP's etc.At the end of the video she say's ' & get MEEEEEE'.Well aren't we so grateful for that? Not!
I am of the opinion that there are certain people who have, by their very nature, addictive personalities. Personally, I would never describe myself as such. I am referring to those who 'buy into' ranges such as Kipling, Charlie Bears, LG and Yankee. I love my candles and belong to several fb groups, as one does get lots of advice and tips, and other ways to purchase. I don't go mad spending on them, but do like a fragrant smelling home and prefer the brand, along with Village candles and an independent maker - Tanya's Tarts (check her out on fb - brilliant service great price). Every time Kipling bring out another tsv, there are those who have to have it, or have 2000 bags! Do they have nothing else to spend their money on? Same with CB. Their is collecting, and then being extravagant. If people want to spend £400 on a LG bag 3/4 times a year, that is their prerogative. It certainly isn't mine.
Ouch judgemental!

I'll spend the money I have on whatever I like on LG, or other bags, but I understand those who don't like them, can't afford them or don't want to spend that much without asserting that they have some underlying personality disorder.
Buying the odd bag now and again doesn't mean an addictive personality, but the Kipling fans QVC talk about who have literally thousands in their "collection" (how I hate the subtle marketing ploy in that message) make me wonder. You'd have to use 5 bags a day to have any use out of them in a year. Unless they just like looking at them or knowing they've got them.
Well I have 8 Kipling bags, 7 Yankee large jars, a small side drawer full of tarts and samplers, and a make up bag full of Mally! I like the things Ibuy, return what I don't like and use ebay to flog things I thought I liked but don't use. I think I am "reverse addictive personality disorder" as if my collection of Kiplings gets too big I am compelled to sell one or 2, and I absolutely must use a product. I cannot stand things going to waste or gathering dust.

people should spend their money on whatever they like but having said that owning thousands of kiplings is a little sad. Surely their is room in their lives for something else?
Lets face it there's really nothing QVC sells that we actually need, so if we're compelled to buy or talked into it by a presenter it's to satisfy some desire for whatever reason. I'd heartily agree that owning 10, 50 or 300 of anything might indicate something psychological going on but having close contact with drink and drug abuse I'd rather someone fulfil their need with stuff. It's their money and time, QVC take advantage of these weaknesses but then all retailers do. I take full responsibility for my shopping preference but don't expect others to understand it (not sure I do myself!).
I've never understood why people judge others for what they choose to spend their money on, if it's things that cause no harm or financial burden to anyone else.

I spend every day with the public and meet thousands of them each year, you'd be amazed at the things people enjoy spending their money on or collect, far more niche than the things that QVC sell. (One chap the other day came in wearing a bowler hat, I asked him about it and he said he enjoyed collecting and wearing vintage hats and had over 400 in his spare room. He openly admitted he'd spent more money on them over the years than he cared to remember, but they gave him so much pleasure. Hooray for him!)
I reckon most people have a weakness of some sort. My Mother collected bags of sugar ( yes true ) and when she died we found at least 80 bags of rock hard sugar stashed away in her cupboards. She had a very sweet tooth and during the War she hated the fact that sugar was rationed and she had to drink her tea minus sugar. I suppose the memory of that shortage stayed with her and I suppose in her mind she always wanted to be sure she`d never be without it again.
The point I`m making is I`m sure some people buy so many of an item because they have an inbuilt fear they might be unable to buy it again, that it might disappear or stop being made or change in some way or that they simply never want to be without.
Of course there are people who are genuine collectors but they tend to keep items pristine and unused, think of people who collect toys but who never actually play with them.
I suppose the reasons are endless why people buy what they buy but at the end of the day its nobody`s business but theirs. My weakness is shoes, I own far too many, buy them in sales, have shoes which are still in the box and tend to use the same shoes over and over again. I like shoes, end of.
Ouch judgemental!

I'll spend the money I have on whatever I like on LG, or other bags, but I understand those who don't like them, can't afford them or don't want to spend that much without asserting that they have some underlying personality disorder.

