Leg Magic TSV


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I'd like better inner thighs but I've always been too scared to try it cos my friend has one of these and she says using it hurts her lady bits. :blush::eek: - and she hasn't even had any babies!
I'd like better inner thighs but I've always been too scared to try it cos my friend has one of these and she says using it hurts her lady bits. :blush::eek: - and she hasn't even had any babies!

I mentioned this piece of equipment to a physio, he said it sounded great for inner thighs !...The only part is hurt on me was my lower back, so I am careful that if I feel a twinge I stop !, as for "lady bits" trust me I have had mega trouble "down there" and never felt anything at all ..
I have one of the previous models of this and I LOVE it. When I started using it a year ago, I could barely manage 30 reps at a time, but can now manage up to 300. That said, I tend to do sets of 100 a few times through the day and maybe add 10 'look, no hands' (not holding the handlebar to steady myself, which really increases the intensity on the lower abs), or 10 'hold it at the top for 10 seconds' (again, increases the intensity) at the end of each set. This is enough to get the heart pumping and to begin to feel warm.

I've used it in conjunction with watching what I eat and, since Christmas (wouldn't have had the fitness levels or confidence to do this without the work on the Leg Master), brisk 3-4 mile walks about 4 times a week and it's really helped me to tone up, slim down, lose weight and feel generally fitter. Specifically, the Leg Master has improved the shape and tone of my legs and my bottom, which has really headed back northwards since I've been using it. Its cardio vascular benefits also helped me to lose about a stone before I even started with the walking.

If I were in funds at the moment, I'd be tempted to buy this new model, as the price is less than I paid for the old one and the added resistance is interesting. Two things worth noting, though:

1. The new one does not fold up like the old one, so is not so convenient to store (although keeping it out all of the time is actually a good idea as it encourages you to use it, and it doesn't take up that much space anyway. It does mean that you can't easily take it away with you, as I have been known to do).

2. Ideal World has been selling something identical to the previous model for only £19.99. That said, I can't find it on their website at the moment which could mean that they're simply out of stock, or that they've stopped selling it. It could also just mean that the Ideal World website isn't very good!

Anyway, as you can probably tell by the length of this post, a great big vote in favour of the Leg Master from me.

Oooh, and definitely no pain in the 'lady bits':wink2: I can't imagine what your friend must've been doing with it, Love A'kin!
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Thanks Norbitonite - really helpful.

I think I might move my leg magic to the kitchen so I can have a go whilst waiting for the dinner to cook. If I put it somewhere obvious, there's no excuse. At the moment, it's in the corner of my bedroom and just doesn't get used.

I'm confident that I might get to say au revoir to my lard-a*se! I'm already thinking about the dresses I'll be able to wear at Christmas!
Thanks Norbitonite - really helpful.

I think I might move my leg magic to the kitchen so I can have a go whilst waiting for the dinner to cook. If I put it somewhere obvious, there's no excuse. At the moment, it's in the corner of my bedroom and just doesn't get used.

I'm confident that I might get to say au revoir to my lard-a*se! I'm already thinking about the dresses I'll be able to wear at Christmas!

It worked for me!
Same looking one was on IW the other week for £20 not sure if they still have it in stock
Thanks Dazzler I might well give that a go as my back does seem to be my weakest area. I did wear trainers on the Leg Magic but it still seemed to be straining my back. Maybe I need to sort my back first before trying anything else.

It's maybe not your back that's causing your back problems, if you know what I mean. Imbalances and tightness in other parts of your body can end up hurting your back as you try to compensate for it. If I don't keep my legs well stretched my hamstrings get really tight and that can set off back aches for me. Maybe something like yoga or pilates could help you?
is it only me who is hanging my head in shame when i read of you ladies using words i do not understand? 'fitness' 'routine', i mean i understand the words seperatly, but never actually use them together.

vows to lay of the hob nobs
is it only me who is hanging my head in shame when i read of you ladies using words i do not understand? 'fitness' 'routine', i mean i understand the words seperatly, but never actually use them together.

vows to lay of the hob nobs

No iamasmall its not just you. I have never used any fitness contraptions in my life. I shudder at the thought of doing anything remotely energetic. I am sitting here watching Holby eating a twister.

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