Akimbo, if you read my post fully, you would have read the word "prerogative". We earn our money and can, subsequently, spend it however we see fit. I was merely stating that, imo, there are more worthwhile things to spend it on. Forum = open discussion. I don't feel I am entitled to tell anyone how to spend their money. Especially if I don't know them.
I am of the opinion that there are certain people who have, by their very nature, addictive personalities. Personally, I would never describe myself as such. I am referring to those who 'buy into' ranges such as Kipling, Charlie Bears, LG and Yankee. I love my candles and belong to several fb groups, as one does get lots of advice and tips, and other ways to purchase. I don't go mad spending on them, but do like a fragrant smelling home and prefer the brand, along with Village candles and an independent maker - Tanya's Tarts (check her out on fb - brilliant service great price). Every time Kipling bring out another tsv, there are those who have to have it, or have 2000 bags! Do they have nothing else to spend their money on? Same with CB. Their is collecting, and then being extravagant. If people want to spend £400 on a LG bag 3/4 times a year, that is their prerogative. It certainly isn't mine.

WOW! Really?

So because I like kipling, LG and yankee candles (i have 2 or 3 charlie bears too) I've got a disorder and waste my money?

I don't buy every kipling or LG TSV, although i did purchase the recent LG and kipling one (i post quite often about my purcahses from Q)... but because I liked them not because I've been brainwashed into them like its some of club as you seem to suggest.

I've used yankee candles for years and have only once or twice bought them off Q, I prefer the wax tarts and tart burners so Q's selection of these is poor.

Charlies Bears - My son actually bought me 3 of them last year (one for mothers day, one for christmas and one for my birthday) and I adore them and if I see one that takes my fancy I'll get it.

LG - I have always loved handbags and purchased my first LG bag long before she came onto QVC - I have over 25 pieces from her collection, and use all them regularly.

Kipling - Practical and versatile so a suitable bag for any woman who leads a busy life, i have over 60.

If I want something I'll buy it. I use all my bags regularly because I cannot stand having the same bag day in day out for months/years - it bores me!

What I spend my money on is up to me, no one else... I must say I'm rather offended by your post as it seems to be a clear criticism of me personally (I know its not, but I am the "type" of person you are describing)... every person is different with different tastes/styles and has different finical circumstances, But I'll never judge someone because they couldn't afford a LG bag or because they have 1000 kipling bags etc... its up to them, like its up to me.

Let me ask you, Why don't you like those 4 brands you mentioned? Have you ever actually tried them?
I reckon most people have a weakness of some sort. My Mother collected bags of sugar ( yes true ) and when she died we found at least 80 bags of rock hard sugar stashed away in her cupboards. She had a very sweet tooth and during the War she hated the fact that sugar was rationed and she had to drink her tea minus sugar. I suppose the memory of that shortage stayed with her and I suppose in her mind she always wanted to be sure she`d never be without it again.

I think there are lots of people whose experience of war shortages developed a tendency to squirrel stuff away "just in case". I'm sure my tendancy to keep stuff that might "come in" sometime in the future, comes directly from my dad who had enough bits of wood in his garage to build an ark and boxes of every radio valve ever created. It use to really give him a glow if anyone asked him "have you got..." and he could produce just the right item from the dark recesses of his garage.

I helped a friend clear out her grandma's flat after she passed away and we found some amazing "stuff"; tins of buttons and pre-war dress patterns (which I have in my loft :blush:) but best of all were a couple of tobacco tins with contents labelled "Aspirin..probably" and "small pieces of string" to which we added "too short for any possible use".
Ouch judgemental!

I'll spend the money I have on whatever I like on LG, or other bags, but I understand those who don't like them, can't afford them or don't want to spend that much without asserting that they have some underlying personality disorder.

My name is Scout and I'm a Kiplingaholic.
This new LG menial has just told us about the Q's special offer !

Not a very pleasant way to describe someone who clearly works hard for a living. Inaccurate too, considering she works closely with one of the world's top designers - hardly a job with low prestige. And even if it were, why does someone in a low-skill, low-prestige job not deserve respect rather than condescension?
Collecting things is human nature! We are losing the art of collecting due to being a throw away society as well as the ability to search the internet to buy anything immediately. Most people my mum and her patents era kept most things, such as buttons, batteries, nails etc etc as you never knew when you or someone you knew needed it, why throw useful everyday items away, they had sense but also back then things were made to last not like the cheaply made short life items of today. One of the reasons I buy LG bags is they will last for generations unlike the £5 bag made in a dangerous terrible conditions factory in India that will last a year at best? I get fed up personally of posters bashing items from ranges especially the expensive items it reeks quite frankly and it seems to me those that constantly bash the same old ranges have never purchased from that range so have no basis but cost to base their opinions on, I find that wrong in my opinion!
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